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So, exciting news for all you Dark Souls fans on this board:


This is the first leaked footage from a new From Software game currently titled Project Beast. As you can see, it looks very much like the Souls games, but features a character dual-wielding a melee weapon and a shotgun.

The game is being developed by Hidetaka Miyazaki (recently named president of From Software after the studio was bought by Kadokawa), who was the director for Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, but was pulled from directing Dark Souls 2 so that he could work on another project, a project that had remained utterly mysterious until now. The rumor is that From Software is working with Sony studios on Project Beast, and that it will be a PS4 exclusive. Many are expecting that the game will be revealed at the upcoming E3. Sony's E3 press conference day is June 9th.
So I have been playing Crusader Kings 2. I had to deal with a traitor vassal. I won that and a little while after Arabic guys were asking to be stewards and all. I was wondering where do these guys come from and then I have my hands on an army of 80000 in Bakh(Far to the east). I don't rule there. Was it the crazy marriages I was arranging with no idea of what I was doing or a bug of some kind, I don't know. But 80000 Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and nothingness. I was only able to raise to 8000 before.
What expansions do you have? If you have Sword of Mohammed, they could be holy warriors rushing to fight your Jihad, or if you are Christians fighting Muslims, they could be Crusaders. Marriages can give you alliances which can give you powerful help. Keep in mind however, that should things go south in the marriage you arranged it can give somebody very powerful claims to your land, so it is a double edged-sword that way. Generally I try to limit marriages to kingdoms about the same size as me or smaller unless I have powerful enemies. Then you may have to roll the dice to survive. That 80,000 person army helping you today could be knocking on your door tomorrow.
So I have been playing Crusader Kings 2. I had to deal with a traitor vassal. I won that and a little while after Arabic guys were asking to be stewards and all. I was wondering where do these guys come from and then I have my hands on an army of 80000 in Bakh(Far to the east). I don't rule there. Was it the crazy marriages I was arranging with no idea of what I was doing or a bug of some kind, I don't know. But 80000 Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and nothingness. I was only able to raise to 8000 before.

Crusader Kings 2 is a crazy game. In terms of creating fun stories for you to tell, it's one of the best ever made. It helps that there's no real end goal other than to try to gather prestige and piety -- you're just playing the game to see what kind of crazy stuff happens.

My strategy is typically to begin with a weak Duke (I find it too easy and uninteresting to begin with a ruler) and then to try marrying myself or my male heir to a female heir of a kingdom that has agnatic-cognatic succession. Then their son inherits the kingdom. Then that son marries another woman ruler, and their kid inherits both kingdoms, and so on. It's worked pretty well for me so far, but it leads to some interesting complications. At one point my son was 8 years old and had inherited the Kingdom of Aragon from my first wife, while I was King of Navarra. I was his heir and he was mine. Then I had a second son by the Sicilian queen. At that point, it seemed pretty clear that the best strategic decision was to assassinate my older son, which is what I did. That way my younger son would inherit three kingdoms, instead of having them get split up, two for one son and a single kingdom for the other. Gotta love a game that makes you assassinate your kid.

In my current game things are going pretty well, I'm the Byzantine emperor and have about a dozen kingdoms under my belt, half of which I married into, and the other half of which I created. But I've got problems. The Holy Romans are breathing down my neck from the west, Muslim kingdoms are attacking on the south and east, my Russian subjects are constantly revolting, and worst of all, the Mongol Horde is bearing down on me. The Mongols are programmed to take over most of eastern Europe (right where I am) sometime in the middle of the 1200s, just like real life. They show up with like 150,000 troops and just wreck everything.

Probably the funniest thing that's happened so far in my game has to do with religion. When I managed to marry into the Byzantine Empire, I offered vassalization to my wife (I was the king of Croatia), so that I could convert to my ruler's religion. Basically, I wanted to educate my son myself, but I didn't want him to be Catholic, because he would have zealot vassals who hated him because he wasn't Orthodox. But he turned out Catholic anyway. When my wife died, I worried there would be revolts that he couldn't handle as the new emperor. But as it turns out, my son handled himself fine while I was still playing his father, and started converting the entire Byzantine Empire to Catholicism, and at this point in my game they're virtually all Catholic now, with the exception of the Russians. You really can't make this crap up. At least the Holy Romans like me better now.
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Crusader Kings 2 is a crazy game. In terms of creating fun stories for you to tell, it's one of the best ever made. It helps that there's no real end goal other than to try to gather prestige and piety -- you're just playing the game to see what kind of crazy stuff happens.

My strategy is typically to begin with a weak Duke (I find it too easy and uninteresting to begin with a ruler) and then to try marrying myself or my male heir to a female heir of a kingdom that has agnatic-cognatic succession. Then their son inherits the kingdom. Then that son marries another woman ruler, and their kid inherits both kingdoms, and so on. It's worked pretty well for me so far, but it leads to some interesting complications. At one point my son was 8 years old and had inherited the Kingdom of Aragon from my first wife, while I was King of Navarra. I was his heir and he was mine. Then I had a second son by the Sicilian queen. At that point, it seemed pretty clear that the best strategic decision was to assassinate my older son, which is what I did. That way my younger son would inherit three kingdoms, instead of having them get split up, two for one son and a single kingdom for the other. Gotta love a game that makes you assassinate your kid.

