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Time to get rid of the embarrassment that is Mike Lee

Burgess Owens is a pile of **** and so is Mike Lee. End post. Owens may not even survive redistricting let alone be popular enough to become a Senator. Romney has a one point higher approval rating in most recent polls than Lee and is far more popular with the general population. Candidates like Mitt, Cox, and McMullin are far more popular when you include the entirety of the states population than Lee or Owens. It’s why someone like Curtis has the highest approval rating in the state as well. All very moderates, or which Lee and Owens are not. They are both grifters.

Your method of analysis of human beings demonstrates a Marxist value system. Whoever disagrees with the Marxist program is otherized and devalued, without any attempt to understand anything.
I understand a lot of Dems will do the Primary sidestep to try to get a weaker candidate on the Republican ticket in Utah. But McMullin has no chance in reality. Lee has street cred with the Mo Establishment and the conservative wing. McMullin's appeal to Romney sorts is weak. He will essentially get 1% of the actually Republican vote, and the 40% vote that is the Dem party will split half for a real wild Marxist powerbrokers in the Dem party, and half for the simply uninformed vote that the Dems own.
I don't know if you know, but McMullin actually glows in the dark.
I don't know if you know, but McMullin actually glows in the dark.

I think he is a nutjob riding the regressive pony that is so deeply stewed in the overeducated lies of the collegiate establishment/globalist chamber of commerce he really believes he's reasonable, normal, socially acceptable, and temple worthy. Well, I'm not his bishop and actually I don't even know if he's a Mo. My file on Romney would read about the same. But I wouldn't be surprised if he were outed either as a kiva enviro democrat or a Lincoln Project fake Nazi with a Tiki torch at a Lee campaign Limo stop in the rain at a Silicon Slopes parking lot wearing nothing but a toga and a sign reading "Nazis For Lee", with about a dozen Salt Lake Trib/Huntsman democrat reporters trying to hype the Mo Nazi theme.

As a chemist, I once worked for an outfit that was inventing florescent dyes. I probably still glow in the dark, and so do most people who ever waved a few of those glow in the dark colored light wands.. And while I can't judge your humor or intellect on baseline signals, I am getting the vibe that you might think glowing in the dark is proof of omniscience and self-validating authority. All I can say is I think most people believe they have such virtues. I think they are Rowland Hall mottos as well as core beliefs of Mo Apostles including Lee.
I don't know if you know, but McMullin actually glows in the dark.
So perhaps this topic deserves more thought than my ignorant, off-the-cuff imagination exercise posted above. Here's the Dizzy News article on Evan McMullin's campaign launch.

Off hand, I bet Colton will vote for McMullin.

A lot of Mormons don't like Trump's distinctly non-Mormon manners as popularly hyped in the Press. The idea of a billionaire doing hookers and giving a truckload of cash to some sleazy politician like Hillary Clinton or Putin for connected string-pulling to get building permits and inspection approvals just does NOT give the right answers to Temple Worthiness interview questions.

MoMullin just can't do that to Lee, who steadfastly droned a Presidential campaign speech on the Jan 6 Electoral College fake Patriot show deriding Trump for clumsy stupidity and quoting from his private instructions from Chief Justice Roberts about what the Constitution should say. Too easy for Lee to do ads on his factually sterling good Mo cred, his patriotic Constitutional posturing, and his good financial stability/Chamber of Commerce voting record. And yes, that was not a typo "MoMullin", I think that is Evan's Campaign essence.

This is an interesting thing. Evan sidesteps the Republican Primary and will split off a lot of Republicans, giving the Dems a real chance.

Here's Lee's nightmare election result in Utah:

McAdams (yes, he'll run) 38%

Lee 37%

MoMullin 20%

Babe 2%

Babe is the stand-in dummy for the John Birch/Lyndon LaRouche non-party voters who own retreats in the hills above the Juniper belts in every rural Utah county. I have no intention to come down to town in the next five years, so the voters of my class will have to write in other nutjobs for Senate. But someone will rise to claim this vote, for sure.