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Trump's Coup Attempt

He makes zero attempt to discuss with others. He merely wants to flood the zone with **** and hope that someone takes the bait. His intention isn’t to seek for better understanding but to troll topics enough that someone argues with him. He “wins” by people engaging with him. I say put him on block and forget about him. It’ll at least force him to create another alt account.
Lol the irony. You obsessing about me rather than discussing the topic like I am. Lol this is hilarious. I bring in explosive evidence where the leader of the insurrection and face of it was escorted in by police and thriller just brings being triggered.

This is how you guys muddy up conversation and try to silence the opposition. You did this with COVID too. How about you address police escorting the face of the insurrection into the Capitol? Why did the Committee hide this from you?
Fox News hosts feeding their dim-witted viewers more lies so they keep tuning in. Huh. Where have I heard this story before?
You’ve at least got to ask that this video evidence be released to everyone, right? Fox or no… something seems to be really off here.
Fox News hosts feeding their dim-witted viewers more lies so they keep tuning in. Huh. Where have I heard this story before?
On 9/11, we actually had 2 TVs going in the house and 2 computers checking the internet. (Turns out I had a coworker in the Marriott at the WTC.) We were switching channels back and forth between 24 hr news stations, and ended up watching a lot of Fox news coverage. It was actually good, and my wife started watching them more than the others because of that. But pretty quickly, within just a couple of weeks, she noticed the difference in their tone, that they weren't trying to report the news but slant it, and switched it off.
On 9/11, we actually had 2 TVs going in the house and 2 computers checking the internet. (Turns out I had a coworker in the Marriott at the WTC.) We were switching channels back and forth between 24 hr news stations, and ended up watching a lot of Fox news coverage. It was actually good, and my wife started watching them more than the others because of that. But pretty quickly, within just a couple of weeks, she noticed the difference in their tone, that they weren't trying to report the news but slant it, and switched it off.
Well and now today, we know that Fox prefers keeping their viewers addicted to the insane, as long as they keep tuning in, American democracy be damned.
You’ve at least got to ask that this video evidence be released to everyone, right? Fox or no… something seems to be really off here.

This stuff has already been combed over ad nauseam by the DOJ and the Jan 6 commission.

I do however, completely trust that Tucker will twist, spin, and lie to get viewers to stay tuned in. Fox News excels at creating paranoia and anger into people and transforming that into cash.

Just as they did with Hillary’s server. Just as they did with pizzagate. Just as they did with Seth Rich. Just as they did with PP. Just as they did with Benghazi. Just as they did with ACORN. Just as they did with Obama’s birth certificate.


Cmon my dude, wake up. Stop falling for this same ********. Btw, the harm Fox News is causing to real Americans aka “the forgotten man” all so rich elites like Tucker can make money off you rubes like you, is just sickening.

View: https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy/status/1632952103764148225?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

This is powerful. Fellow Americans are being hurt by Fox News. Why help them hurt your fellow man so some rich loser who’s angry that msnbc fired him and Jon Stewart once humiliated him, can feel important? Is it really worth it?

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You’ve at least got to ask that this video evidence be released to everyone, right? Fox or no… something seems to be really off here.
What's off in my eyes is why Democrats hid this in the first place? They had this footage for a lot longer than Republicans. They could've released this footage too. They were hiding it. That is why.

This stuff has already been combed over ad nauseam by the DOJ and the Jan 6 commission.

I do however, completely trust that Tucker will twist, spin, and lie to get viewers to stay tuned in. Fox News excels at creating paranoia and anger into people and transforming that into cash.
Can you at least address the factual video of why police escorted the face of the Insurrection in? Why did they do that?
You’ve at least got to ask that this video evidence be released to everyone, right? Fox or no… something seems to be really off here.
What do you think might be hidden? Tens of thousands of hours have been released. Do you think those tens of thousands of hours are misleading compared to the other few tens of thousands of hours? Kevin McCarthy can release it all tomorrow. He released some of it to one source, why not just release the same to the general public? Why not release it all to the general public? If the next few tens of thousands of hours changes the narrative compared to the first ten thousand some odd hours then I'd like to know that. Obviously there is no reason to think that is the case. Better to have 50,000 hours and be sure than to have 10,000 hours and be left thinking this was a violent attack on our capital orchestrated by the outgoing administration, as all the evidence has indicated so far.
Is there a middle ground where the people involved in 1/6 aren’t heroes or insurrectionists? Maybe they were just idiots who should have been quickly charged with trespassing?
I think so. They were all responding to the call of their president. The president of their country. I would focus on the guy who instigated 1/6, built off the Big Lie. And maybe that will happen. But right now, we have an ex-president calling for retribution, for him and for his followers, after leading an effort to overturn election results and prevent a peaceful transfer of power.

