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trade ideal


New Member
only trade ideal i can come up with is maybe trade okur&cash to memphis for o.j. mayo and hasheem thabeet.... by that move you get some what of a ok outside shooting guard who can make some plays and you have a decent center at 7'2 and slide big al to the 4 spot. you get rid of a older player for 2 young players. that is just my thought on this subject.
actually i like the trade first off al jefferson is more of a power forward and not a true center. utah has not had a decent big man to clog the paint and to be honest with you utah shooting guards ain't all that great either...utah sure ain't going to pull some notch shooting guard to utah no time soon. unless you like watching cj miles and raja bell get school every night....you take the chance. fes is just another back up center who can give you about 10min a game. the bench is very thin...
actually i like the trade first off al jefferson is more of a power forward and not a true center. utah has not had a decent big man to clog the paint and to be honest with you utah shooting guards ain't all that great either...utah sure ain't going to pull some notch shooting guard to utah no time soon. unless you like watching cj miles and raja bell get school every night....you take the chance. fes is just another back up center who can give you about 10min a game. the bench is very thin...

Why would Memphis trade a former #3 and a #2 pick for a center who is overpaid, coming off a major injury, and will probably never be the same player again?
hasheem thabeet has been a bust so far...utah is kinda of thin in the front court right now we could used a good able body now. im not saying utah will make a trade but its just ideal only. no team wants to take ak huge contract. pretty much they have nothing to lose right now
Thanks for the idea OP. You did a nice job of justifying your proposal, unlike many other such threads, however, Memphis would never go for this. I'd love it though.
it's a very simple trade...but most likely it won't happen just because most players do not want to play in salt lake city...for the most part just too many nagging injuries this year which kill there hope.
it's a very simple trade...but most likely it won't happen just because most players do not want to play in salt lake city...for the most part just too many nagging injuries this year which kill there hope.

It has nothing to do with players not wanting to play in SLC. It has everything to do with the Grizzlies NOT wanting to trade two of their best players for terrible contract that might be done.
hasheem thabeet has been a bust were i think he just avg like 2pts a game. and o.j. mayo he only avg around 13 pts a game. they are more role players more than anything else. they both ain't even starting for memphis and thabeet he is bury deep down on the roster mayo i think he is the 6th or 7th man off the bench. but all im saying salary wise it make sense but im not saying its going to happen either. and yes most likely it will never happen but that is why it's called a ideal only.
now i see why i dont post anything on here...sometime it might be to have a deeper bench if they were to make a serious push for the playoff. "but as i said once again 110% it will never happen." people read please. i never mention to tear the team apart or making a thread were a ideal trade sound stupid. its simple nothing complex. stay off the drugs people.
it's just some people get me tick off...that i got to keep repeating myself ...if they just read the part "trade will not happen" it's was just a thought that is it.