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Trent Forrest fan club

Rondo would do the exact same thing in his Boston days....

There was just less emphasis on taking a lot of 3's, so people cared less.
I am not sure what you are arguing about or if you just like to argue. Forrest is not even close to the same tier player Rondo is, or was especially in his prime. And as you said the emphasis was not on the 3, so he just didn't make a big deal out of being limited in that area. Forrest is no Rondo. They may have superficially similar games but the comparison really stops there. Rondo lead the league in assists multiple years, was a 4 or 5 time all star and a top tier defender. Forrest has a long way to go to get to anything like that level.
I am not sure what you are arguing about or if you just like to argue. Forrest is not even close to the same tier player Rondo is, or was especially in his prime. And as you said the emphasis was not on the 3, so he just didn't make a big deal out of being limited in that area. Forrest is no Rondo. They may have superficially similar games but the comparison really stops there. Rondo lead the league in assists multiple years, was a 4 or 5 time all star and a top tier defender. Forrest has a long way to go to get to anything like that level.
Bro, you are the one trying to argue. A dude just said they got similar skillsets and that Rondo had a good career.

The comparison is 1000% valid. Rondo was not taking 3's early in his career. He passed up a ton of shots.

No one is saying Forrest will be exactly like Rondo, jesus ****ing christ.

And Forrest took 3 three's last night and none of them were that badly missed. Give the dude time to get comfortable with taking the shots.
Bro, you are the one trying to argue. A dude just said they got similar skillsets and that Rondo had a good career.

The comparison is 1000% valid. Rondo was not taking 3's early in his career. He passed up a ton of shots.

No one is saying Forrest will be exactly like Rondo, jesus ****ing christ.

And Forrest took 3 three's last night and none of them were that badly missed. Give the dude time to get comfortable with taking the shots.
Wow, calm down bro. All I said was that Forrest is no Rondo and gave reasons. You just said the same thing. And I can say that without feeling the need to get deity involved to make sure you know I think I am above you for some reason. Do you drive a big truck by chance?
Forrest got significant minutes bump this month.

January 16-18mins/game
February 39 (start), 28, 20, 23,
all wins
Homey is going to go full Homey here. Why not promote Carsen Edwards and give him Forrest's minutes. Tell him you get 12 minutes a night and you aren't out there to score. However when he's forced to shoot he has a better chance to make it. The dude has scored 84 points his last two GLeague games and the other team knows he is all the Stars have. I know he's small but he has some attributes that could help our 2nd unit.
Trent has been a breath of fresh air and all the pain out January might have been worth it because it produced Trent Forest.

That being said, how is he going to learn to shoot? The pain of Kobe sagging off Ronnie Brewer in the playoffs still seems fresh to me.

He's not going to shoot. But if he's playing on the ball and he's a threat to get in the lane and hit a floater or get to the rim, then that's something and he at least needs to be guarded. He's a zero when he's not playing on the ball, but as a backup PG who is ball dominant he can get by.

He adds some size, toughness and physicality to our backcourt, which is something the team has really needed. The Jazz invested a solid year into his development, from G-league, to Summer League, to consistent minutes this season. Quin is obviously confident knowing that Forrest can play a role for 10 or 15 mins.
Homey is going to go full Homey here. Why not promote Carsen Edwards and give him Forrest's minutes. Tell him you get 12 minutes a night and you aren't out there to score. However when he's forced to shoot he has a better chance to make it. The dude has scored 84 points his last two GLeague games and the other team knows he is all the Stars have. I know he's small but he has some attributes that could help our 2nd unit.

I think some team is going to pick up Edwards and let him play at some point. His shooting percentages are up, and he's scoring plenty. The only question with him is how well he can defend.
Isiah Thomas did pretty well last night in helping the Hornets beat the Cavs.
Morris Almond was a g-league God. Unfortunately there are more Morris Almonds than Isaiah Thomases in the g league. And IT had at least a solid run as an actual NBA player behind him, so he had a leg up on most.
Morris Almond was a g-league God. Unfortunately there are more Morris Almonds than Isaiah Thomases in the g league. And IT had at least a solid run as an actual NBA player behind him, so he had a leg up on most.
Agree on Mo. I'm just trying to stir the pot a little here. The Stars have been horrible this year and Edwards has had to carry them and some games they were playing with seven players. So Quin and Ainge think this is a bad idea let our new acquisition play these Forrest minutes with the same instructions and see what happens.
Forrest had a stretch of really good play, but he's been pretty meh lately.
defensively he's still solid. but he's never gonna give you consistent offense. for an undrafted kid projected to be your end of bench he's exceeding that expectation.
Look at how Simmons, a far far better player with superstar potential and all-world defensive ability, but the same general weakness of Forrest, was exposed and fully exploited to beat the Sixers in such a way that it blew up the team. Forrest isn't anywhere near that level, so if they just isolate him a little bit and give him nothing but an outside shot he is cooked. Nothing he can do. He will be borderline unplayable in the playoffs except for spot minutes. Definitely not getting even the short minutes he is getting now.

And Butler has SO MUCH more potential than Forrest, could be Forrest with an outside shot and better passing instincts. Yet we give him no burn. Just stupid. They have handled Butler's rookie year so stupidly. Makes me think a bit of D Will's rookie year, where he was playing behind, who again? And every time D Will was on the floor he was dominant, but we have to play the safe guy mostly. Can't let D Will get free reign, he might end up playing like Chris Paul did his rookie year, and we don't want that. Oh wait...

Yeah Butler is no D Will, but he is being given the same treatment for no discernible reason really. Just stupid and very bad foresight for the development and coaching staff.
Look at how Simmons, a far far better player with superstar potential and all-world defensive ability, but the same general weakness of Forrest, was exposed and fully exploited to beat the Sixers in such a way that it blew up the team. Forrest isn't anywhere near that level, so if they just isolate him a little bit and give him nothing but an outside shot he is cooked. Nothing he can do. He will be borderline unplayable in the playoffs except for spot minutes. Definitely not getting even the short minutes he is getting now.

And Butler has SO MUCH more potential than Forrest, could be Forrest with an outside shot and better passing instincts. Yet we give him no burn. Just stupid. They have handled Butler's rookie year so stupidly. Makes me think a bit of D Will's rookie year, where he was playing behind, who again? And every time D Will was on the floor he was dominant, but we have to play the safe guy mostly. Can't let D Will get free reign, he might end up playing like Chris Paul did his rookie year, and we don't want that. Oh wait...

Yeah Butler is no D Will, but he is being given the same treatment for no discernible reason really. Just stupid and very bad foresight for the development and coaching staff.
You must learn to love and trust the system. Quin is infallible. Long live the system.
You must learn to love and trust the system. Quin is infallible. Long live the system.
The system is love. The system is life. Trust the system. Never doubt the system. Never question the system. The system is life.
The system is love. The system is life. Trust the system. Never doubt the system. Never question the system. The system is life.
The genius is the system. The system is the genius.
