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Timberpups @ Jazz: Jan 21, 7:00 PM MT

Kanter and Favors should watch film of Pekovic's footwork in the paint - excellent positioning and balance, space awareness, very little wasted movement.....he's like a ballerina/russian leg breaker.

Pekovic plays big too. Kanter doesn't know how to use his size.

- Hate to see Derrick sit this game out.
- Gordon played the same way he did before he got injured. Really nice to see that!
- Was not alecs best game but compared to the team he was decent.
- It wasn't Treys best game as a Jazz but still woudn't mind to see the USG% a little higher.
- Enes was just bad! He shouldn't have that high of a USG%.
- Nice to see Rudy with big minutes. Nice blocks in the first half and good finishes around the rim.