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Utah Realizes They Lost in the D-Will trade?

Well, let's see. Since the trade how many playoff series wins does each team have? Umm, zero. And Brooklyn even added another "superstar" in Joe Johnson to go along with Williams, Brook Lopez and Gerald Wallace. Deron has hardly played like a superstar. He got hot towards the end of the season; I guess that gives Brooklynites some hope. But seriously, does a "Big 3" of Deron, Lopez and Johnson strike fear into the hearts of anyone? All three of those players are overpaid. They couldn't even hold home court against a wounded Chicago team. The Nets are way over the cap and can only add marginal talent...unless they want to pay the punitive luxury tax. They won 6 more games than the Jazz did. Utah, on the other hand, has $30M in CAP space. J. Gennessy is a hack. Otherwise, it would have been noted that the two main pieces in the trade: Favors and Kanter weren't given minutes because of Al and Paul...and Corbin's stupidity.
Well, let's see. Since the trade how many playoff series wins does each team have? Umm, zero. And Brooklyn even added another "superstar" in Joe Johnson to go along with Williams, Brook Lopez and Gerald Wallace. Deron has hardly played like a superstar. He got hot towards the end of the season; I guess that gives Brooklynites some hope. But seriously, does a "Big 3" of Deron, Lopez and Johnson strike fear into the hearts of anyone? All three of those players are overpaid. They couldn't even hold home court against a wounded Chicago team. The Nets are way over the cap and can only add marginal talent...unless they want to pay the punitive luxury tax. They won 6 more games than the Jazz did. Utah, on the other hand, has $30M in CAP space. J. Gennessy is a hack. Otherwise, it would have been noted that the two main pieces in the trade: Favors and Kanter weren't given minutes because of Al and Paul...and Corbin's stupidity.

I'm gonna rep you so hard in 24 hours.
....you can't load your team with max players who prefer "hopper ball" and boo coo "jailhouse tats" and expect to have a viable franchise!
Deron Williams has not been a "superstar" or an "all star" since the trade and he's not remotely worth what his contract is paying him.

Williams had a 20 or so game stretch in February/March where he played comparable to how he played in Utah - otherwise he's been a middle of the road starting PG - mostly due to the fact that he's constantly playing with a bad wrist and/or a bad ankle

And as for the return on Williams - do you think he would have stayed in Utah with the current clown coaching the team? He'd be gone for nothing if they let him play out his contract.
What's funny is DWill started giving the Nets the exact same ultimatum's he gave the Jazz....give me a contending team or I walk. Once Dwight opted in to his last year in Orlando, Billy King had no choice but to max the closest thing to a star he could find, which was sadly for them, Joe Johnson. Trading away their first round pick (Lillard) for Wallace was also a panic move made because Deron was giving ambiguous answers on resigning. Not saying King isn't an idiot, but Deron dug most of his own grave, and now will lie there for the better part of his career.
What's funny is DWill started giving the Nets the exact same ultimatum's he gave the Jazz....Deron dug most of his own grave, and now will lie there for the better part of his career.

......so I guess he can stay there and admire that fine tattoo art work.....while he rots away in New Jersey! Oh, I mean Brooklyn, N.Y......big difference!
Deron Williams has not been a "superstar" or an "all star" since the trade and he's not remotely worth what his contract is paying him.

Williams had a 20 or so game stretch in February/March where he played comparable to how he played in Utah - otherwise he's been a middle of the road starting PG - mostly due to the fact that he's constantly playing with a bad wrist and/or a bad ankle

And as for the return on Williams - do you think he would have stayed in Utah with the current clown coaching the team? He'd be gone for nothing if they let him play out his contract.
And don't forget the broken attitude he was sporting at the end of his stay in Utah.

Yes, that is the other point I didn't make in my post. Utah had about as much chance of keeping Deron as Jim Carrey did of baggin' the hot babe in "Dumb and Dumber." Even if Utah "lost" in the trade, I'd say Kanter, Favors and whomever we get at #21 is certainly better than NOTHING. And that was the risk. Make Deron a MAX offer and hope he would stay in Utah, despite the fact he gave ZERO indication of doing so, or trade him for a very promising young pick in Favors and a probable two additional lottery picks. The only loss Utah suffered was having GS make all the right moves after tanking and making that pick sink to #21.
And don't forget the broken attitude he was sporting at the end of his stay in Utah.

Yes, that is the other point I didn't make in my post. Utah had about as much chance of keeping Deron as Jim Carrey did of baggin' the hot babe in "Dumb and Dumber." Even if Utah "lost" in the trade, I'd say Kanter, Favors and whomever we get at #21 is certainly better than NOTHING. And that was the risk. Make Deron a MAX offer and hope he would stay in Utah, despite the fact he gave ZERO indication of doing so, or trade him for a very promising young pick in Favors and a probable two additional lottery picks. The only loss Utah suffered was having GS make all the right moves after tanking and making that pick sink to #21.

Don't forget that once we got all those pieces we decided not to develop them or even play them. We are probably on track to watch all them walk away from us too.

So in reality, the Nets and the Jazz lost. At least with Deron, we had a good player we could watch play meaningful minutes.
Don't forget that once we got all those pieces we decided not to develop them or even play them. We are probably on track to watch all them walk away from us too.

So in reality, the Nets and the Jazz lost. At least with Deron, we had a good player we could watch play meaningful minutes.

You don't think Hayward and Favors are excited for their role next year? I bet they are.
You don't think Hayward and Favors are excited for their role next year? I bet they are.

I guarantee all they are thinking about is the day they get the hell out of here. Lets see, in Utah, your playing time is limited, which means your exposure is limited, which means your earning potential is limited, and your growth potential is limited. Then its a boring town to live in, far away from family and friends. The coaching staff sucks. The culture of the team is retarded (choosing age over skill). The unis are ugly, and no top players will sign up to play there with them.

So no, I don't really think they expect next year to be a great year for them. I'm sure they are just waiting for the nightmare to end. I don't see how they can look at what just happened over the last two years and expect different results. Especially when Al Jefferson is re-signed. All hope will go out the window and soon trades will be demanded.

The Utah Jazz do themselves no favors by doing the crap they do.
we certainly haven't won this trade.
The Jazz have 100% won this trade. The Nets will now be stuck as a non-contender for years, while the Jazz are just as good now as they were before trading Deron and actually have young pieces, picks and cap space to build a contender. How anyone can think the Nets won this one is a mystery.