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Utah @ Oregon, Sat. 11/16 @ 2pm MT, Fox Sports 1

As I type this I prolly just jinxed them but I'm proud of the U's D so far this game (only TD came off the INT), however if the O can't do anything what so ever the D will get worn down and demoralized and of course the Ducks O is way to good.

Oh an I'm sure that INT on the fake FG the U got was a false start on the Ducks it is just strange the ref waited to throw the flag until after the INT and the defender took a few steps and had a clear path to the end zone.
Utes WR's doing the O no favors with more drops and tips, Denham has to lead the NCAA in tips for INT's and as good as Dres can be he has at least one drop every game. Most of those drops are all on them not like it was a difficult catch and in this game they were right to their hands/chest, now granted WR will occasionally drop passes but they drop more than their fare share and in this case 3 drops this game were on 3rd down and have cost the U 3 first downs.
Utes have impressed me already today.

Don't think byu would be doing any better tbh
Utes have impressed me already today.

Don't think byu would be doing any better tbh

This has been going on for years. Against good teams the defense steps up but the offense does not. Clearly, the focus in recruiting and coaching is on the defense. Probably because Whitt is a defensive guy not an offensive. As a result, the offense goes neglected. It's a limitation that Whitt has yet to compensate.

So if you're a Utah fan and want to stay this course, go right on ahead. Your defense will consistently be tough and give your offense a chance. But because your coach neglects his offense, your offense will constantly shoot your defense in the foot. You will be limited to be a poor/mediocre program because 1 half is functioning at a PAC12 level while the other half is barely functioning at a Mtn West Conference level. Cain, Wynn, Wilson, and Schultz were serviceable in the MWC. But they aren't at the PAC12 level.
Good lord the only good special team player all year has been the punter and now he's sucking, it's smart to punt and kick away from the Ducks returner but my goodness it has gotten in his head.

U's D given up 2TD, special teams given up 1 TD and Offense with an INT leading to a TD. So U's D is playing good enough.

As I type this they're about to give up their 3rd for reasons I said earlier, the O sucks to hard and can't take any pressure off them it actually does the opposite and puts more and more pressure on the D.

For the record the punt and kick coverages and returners have been the worst at the U that I can remember maybe ever. Which speaks nothing to discredit the Ducks having one of the best returners.
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And here comes the ugly game many predicted, the U's D has all but given up. Not saying they quit but they just have been demoralized and Oregon doing what great teams do and puttin' it on them and burying them by 50. As opposed to sitting on the ball *cough* U *cough*
This has been going on for years. Against good teams the defense steps up but the offense does not. Clearly, the focus in recruiting and coaching is on the defense. Probably because Whitt is a defensive guy not an offensive. As a result, the offense goes neglected. It's a limitation that Whitt has yet to compensate.

So if you're a Utah fan and want to stay this course, go right on ahead. Your defense will consistently be tough and give your offense a chance. But because your coach neglects his offense, your offense will constantly shoot your defense in the foot. You will be limited to be a poor/mediocre program because 1 half is functioning at a PAC12 level while the other half is barely functioning at a Mtn West Conference level. Cain, Wynn, Wilson, and Schultz were serviceable in the MWC. But they aren't at the PAC12 level.
It's so cool that this half a team owns BYU. It's nice of you to continually bring that to the top of our minds.
It's so cool that this half a team owns BYU. It's nice of you to continually bring that to the top of our minds.

