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Trump's Coup Attempt

Things are getting a tad absurd...

Tad absurd is putting it mildly.

The Attorney General of the U.S., The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State are all involved in this coup now. It's real and it's deadly serious. We have a crisis.
Serious question...

How long until tanks are in the streets in front of the White House? I wouldn't be surprised if Trump engaged the military to "protect the White House" and once he's done that he's chipped into the acceptance of his base for military intervention in various scenarios.

Only 60% think there will be a peaceful transition of power while 80% think Biden has won the election.

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"A slew of Pentagon officials resigned Tuesday, a day after President Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper."

"House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) said Tuesday that it is "hard to overstate just how dangerous high-level turnover at the Department of Defense is during a period of presidential transition."

The resignations "could mark the beginning of a process of gutting the DoD - something that should alarm all Americans," Smith said in a statement released after Anderson departed.

"As soon as Former Vice President Biden became President-Elect Biden, President Trump and those loyal to him started to sow chaos and division. It appears that chaos has now reached the Pentagon."

I'll be honest, I'll probably always be an Independent and not affiliated with any party, but after these shenanigans, I may never vote for a Republican again unless it's one who comes out against this nonsense.
Exactly how I feel.
I'll be honest, I'll probably always be an Independent and not affiliated with any party, but after these shenanigans, I may never vote for a Republican again unless it's one who comes out against this nonsense.
As I've mentioned a bunch of times, up until Trump was a candidate, I voted R twice, D twice and none of the above or third party twice.

Voted against Trump twice.

I will never vote for the Republican party POTUS candidate unless that party purges Trumpism, condemns it and rejects the people within the party who have been most responsible for enabling it.

If Don Jr is the nominee in 2024 the Republican Party is permanently dead to me.
I don't see anything that Trump is doing to be abnormal. Both parties are basically the same both sides do this. I remember Democrats once supported the FBI and Mueller into investigating Trump. And I remember once Al Gore wanting votes counted in Florida. So I don't see how that's any different than Donald Trump wanting to throw out hundreds of thousands of votes out across 5 states while losing the popular vote for 5+ million in order to retain power. Besides, I bet if the email lady lost, she'd be doing the same thing as Trump.

So both sides.
I don't see anything that Trump is doing to be abnormal. Both parties are basically the same both sides do this. I remember Democrats once supported the FBI and Mueller into investigating Trump. And I remember once Al Gore wanting votes counted in Florida. So I don't see how that's any different than Donald Trump wanting to throw out hundreds of thousands of votes out across 5 states while losing the popular vote for 5+ million in order to retain power. Besides, I bet if the email lady lost, she'd be doing the same thing as Trump.

So both sides.

Totally. And it's not like they're all wearing the same outfits so we're good.

I don't see anything that Trump is doing to be abnormal. Both parties are basically the same both sides do this. I remember Democrats once supported the FBI and Mueller into investigating Trump. And I remember once Al Gore wanting votes counted in Florida. So I don't see how that's any different than Donald Trump wanting to throw out hundreds of thousands of votes out across 5 states while losing the popular vote for 5+ million in order to retain power. Besides, I bet if the email lady lost, she'd be doing the same thing as Trump.

So both sides.
are you joking?
are you joking?
No I’m serious. Aren’t both sides the same? Haven't Democrats also protested elections? Haven’t Democrats also screwed up pandemics? Like H1N1? And aren’t Democrats just as corrupt? I heard Obama took michelle out on dates sometimes.

Aren’t both sides the same?