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Utah Realizes They Lost in the D-Will trade?

When I re-read my post it did sound a little too overally pessimistic. But the point still stands.

Are you playing a character or something lately or did you go full artard?

Never go full artard.

posted from my htc one using tapaBONGO
If DWill is such a superstar, why did he get outplayed by Nate Robinson?

Personally, I think Kanter alone would be a fair trade for DWill. As soon as we pick up another PG, we'll be fine.
The Jazz have 100% won this trade. The Nets will now be stuck as a non-contender for years, while the Jazz are just as good now as they were before trading Deron and actually have young pieces, picks and cap space to build a contender. How anyone can think the Nets won this one is a mystery.

Didn't say the nets won... Said we haven't won. Yet.

Complete ******** on your part though for thinking we are somehow as good without dwill as we were with him. We contended for a spot in the finals with Deron. Now we fight the twolves and blazers to not lose the division.
a blast of "hydration" to your face. posted on my Nokia Lumia 920
Um, scootsy...

We definitely definitely definitely won the trade. Incredibly lopsided trade.

posted from my htc one using tapaBONGO
Complete ******** on your part though for thinking we are somehow as good without dwill as we were with him. We contended for a spot in the finals with Deron. Now we fight the twolves and blazers to not lose the division.
Uh...how were the Jazz doing when they traded Deron? Much better than they've done the last two seasons?
Didn't say the nets won... Said we haven't won. Yet.

Complete ******** on your part though for thinking we are somehow as good without dwill as we were with him. We contended for a spot in the finals with Deron. Now we fight the twolves and blazers to not lose the division.
a blast of "hydration" to your face. posted on my Nokia Lumia 920

But the Deron we were good with is not/was not the Deron we traded. He isn't as good as he was. He continues to blame it on others, saying publicly that he's more of a Sloan type system player and then right on Q the ax falls on another head coach. We sold high with Deron. We did everything right. We won the **** out of that trade!
But the Deron we were good with is not/was not the Deron we traded. He isn't as good as he was. He continues to blame it on others, saying publicly that he's more of a Sloan type system player and then right on Q the ax falls on another head coach. We sold high with Deron. We did everything right. We won the **** out of that trade!

we haven't won yet.... i don't get what the *** you guys are looking for but unless our guys develop we haven't won jack****. we went from a perennial playoff team who was a tough matchup for anyone to being a pushover. yeah we may be lined up for success down the road, but that is never a guarantee so.... we haven't won **** yet.

you hafta remember to that the reason nj (brooklyn wutev) made that trade is because they were moving to ny, and needed to do so with as much fanfare as possible. they needed a winning team that could be entertaining to watch. they got exactly what they wanted (minus dwight howard). had they actually snatched howard though when he was wanting to get there... they would have had enough pieces to make a serious run at a championship either this year of the next.

we are a pushover, not just in the west, but in our own division!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we haven't won yet.... i don't get what the *** you guys are looking for but unless our guys develop we haven't won jack****. we went from a perennial playoff team who was a tough matchup for anyone to being a pushover. yeah we may be lined up for success down the road, but that is never a guarantee so.... we haven't won **** yet.

you hafta remember to that the reason nj (brooklyn wutev) made that trade is because they were moving to ny, and needed to do so with as much fanfare as possible. they needed a winning team that could be entertaining to watch. they got exactly what they wanted (minus dwight howard). had they actually snatched howard though when he was wanting to get there... they would have had enough pieces to make a serious run at a championship either this year of the next.

we are a pushover, not just in the west, but in our own division!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But where are we compared to where we would be had we not made the trade? You can't freeze time and say since we're not as good as we were with Boozer, Memo, AK and Deron that we lost the trade. We wouldn't have stayed that good had we kept Deron. But the win is in the potential, so yeah you're right, we haven't won **** yet, but we're in as good a place as we could have hoped for before making the trade.

Don't forget the pick that ended up jumping to #3 and resulting in Kanter. I say it's a wash if all we got was Kanter OR Favors. But we got both!
I guarantee all they are thinking about is the day they get the hell out of here. Lets see, in Utah, your playing time is limited, which means your exposure is limited, which means your earning potential is limited, and your growth potential is limited. Then its a boring town to live in, far away from family and friends. The coaching staff sucks. The culture of the team is retarded (choosing age over skill). The unis are ugly, and no top players will sign up to play there with them.

So no, I don't really think they expect next year to be a great year for them. I'm sure they are just waiting for the nightmare to end. I don't see how they can look at what just happened over the last two years and expect different results. Especially when Al Jefferson is re-signed. All hope will go out the window and soon trades will be demanded.

The Utah Jazz do themselves no favors by doing the crap they do.