And somehow this Banana Republic Hour is happening here, in our country. I would be less focused on people who believed the lie, and foolishly acted on it, and more on this evil clown….

Free article from the Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin, that points out how the media is not really illustrating how unhinged this guy truly is. By not doing so, they normalize further a guy who tried to steal the 2020 election, and seeks retribution….

“Apparently, neither the media nor supposedly sober Republicans have learned anything from the past. Trump gave a bonkers speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, musing about Russia blowing up NATO headquarters, claiming President Biden had taken the border wall and “put it in a hiding area,” and telling the crowd, “I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution”.

We do not get headlines acknowledging this is unhinged. Instead, we get from the New York Times: “Trump Says He Would Stay in 2024 Race if Indicted.” And a similar angle from CNN. ABC started its website report this way: “Former President Donald Trump continues to reign supreme over the conservative wing of the Republican Party.” From The Washington Post: “Trump takes victory lap at conservative conference.”

CBS intoned that Trump “aired grievances with his familiar foes: President Biden, the Department of Justice, and the litany of legal fights he is embroiled in.” Politico went with: “Trump ties a ribbon on the most MAGA CPAC yet.” Hmm.

From the coverage, you would never understand how incoherent he sounds, how far divorced his statements are from reality, and how entirely abnormal this all is.

This spectacle is equal parts infuriating and pathetic. Here are Republicans, some of whom are considering runs for the presidency, who somehow expect to get through a campaign without mentioning the single most disqualifying thing about the leader in the race (other than his mental unfitness): He betrayed the country. Such timidity is itself disqualifying for someone seeking the presidency. If these candidates cannot stand up to an ex-president who is currently devoid of power, how can we expect for them to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic?”

“How entirely abnormal this all is”. Ya think so? With Bolsonaro in the CPAC audience no less, probably taking notes, lol.

Amazing! A banana republic version of the United States, trying to go mainstream. Tell me this is normal…

Yeah, that’s the guy I would focus on. The one doing a real good impression of a defeated leader of a banana republic, seeking to return to power, leading his followers in a drive for RETRIBUTION!! And those in power who helped him in that effort, more so than followers who were only doing what they felt their president was asking of them. Go after the liar who caused all this. The man trying so damn hard to destroy our country.

Otherwise, as Jennifer Rubin observes: “If you put cowering Republicans together with media unwilling to accurately describe what is going on in front of them, you wind up gaslighting voters, who come away with the impression that Trump’s carnival of crazy is acceptable. We know how this ends: If no one is willing to call out Trump for what he is, and the danger he poses to the United States, we risk returning him to the Oval Office.

Whereupon, expect the headlines: “How did this happen?”
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I notice that nobody has addressed that the police literally escorted the main face of the insurrection into the Capitol. Are and of you going to address this. That the US government literally escort the leader of the Insurrection into the chambers?
What do you think might be hidden? Tens of thousands of hours have been released. Do you think those tens of thousands of hours are misleading compared to the other few tens of thousands of hours? Kevin McCarthy can release it all tomorrow. He released some of it to one source, why not just release the same to the general public? Why not release it all to the general public? If the next few tens of thousands of hours changes the narrative compared to the first ten thousand some odd hours then I'd like to know that. Obviously there is no reason to think that is the case. Better to have 50,000 hours and be sure than to have 10,000 hours and be left thinking this was a violent attack on our capital orchestrated by the outgoing administration, as all the evidence has indicated so far.
This is not rocket science. He did not release it to Democrats because they are the party that hid this very very substantial evidence that out government literally escorted the main icon on the Insurrection into the chambers. Democrats hid this from the public. The Democratic committee had this footage and hid it because it destroys your narrative.