In my current game things are going pretty well, I'm the Byzantine emperor and have about a dozen kingdoms under my belt, half of which I married into, and the other half of which I created. But I've got problems. The Holy Romans are breathing down my neck from the west, Muslim kingdoms are attacking on the south and east, my Russian subjects are constantly revolting, and worst of all, the Mongol Horde is bearing down on me. The Mongols are programmed to take over most of eastern Europe (right where I am) sometime in the middle of the 1200s, just like real life. They show up with like 150,000 troops and just wreck everything.

Probably the funniest thing that's happened so far in my game has to do with religion. When I managed to marry into the Byzantine Empire, I offered vassalization to my wife (I was the king of Croatia), so that I could convert to my ruler's religion. Basically, I wanted to educate my son myself, but I didn't want him to be Catholic, because he would have zealot vassals who hated him because he wasn't Orthodox. But he turned out Catholic anyway. When my wife died, I worried there would be revolts that he couldn't handle as the new emperor. But as it turns out, my son handled himself fine while I was still playing his father, and started converting the entire Byzantine Empire to Catholicism, and at this point in my game they're virtually all Catholic now, with the exception of the Russians. You really can't make this crap up. At least the Holy Romans like me better now.

Yes. Lots of fun stories in the game. Makes you want to create a blog about it. I am now in command of an army of 80000 but my ruler died just after his 2 sons died. My daughter which I unfortunately married into another family is my ruler now and inheritance is broken. I divorced my husband to see if it would change anything. It didn't. I will try to marry some matrilineally to see if it changes the heir. I think I will just race to be the Queen of Byzantium before my character dies.

Assasination will be hard because my council changed and I am stuck with some talentless people. My-ex husband had 4 heirs. all boys. Sometimes it sucks.
Yes. Lots of fun stories in the game. Makes you want to create a blog about it. I am now in command of an army of 80000 but my ruler died just after his 2 sons died. My daughter which I unfortunately married into another family is my ruler now and inheritance is broken. I divorced my husband to see if it would change anything. It didn't. I will try to marry some matrilineally to see if it changes the heir. I think I will just race to be the Queen of Byzantium before my character dies.

Assasination will be hard because my council changed and I am stuck with some talentless people. My-ex husband had 4 heirs. all boys. Sometimes it sucks.

You can always try inviting new council members to your court. Even if you're a ruler with high prestige, it can be hard to find people who will come. But usually you can find someone, especially if you send them a gift. Oftentimes if I can find a character with only two more red minuses than green pluses on the invite to court option, a gift will make up the difference.

And yeah, if you can get a matrilineal marriage and have a kid, you should get a new heir, but sadly you'll probably have to marry someone pretty low-rank.
You can always try inviting new council members to your court. Even if you're a ruler with high prestige, it can be hard to find people who will come. But usually you can find someone, especially if you send them a gift. Oftentimes if I can find a character with only two more red minuses than green pluses on the invite to court option, a gift will make up the difference.

And yeah, if you can get a matrilineal marriage and have a kid, you should get a new heir, but sadly you'll probably have to marry someone pretty low-rank.

I will try that but I doubt it would work. Female heir, short reign, government style are minuses. If my heir changes I don't have to kill the kids. Thanks for the advice.
So for anyone with Xbox Live Gold the free game for the first two weeks of June is Dark Souls.

I totally plan to get it.
Only played the 1st hour or so of watchdogs and am just not feeling it. Hope it gets better. The car mechanics are terrible and the city just feels really boring. Way to much popping up on the screen that distracts from the gameplay. Any one played much of it?
Only played the 1st hour or so of watchdogs and am just not feeling it. Hope it gets better. The car mechanics are terrible and the city just feels really boring. Way to much popping up on the screen that distracts from the gameplay. Any one played much of it?

I had to go buy another hard drive for my xbox to fit the install size.......so it better be good.
Only played the 1st hour or so of watchdogs and am just not feeling it. Hope it gets better. The car mechanics are terrible and the city just feels really boring. Way to much popping up on the screen that distracts from the gameplay. Any one played much of it?

The critical consensus seems to be that it's a fine game, but not nearly as special as many people had hoped it would be. I don't plan on getting it; to me it mostly looks like an inferior GTA, and I'm bored of GTA now anyway.
I put in a couple hours with Watch Dogs now. I feel like I don't get it. I'm like....why I'm hacking this dude for a code.....and not just the door? It feels like there are 15 steps in each mission that are arbitrary and not fun. The hacking element is just kind of meh. And it does really feel like a giant mess when you're running into something hackable with every step you take or every foot you drive. And most of that stuff doesn't do much in reality. You're just hacking to hack, not for any significant gameplay reason. I don't know, I'll probably play tomorrow for a few more hours and then move on if it still sucks.
Alright, Watch Dogs has now entered the fun category now in my mind. I think it was just kind overwhelming for those first few hours. Not perfect game, but fun enough. And that's all I care about. But yeah, the driving is definitely totally crap. One of those car fetch missions had a yellow Lambo looking thing that I could barely keep driving straight. It was like I jumped in a yellow snake and took it for a spin. And then the camera flips to the side of the car sometimes which is crap. The side quests are actually better than the main game so far.
Ok- going to keep trying to get into it as this is my type of game. The 1st hour and a half have been some of the most forgettable moments I have had in gaming, but have heard from multiple people that this game gets better as you continue through.
Been playing Fall of Cybertron on my PS3 lately. Playing multiplayer, pretty fun.
Watch Dogs was lame for the first few hours. The physics are terrible, it's not GTA5 although you can't help compare and its way overwhelming. With that said, I stuck mainly to the campaign and am almost done with act 2 and I like it now. The story line is fun, but the game play is too now. There are parts that remind me of Far Cry 3 too.