Wow! You sound like a disgruntled fan. Yes the last few years have been very frustrating but to complain about the Jazz uniforms. I mean dude take an aspirin and a nap. Yes there is no guarantee that Favors/Kanter will get more minutes if the Jazz are crazy enough to re-sign AJ or Millsap but you already sound as though it is a done deal. Hayward has gotten plenty of minutes and it already sounds as though Ty has told Hayward that they are looking for more leadership out of him. I take this as having an expanded role. If Favors performs as people are expecting the money will come regardless beside the fact that Utah can pay him the most. However, there may be a problem paying all of our core 4 so one might have to go but that decision is a few years away.

Besides, it you look at the positive, not playing our young guys might work out as an advantage when it comes to paying them. They haven't yet earned a MAX deal so the market might be lower when it comes to their second contract. Favors and Kanter are still going to be in their early 20's when they resign their next deal. They still have time for their MAX deal when they are 27-28 and have earned it. I am not saying that sitting the young guys might come back and bite the Jazz but perhaps it might make the players realize that they are now next in line to play. Going to a new team doesn't always pan out. You might not be as good a fit. I am just as frustrated with playing old vets over the young guys but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The only way the Jazz can screw it up is to bring back or sign vets to take minutes away from the young guys. I know the past has been this way but I am counting on Lindsay being a guiding light to lead the franchise in a new direction.

As far as SLC is concerned, not everyone finds it as boring as you do. It certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea but players don't have to live their full time and I still believe if players see a chance to play, to get paid and to win they will consider any city.
Wow! You sound like a disgruntled fan. Yes the last few years have been very frustrating but to complain about the Jazz uniforms. I mean dude take an aspirin and a nap. Yes there is no guarantee that Favors/Kanter will get more minutes if the Jazz are crazy enough to re-sign AJ or Millsap but you already sound as though it is a done deal. Hayward has gotten plenty of minutes and it already sounds as though Ty has told Hayward that they are looking for more leadership out of him. I take this as having an expanded role. If Favors performs as people are expecting the money will come regardless beside the fact that Utah can pay him the most. However, there may be a problem paying all of our core 4 so one might have to go but that decision is a few years away.

Besides, it you look at the positive, not playing our young guys might work out as an advantage when it comes to paying them. They haven't yet earned a MAX deal so the market might be lower when it comes to their second contract. Favors and Kanter are still going to be in their early 20's when they resign their next deal. They still have time for their MAX deal when they are 27-28 and have earned it. I am not saying that sitting the young guys might come back and bite the Jazz but perhaps it might make the players realize that they are now next in line to play. Going to a new team doesn't always pan out. You might not be as good a fit. I am just as frustrated with playing old vets over the young guys but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The only way the Jazz can screw it up is to bring back or sign vets to take minutes away from the young guys. I know the past has been this way but I am counting on Lindsay being a guiding light to lead the franchise in a new direction.

As far as SLC is concerned, not everyone finds it as boring as you do. It certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea but players don't have to live their full time and I still believe if players see a chance to play, to get paid and to win they will consider any city.

I don't find Utah boring. I love living here. I was speaking in terms of how other people see the state without having spent much time here. So I'm just being realistic when it comes to our chances of landing free agents. Dont tell me you actually believe that Utah is the spot where everyone wants to play.

I'm not going to believe the Jazz FO knows what they are doing until I see them do something smart. Just because they added an assistant gm from the Spurs it doesn't mean the Jazz are suddenly going to change their stripes. I like the team because they are representing my home town. I'm not going to blindly agree with everything do just because of that. I'm just calling a spade a spade. Jazz management sucks. They don't know how to be great. They can't get out of their own way. They're just ***** footin along trying just not to **** up. Thats weak. They are so afraid of a couple losing seasons that they are willing to sacrafice any chance they might have at being great. In other words, they would rather take being guaranteed they will be average over small chance they could be great. You know it, and I know it.
The Jazz have 100% won this trade. The Nets will now be stuck as a non-contender for years, while the Jazz are just as good now as they were before trading Deron and actually have young pieces, picks and cap space to build a contender. How anyone can think the Nets won this one is a mystery.
GVC bringing the truth once again.
Well, let's see. Since the trade how many playoff series wins does each team have? Umm, zero. And Brooklyn even added another "superstar" in Joe Johnson to go along with Williams, Brook Lopez and Gerald Wallace. Deron has hardly played like a superstar. He got hot towards the end of the season; I guess that gives Brooklynites some hope. But seriously, does a "Big 3" of Deron, Lopez and Johnson strike fear into the hearts of anyone? All three of those players are overpaid. They couldn't even hold home court against a wounded Chicago team. The Nets are way over the cap and can only add marginal talent...unless they want to pay the punitive luxury tax. They won 6 more games than the Jazz did. Utah, on the other hand, has $30M in CAP space. J. Gennessy is a hack. Otherwise, it would have been noted that the two main pieces in the trade: Favors and Kanter weren't given minutes because of Al and Paul...and Corbin's stupidity.

I'd rep if I could. Will try and catch later. Great post.
I think a lot of GMs would trade DWill in a deal centered around Kanter right now. Same with Favors.

But a package with Kanter, Favors, and the kick-a** player we're going to get this year is a plenty fine haul.

Plus DWill is making way too much money.