The US government... Escorted and even opened doors for the Buffalo guy into the chambers. This was an obvious set up. Buffalo Guy and the US Government literally worked together.

It's just insane that you hypocrites didn't say a word about a one sided committee where every member was a ardent trump hater yet are crying about footage that should've been released by them.
I think so. They were all responding to the call of their president. The president of their country. I would focus on the guy who instigated 1/6, built off the Big Lie. And maybe that will happen. But right now, we have an ex-president calling for retribution, for him and for his followers, after leading an effort to overturn election results and prevent a peaceful transfer of power.

And somehow this Banana Republic Hour is happening here, in our country. I would be less focused on people who believed the lie, and foolishly acted on it, and more on this evil clown….

Free article from the Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin, that points out how the media is not really illustrating how unhinged this guy truly is. By not doing so, they normalize further a guy who tried to steal the 2020 election, and seeks retribution….

“Apparently, neither the media nor supposedly sober Republicans have learned anything from the past. Trump gave a bonkers speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, musing about Russia blowing up NATO headquarters, claiming President Biden had taken the border wall and “put it in a hiding area,” and telling the crowd, “I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution”.

We do not get headlines acknowledging this is unhinged. Instead, we get from the New York Times: “Trump Says He Would Stay in 2024 Race if Indicted.” And a similar angle from CNN. ABC started its website report this way: “Former President Donald Trump continues to reign supreme over the conservative wing of the Republican Party.” From The Washington Post: “Trump takes victory lap at conservative conference.”

CBS intoned that Trump “aired grievances with his familiar foes: President Biden, the Department of Justice, and the litany of legal fights he is embroiled in.” Politico went with: “Trump ties a ribbon on the most MAGA CPAC yet.” Hmm.

From the coverage, you would never understand how incoherent he sounds, how far divorced his statements are from reality, and how entirely abnormal this all is.

This spectacle is equal parts infuriating and pathetic. Here are Republicans, some of whom are considering runs for the presidency, who somehow expect to get through a campaign without mentioning the single most disqualifying thing about the leader in the race (other than his mental unfitness): He betrayed the country. Such timidity is itself disqualifying for someone seeking the presidency. If these candidates cannot stand up to an ex-president who is currently devoid of power, how can we expect for them to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic?”

“How entirely abnormal this all is”. Ya think so? With Bolsonaro in the CPAC audience no less, probably taking notes, lol.

Amazing! A banana republic version of the United States, trying to go mainstream. Tell me this is normal…

Yeah, that’s the guy I would focus on. The one doing a real good impression of a defeated leader of a banana republic, seeking to return to power, leading his followers in a drive for RETRIBUTION!! And those in power who helped him in that effort, more so than followers who were only doing what they felt their president was asking of them. Go after the liar who caused all this. The man trying so damn hard to destroy our country.

Otherwise, as Jennifer Rubin observes: “If you put cowering Republicans together with media unwilling to accurately describe what is going on in front of them, you wind up gaslighting voters, who come away with the impression that Trump’s carnival of crazy is acceptable. We know how this ends: If no one is willing to call out Trump for what he is, and the danger he poses to the United States, we risk returning him to the Oval Office.

Whereupon, expect the headlines: “How did this happen?”

Remember yesterday when you liked PLs blatant and open lie about this footage not being released. You have no room to ever talk about lies. You openly like a blatant lie yesterday yet you're crying about lying while lying. You're hypocrisy knows no bounds.

And of course you just provide a one sided hit piece that is angry and violent. Funny you ran away from own own government helping one of the leaders insurrectet. That's pretty substantial news that our own government escorted one if the main criminals into the chambers... Also by this stupid post I see you missed the part that this rally at the Capitol was approved looooong before Jan 6th. Why did your fascist community hide this information? This was a planned rally with legal permits.

Your party hid evidence from the public. My party released it. Quit blaming us for what you did. The only people hiding this footage was Democrats. You hid the truth. You are talking to yourself Red. You are the one that needed information hidden, not us. Our Government literally escorted one if the main insurrectionist into and through the building. Your party hid this for obvious reasons.
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This stuff has already been combed over ad nauseam by the DOJ and the Jan 6 commission.

