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Thoughts and Prayers

Nearly a million Australians have signed a petition to have that pos senator removed. It's a new record for Australia.
Thoughts and prayers!

At least 18 dead in El Paso. Apparently Texas doesn’t hate enough open carry laws and gun deregulation to provide us with enough good guys with guns to prevent these types of things from happening. My guess is that the shooter/shooters are young white “economically anxious” male adults who spend way too much time on 4chan and Breitbart.

Honestly, how is this even news anymore? The casualties aren’t even into 3 or 4 digits.

One thing we know is it’s too early to talk about gun control and we are the only industrialized country with crazy people as gun laws have no effect on this type of stuff. In fact, we all know that less gun regulation is better. Texas has too many socialist commies and needs gun deregulation.

Thoughts and prayers!
Thoughts and prayers!

At least 18 dead in El Paso. Apparently Texas doesn’t hate enough open carry laws and gun deregulation to provide us with enough good guys with guns to prevent these types of things from happening. My guess is that the shooter/shooters are young white “economically anxious” male adults who spend way too much time on 4chan and Breitbart.

Honestly, how is this even news anymore? The casualties aren’t even into 3 or 4 digits.

One thing we know is it’s too early to talk about gun control and we are the only industrialized country with crazy people as gun laws have no effect on this type of stuff. In fact, we all know that less gun regulation is better. Texas has too many socialist commies and needs gun deregulation.

Thoughts and prayers!
I don't really like the glib tone of this post, but **** man this ****'s gotta stop.
I don't really like the glib tone of this post, but **** man this ****'s gotta stop.

I purposely made it edgy. Maybe I made it too edgy. Took it too far.

You’re right, It needs to stop. But we know it won’t. One party prevents gun control. They wouldn’t even bend after kids were slaughtered in sandy hook.
I purposely made it edgy. It needs to stop. But we know it won’t. One party prevents gun control. They wouldn’t even bend after kids were slaughtered in sandy hook.
As long as the NRA has more sway with Republicans than dead children do, I'm afraid you're right.
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People need to rise up en masse to boot out every damn politician who doesn't support gun control laws. Call our reps … we have a dork named Stewart in the SLC area, a real a-hole who supports every right-wing idea in existence and licks Trump's butt. Boot the mofkr out.
People need to rise up en masse to boot out every damn politician who doesn't support gun control laws. Call our reps … we have a dork named Stewart in the SLC area, a real a-hole who supports every right-wing idea in existence and licks Trump's butt. Boot the mofkr out.
The strength and effectiveness of a democracy is only as strong as our electorate, which is one big reason why ours is pathetic.

There is absolutely nothing that would convince most gun-nuts that there should be real gun laws in place and there are way, way too many of them in this country.

Hot take: I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most gun-nuts and most mass shooters are white males and are ever-increasingly full-blown racists.
The strength and effectiveness of a democracy is only as strong as our electorate, which is one big reason why ours is pathetic.

There is absolutely nothing that would convince most gun-nuts that there should be real gun laws in place and there are way, way too many of them in this country.

Hot take: I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most gun-nuts and most mass shooters are white males and are ever-increasingly full-blown racists.
Most gun owners actually support things like universal background checks and mandatory registration. When polled if they support gun control however support plummets.

You're second point is right on. People who are afraid of immigrants "invading" America, are definitely the type to fill their houses with guns.
The tip of the iceberg of social repercussions from the Trump presidency and right-wing movement. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
As long as the NRA has more sway with Republicans than dead children do, I'm afraid you're right.

That’s the most frustrating thing for me. It’s the same thing every time this happens too. We go through the same cycle and nothing changes because the party in power values nra money more than lives.
I purposely made it edgy. Maybe I made it too edgy. Took it too far.

You’re right, It needs to stop. But we know it won’t. One party prevents gun control. They wouldn’t even bend after kids were slaughtered in sandy hook.

No, it won’t stop. For several reasons. Two of which are a refusal to give up guns by a very significant amount of Americans, think civil war, and aStaggering disregard for mental health.
No, it won’t stop. For several reasons. Two of which are a refusal to give up guns by a very significant amount of Americans, think civil war, and aStaggering disregard for mental health.

It’s not just about the supply of guns that’s already out there, but the availability and ease of them to be sold. There’s so much more we can do to regulate and limit the proliferation of these weapons and large capacity magazines.

Texas allows you to buy semi-autos without a background check. That shouldn’t be.
Most gun owners actually support things like universal background checks and mandatory registration. When polled if they support gun control however support plummets.

You're second point is right on. People who are afraid of immigrants "invading" America, are definitely the type to fill their houses with guns.
Most gun owners support registration? Not the ones I know. That is the lube used to make the slope slippery. That's how when the government decides to take all our guns they know where to go to get them.
Most gun owners support registration? Not the ones I know. That is the lube used to make the slope slippery. That's how when the government decides to take all our guns they know where to go to get them.
Yeah, the polling supports it.

Gun ownership is super super common, lots of people who own a gun, you'd never know because they don't make it a part of their identity. I'm guessing the people you are talking about are a little different in that regard. I'm a lefty lib and I love my shotgun, but if you met me you'd probably never guess I was a gun owner.

When people see the term gun owner they picture a guy with NRA stickers, open carrying with a closet full of guns at home, who treat ownership as a hobby. Those guys are the minority, and it's a shame they are given more legitimacy in the conversation about gun rights than rest of us.
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It’s not just about the supply of guns that’s already out there, but the availability and ease of them to be sold. There’s so much more we can do to regulate and limit the proliferation of these weapons and large capacity magazines.

Texas allows you to buy semi-autos without a background check. That shouldn’t be.

At this point, making guns slightly more difficult to buy, which I support, won’t really make a damn bit of difference. We’ve already reached that saturation point. And gun owners, generally speaking, won’t give their weapons up with out a fight. Literally.
At this point, making guns slightly more difficult to buy, which I support, won’t really make a damn bit of difference. We’ve already reached that saturation point. And gun owners, generally speaking, won’t give their weapons up with out a fight. Literally.

That’s not what the facts say.

Plus, the government absolutely can incentivize people to recollect guns, especially high powered ones.

Literally every other industrialized country has figured this out.