Why do Utes have to bring up BYU in every conversation? I thought you folks were "over them?" I thought your goal was to compete in the PAC? A feat you have yet to accomplish. So keep Whitt. You can beat BYU and Utah St, 2 mediocre (at best) teams. So nice job. Yay.
Why do Utes have to bring up BYU in every conversation? I thought you folks were "over them?" I thought your goal was to compete in the PAC? A feat you have yet to accomplish. So keep Whitt. You can beat BYU and Utah St, 2 mediocre (at best) teams. So nice job. Yay.
Because my computer has a little siren that screams "ZZZZZZOOOOOOBBBBBBB" any time I read a post by you.
Well, you guys hung for a half and overall kept it a little closer than I thought you would. Your defense in general needs to get faster.
It all boils down to this: We all wanted a bowl game this year. We are playing how most of us thought we would play. We all were hoping for 3-1 to start the year, we were hoping for one win vs UCLA, USC, ASU, or Arizona (we didn't get it, but we did get Stanford), and then we were hoping for two wins to end the year to get us bowl eligible.

We are right on track.

I think the Stanford game might have been the rare game that actually HURT both teams. It gave Ute fans unrealistic expectations, and knocked Stanford out of the title game (well, until tonight, that is).

We are right on track DESPITE all the adversity we have faced. We all WANTED 6-6 before the season. If you were told back in August that Wilson, Scott, York, Murphy, and Tonga (45%, yes, FORTY FIVE FREAKING PERCENT of the offense) would be injured, would ANYONE expect a bowl?

Then toss in defensive injuries...IT IS A MIRACLE we are still on track.

If Wilson is hurt, that changes everything.

If Wilson is 100% healthy, we WILL be bowling, which means the season was an AMAZING SUCCESS.
It's funny. Thriller posts how un-rational Ute fan posts. I thought he was a Ute fan for the longest time. I like his in game analysis, but I think his post game whining about coaches is a little over the top.

To me, he sounds like Ute fan who became a Ute fan when they started to beat BYU, and now is mad because BYU plays a weak *** schedule and wins, and BYU fan tells him going to a bowl makes BYU the better team.
It's funny. Thriller posts how un-rational Ute fan posts. I thought he was a Ute fan for the longest time. I like his in game analysis, but I think his post game whining about coaches is a little over the top.

To me, he sounds like Ute fan who became a Ute fan when they started to beat BYU, and now is mad because BYU plays a weak *** schedule and wins, and BYU fan tells him going to a bowl makes BYU the better team.

I'm a college football fan who is fed up with the mediocrity of the football in this state, especially at the University of Utah. BYU has the missionary program and Honor Code to deal with. Mediocrity might be their ceiling. Utah St is in Logan, plays in the Mtn West, and no longer has Anderson or Chuckie. Mediocrity should be their goal.

So what's holding Utah back?

Everyone is free to share their opinion. But the Utes aren't 6-6. And the way Wash St is playing, they won't be. If this is being "on the right track" then i rest my case, Kyle McBride... I mean Ron Whittingham... Needs to go. He got this program to compete well in the Mtn West Conference. He even won a BCS bowl! But, It is time to find a new Urban Meyer, who can take this program to the next level. It's painfully obvious that this program isn't progressing at all. I love the dude. I think he's a darn good coach for a non-BCS conference. But now, he's in his 3rd year of the big leagues and hasn't improved at all!

The mere fact that many are currently debating whether to pull the plug on Wilson and rip the red shirt off the kid tells you everything you need to know about this program.

No direction. No improvement.

Just show up, defense play well, and offense suck it up, and that's a wrap! Same story for 3+ years now!

We can keep rotating QBs and playing musical offensive coordinator. But at some point the ax has to fall on the guy who is ultimately responsible for his program, right? Why is everyone else held accountable but Whittingham?

So go ahead. Keep Kyle. And we'll hear the exact same lame *** excuses as we've heard since Brian Johnson graduated. "Well once we get an OC! Well once our QBs get healthy! Well, we will just have to recruit better!" Rinse, wash, repeat
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So if you're a Utah fan and want to stay this course, go right on ahead.

Oh good hell. What choice do I have? Like I could do anything about my fandom or the plans and strategy of the AD of Utah sports.
I don't agree with your critique, and I'd rather be the fan of a school who has an outside chance of big time success on a larger stage than not.
But this is just a silly comment. Then again... not altogether unexpected, considering the source.