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Tomic to the Jazz

Burke-Tomic pick and rolls in the 2nd unit?

I hope this is true. If the Jazz have Gobert/Favors/Booker/Tomic as their bigs, and maybe Evans as a 13-14th guy (though I expect him not to be back) they are set there. Then FAs and the draft can go to nothing but guards/SFs which would be nice.
Pining for the emergence of Hood, now. If he can become our Middleton........

This team is set up so ****ing well. We are so damn-near complete. We are the emergence of two rookies away from being a contending team. ****ing insanity. Signing the likes of Matthews would put us over the top.




Rebuild complete.
Tomic is such, SUCH a good fit next to Gobert and Favors. It's almost too good to be true.

This is so ****ing exciting. There is simply no center in the FA market that fits this team better as a backup-big, for backup-big money.

You seem to have watched him most... Will he be able to hold his position in the post on offense and defense? Can he shoot from 18 feet?

He seems to move well so I don't think he's a stiff, just worried about strength.
Pining for the emergence of Hood, now. If he can become our Middleton........

This team is set up so ****ing well. We are so damn-near complete. We are the emergence of two rookies away from being a contending team. ****ing insanity. Signing the likes of Matthews would put us over the top.




Rebuild complete.

No on Matthews after the injury imo. But someone else sure, depending on who it is.
You seem to have watched him most... Will he be able to hold his position in the post on offense and defense? Can he shoot from 18 feet?

He seems to move well so I don't think he's a stiff, just worried about strength.

He became a way better defender after he went to Barcelona. Not particularly strong.

He's got great IQ so he'll know how to fit in a system defensively-- he does a good job of coming over to help from the weak side and getting to guards before they're able to penetrate.

I don't think he's good enough to start in the NBA-- if he was a great defender, he'd be starting (that's how high his offensive potential is IMO). However, I think his D is MORE than good enough to come off the bench for this team.
We are making the playoffs next year.

I see this as a positive signal that the bottoming out steps are now completed; Time for Phase II.

Seems to me that the FO had shelved Tomic (and probably Neto, and now Pleiß) until the domestic talent worked itself out. Now that the front court of Favors/Gobert/Hayward is ready for prime time, time to bring in the reinforcements from their secure locations. Kind of like when in Avengers: Infinity War Part I and II the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Inhumans are going to show up to help the Avengers whoop Thanos. The Chitauri and Thanos are gonna be all like OH **** I THOUGHT WE WERE ONLY FIGHTING THE HULK NOW THEY HAVE LIKE TWO MORE OF EVERY AVENGER SUDDENLY.

According to Lindsay, they are looking to make a big splash in the off season. That's going to be a Wes Matthews (RIP in peace all our dreams him re-rocking #23 for the Jazz next season) type player in free agency or some sort of draft day trade with all these draft picks he's been hoarding like Belichick.

Add these moves and Alec Burks' ('member him?) return (probably to the second unit with Trey for some sort of ungodly two-pronged devil probe dribble slash attack) makes the Jazz primed for the playoffs. Privately, I think that they are going to shock the world and be in the mix for home court.

Exciting times to be the Jazz. Seriously, in better shape than any other young team except for maybe New Orleans and that's only because they have Anthony Davis. And Jimmer.
He became a way better defender after he went to Barcelona. Not particularly strong.

He's got great IQ so he'll know how to fit in a system defensively-- he does a good job of coming over to help from the weak side and getting to guards before they're able to penetrate.

I don't think he's good enough to start in the NBA-- if he was a great defender, he'd be starting (that's how high his offensive potential is IMO). However, I think his D is MORE than good enough to come off the bench for this team.

In my extensive research on Youtube for 3 minutes he seems to operate a lot in the post on offense. You think he can hold his offensive position or get pushed off the block?
His post-defense is meh from me recollection-- bigger bodies can back him down, but he really has the length to stymie shots. Could he contain Cousins? Probably not-- but that won't be his role with this team.

He has range-- he's much more focusing on facilitating & diving than hitting mid-range jump shots, but if that's what this team expects him (bad idea) then I'm sure he'll fit in. Think of the role Splitter plays with the Spurs.