I do however, completely trust that Tucker will twist, spin, and lie to get viewers to stay tuned in. Fox News excels at creating paranoia and anger into people and transforming that into cash.

Just as they did with Hillary’s server. Just as they did with pizzagate. Just as they did with Seth Rich. Just as they did with PP. Just as they did with Benghazi. Just as they did with ACORN. Just as they did with Obama’s birth certificate.


Cmon my dude, wake up. Stop falling for this same ********. Btw, the harm Fox News is causing to real Americans aka “the forgotten man” all so rich elites like Tucker can make money off you rubes like you, is just sickening.

View: https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy/status/1632952103764148225?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

This is powerful. Fellow Americans are being hurt by Fox News. Why help them hurt your fellow man so some rich loser who’s angry that msnbc fired him and Jon Stewart once humiliated him, can feel important? Is it really worth it?

View attachment 13976

They don't deny the actual footage of him being completely healthy the day of. The guy that died of natural causes the next day...

Another alt-left narrative destroyed.
Why did the FBI not answer if they had people in the riot stirring up violence? Why would the FBI not be able to answer this a quick and easy no? Because they were in the riot and they did cause violence. Why is Ray Epps so protected by the Democratic party? This guy should be as guilty as anybody as he is in video encouraging this insurrection a day before. He was on the front lines encouraging the breach yet Democrats protect him while Republicans want him in jail.

Democrats are hiding a lot here and they tried their hardest to hide where government officials helped and even escorted in insurrectionist. One of the main ones at that.

Oh and to @The Thriller ...

Cruz points out that over 700 officers were injured including deaths in Democrat riots yet you think you have a point. You all murdered police and children. These rednecks didn't murder anyone. The party that injured 700 including shooting military grade lasers into law enforcements eyes permanently blinding them complaining about a guy who died of natural causes. Lol how insanely stupid. Democrats rioted over Jacob Blake who held down his gf and sexually violated her. Democrats destroyed an entire car dealership and damaged a church. Over a rapist who even Bidens DoJ said was rightfully shot as he was literally kidnapping kids and stealing a car. Armed with a blade.

View: https://youtu.be/QM8joTrNxzM
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Dude was legitimately escorted in.
There has been tape of people being escorted in from day 1. That doesn't mean they were all escorted, or all peaceful.

You have such a simple mind, and use it to draw comfortable conclusions. These were a few violent people in the George Floyd protests, so the violence was important. There were a few violent people in the Jan. 6 insurrection, so the violence doesn't matter. It's blatant and obvious hypocrisy.
Hm... Why did your committee lie
Cheong is lying about media claims that Sicknick died on Jan. 6. Do those lies bother you?

What part is a lie exactly? Was the guy who is the face of the Insurrection not literally being escorted by police?
What does that mean, to you? It looks like complicity, to me.

I notice that nobody has addressed that the police literally escorted the main face of the insurrection into the Capitol. Are and of you going to address this. That the US government literally escort the leader of the Insurrection into the chambers?
@Bawse Dawg did address it, and you almost came to some sort of awareness when you asked if their complicity was important. Then you went back to being your usual naive self.

The US government... Escorted and even opened doors for the Buffalo guy into the chambers.
The Capitol police are not the entirety of the US government.

They don't deny the actual footage of him being completely healthy the day of. The guy that died of natural causes the next day...
You can't tell from camera footage if a man is healthy or not. What kind of ghoul are you for trying to score political points by misrepresenting a man's death? Is there no bar that is too low for you?

Why is Ray Epps so protected by the Democratic party?
He testified.

You can't tell from camera footage if a man is healthy or not. What kind of ghoul are you for trying to score political points by misrepresenting a man's death? Is there no bar that is too low for you?
Again, there is no bar too low for a dedicated troll. There has been nothing in the discourse with this, uh, person, that would indicate they are interested in anything beyond riling people up, by any means necessary. The very definition of trollery. Every time they are close to a salient point they veer strongly back to troll territory. If they were completely honest, as in if you ran into them in the mall and asked "what was all that about", I imagine you would get hemming and hawing that amounted to "I was just ****ing around, you guys all ate it up".