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This may seem cheesy, but...

0 dates so far and that's where this is heading?

I was merely stating that the qualities that she had were attractive. Tall, bball IQ, confident, Pretty, etc. Not saying I'd dive all in and drop down to a knee on the first date. Season doesn't begin till October! I'm sure I'll be taking her out before the game. I have some family up there also. I'd also be willing to meet up with any Jazzfanz members for pick-up ball/Lunch/Pub if anyones interested.

Pics or I'm just going to assume you got raped by a fat dude and are lying to yourself to feel better about it.

Just met her, she lives up in SLC. I'm not gonna pull out my phone and ask her to stand still for proof I'm not lying over forums. Haha.
I'll get a picture when I head up there and make sure we have a good view of whatever part of the stadium we're sitting in.

maybe you rush to judgment here. The question was what she
sees in him. It might not have been his looks, from the OP. She was hitting on him because he might be someone who would go to a Jazz game with her.

I predict some interesting self-revelations in the next nine months as these two either get to be friends or get scared of one another. I bet she can slam dunk on him, too.

I can only hope she plays.

PIMP! Go get it bruh. I'm all about them taller girls.

Can't wait to not be ****ing 21 and have women actually be forward/not perpetually conflicted.

Turns me on when a woman is confident enough to approach a man, instead of vise versa
I bet she's 15.
Hahaha, not into those baits.
I guess I did leave out her little sister was attending college down here in STG. I'm guessing she was a year or two older. I would put her between 24-28. I'm 27 so as long as she's not too young to be impressionable then things should go smoothly.
Hahaha, not into those baits.
I guess I did leave out her little sister was attending college down here in STG. I'm guessing she was a year or two older. I would put her between 24-28. I'm 27 so as long as she's not too young to be impressionable then things should go smoothly.

good luck bro. let me know how it goes :D
My first date with my wife was at a summer league game.

My first date with my wife was bowling, and she married me anyway. Wow did I ever get lucky.
My first date with my wife was bowling, and she married me anyway. Wow did I ever get lucky.
On my first date with my wife I forgot to stop by the atm and discovered at the ice cream parlor that I only had two dollars in cash. And no credit cards yet. So we had to split an ice cream sundae.

Guess there's something to be said for screwing up a first date.
On my first date with my wife I forgot to stop by the atm and discovered at the ice cream parlor that I only had two dollars in cash. And no credit cards yet. So we had to split an ice cream sundae.

Guess there's something to be said for screwing up a first date.

It makes you human. That can be very attractive.
I made my wife have a "family date" with me and my girls before anything got serious between us. Then I asked them what they thought of her. I asked their permission to marry her.
I made my wife have a "family date" with me and my girls before anything got serious between us. Then I asked them what they thought of her. I asked their permission to marry her.

This sounds like an episode of "Sister Wives."
This sounds like an episode of "Sister Wives."


Well my decision didn't affect just me. It has a permanent, immediate affect on them as well. I had to consider that in any decision I made. Life is life and it is seldom as cookie cutter clean as we would like it to be.
I met my wife at Hooters. After 18 years of marriage we have yet to split a sundae.