If you want to take the comparison of Splitter, he's a Splitter with better passing, worse defense, and a better jump-shot.
In my extensive research on Youtube for 3 minutes he seems to operate a lot in the post on offense. You think he can hold his offensive position or get pushed off the block?

I think he'll get post-position. Maybe not against Tim Duncan-- but again, he'll be going against bench units. Even Jeremy Evans gets post position at times. Tomic isn't a complete beanpole.
His post-defense is meh from me recollection-- bigger bodies can back him down, but he really has the length to stymie shots. Could he contain Cousins? Probably not-- but that won't be his role with this team.

He has range-- he's much more focusing on facilitating & diving than hitting mid-range jump shots, but if that's what this team expects him (bad idea) then I'm sure he'll fit in. Think of the role Splitter plays with the Spurs.

If you want to take the comparison of Splitter, he's a Splitter with better passing, worse defense, and a better jump-shot.

Splitter's a great passer... that would be really good to have... alright I'm in!
With all of this said I've only watched 4 Tomic games in the past year or so, so many of the European posters (wish ECTYA was around) could elaborate more accurately than I did.
From the same article in Marca: "Tomic has had a good year in Spain and he's in one of the best teams in Europe. We're at the point where we're seriously considering paying for his clause", according to Walt Perrin.

In my opinion it's a good move, it's his last chance to get on the NBA train and a backup center who has been in the Euroleague's 1st team the last 2 years could well be a bargain.

He said almost the same thing last year:


Q: You have a couple of foreign players you drafted in the past, Ante’ Tomic in 2008 and Raul Neto last year. What is their status?

A: Both have had pretty good years, and Tomic is on one of the better teams in Europe. We’re at the point with him where we’re trying to make that decision (whether to buy out his contract).

It makes sense that he comes over for 2015-2016. But this has being going on forever. Let's wait until it happens or DL confirm the news.
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Tomic is averaging more assists in Europe than Splitter ever did.

Is his season already over. If so, we should attempt to bring him in now... Use up some of our space and have him get used to playing NBA ball.

Euros, even Splitter, generally need a season or half the season to get going.
That would be great for this team.


That would be a solid lineup, but my dream offseason would be to sign Tomic, Carroll, and trade Burke and our top 10 pick for either Bledsoe, Teague, or Conley. This will allow us to compete right away and let Exum develop. He can still be great, but it looks like he is still a few years away, especially offensively. Teague might be the most likely out of those three. Schroeder has played well lately and adding Burke as his backup along with a top 10 pick could be enticing for the Hawks. They'd also free up some extra cap space to sign re-sign Millsap. I don't know that Memphis or Phoenix go for that deal, but the Hawks may be willing to make that deal with Schroeder looking much improved (he's averaging 11 and 5 in 22 min over the last 10 games).


We would still be a very young team with the average age of that 10-man rotation being 25 to start the season. Tomic, Burks, and Hood would provide scoring off the bench. Exum will hopefully improve offensively but would be able to continue to focus on being solid defensively and a distributor while his shot and strength develop. Booker would be the 4th big and would continue to bring energy off the bench. Adding Carroll and Teague to the starting lineup would add competent scorers who are also great defenders. This would likely be the best defensive team in the NBA next year with enough offense to get into the playoffs. Give this team a couple years to develop and they could be a championship caliber team if Gobert, Exum, and Hood continue to improve each year.
Next years lineup:



Playoffs next year, Conference finals the year after and then chips for the rest of time.
Burke-Tomic pick and rolls in the 2nd unit?

When was the last time Burke passed? Hope Tomic is good at getting offensive rebounds.

But yeah, if Burke can be taught to pass up a wild 1-on-3 opportunity and hit the OPEN man, then I'm excited. Trey was never willing to involve Hayward in the offense (and thus was moved to 2nd unit chucker) so I have little hope he changes his ways.

This is great news, though. We need some scorers. And like was noted earlier, if Tomic was getting 15-20 mins. in Europe, he'll get the same here AND be playing more games. Our defense keeps the other team's first unit in check, then the subs come in and we pour on the gas. We honestly could have one of the best benches in the NBA with Tomic, a lottery pick, a FA and the continued improvement of Hood, Millsap, Booker and Ingles.