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Another FYI -- I have now discovered one area that has infinitely respawning enemies. It's around the first bonfire in Drangleic Castle, there are these stone knights in the next room that just don't seem to despawn. There's six of them, and with the Covetous Serpent Ring+1 I get 420 souls apiece, or 2,520 per "run." Since they are easy to kill (they start off in a kneeling position until you approach), die in three hits, and have a bonfire right next to them, one "run" takes probably 45 seconds. Not great, there were way better farming spots in the other Souls games, but it's good to know this exists. Removes some of the angst of losing a bloodstain with a lot of souls because you know you can just grind them out again if needed.
Does the internet get more internety than this?

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Anyone playing Bravely Default? It's dripping with JRPG nostalgia.

Yeah, I played it up to the point where you're actually supposed to go back and basically beat all the bosses again. When I reached that point, it was time to move on to something else (like Dark Souls 2, for one). But I enjoyed what I played of it. I like JRPGs with "job systems" like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy V, and Tactics Ogre. It allows for a good level of variety and customization.
Found this, pretty interesting:

Ha. I got my brother to get the game too. Id say we have another convert. Btw titanite chunk farming is the best here in ds2. Join the bell covenant
Dudes, Dragon's Dogma got my fastest out of the mailbox/back in the mailbox to be sent back to Gamefly treatment thus far. That game seemed really clunky to me. It was like the Elder Scrolls game on the original Xbox where you're playing it and you want to be cool because the setting is cool, but it's just not fun.

Diablo 3 was great though. I haden't played a true hack'n'slash for years so that was much needed.
Dudes, Dragon's Dogma got my fastest out of the mailbox/back in the mailbox to be sent back to Gamefly treatment thus far. That game seemed really clunky to me. It was like the Elder Scrolls game on the original Xbox where you're playing it and you want to be cool because the setting is cool, but it's just not fun.

Diablo 3 was great though. I haden't played a true hack'n'slash for years so that was much needed.

To each his own for Dragon's Dogma, I guess. Obviously I really liked it. I thought it struck a nice balance between a lot of different games, and the combat in particular was good.

I've definitely been enjoying Diablo 3 since the big 2.0 patch and now the expansion. They pretty much fixed all the problems everyone had with it.
Between Titanfall and Infamous: Second Son, I've been kept pretty busy lately.

And then Elder Scrolls Online comes out tomorrow, so I'll probably never see the sun again.