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We suck

A new thread was needed for a wake up call to all the kool-aid glassed homers.

The 8 seed ain't happening. Gobert isn't that great. Mitchell is an inefficient chucker. Rubio can't shoot. Ingles is just a role player. Hood is what he is which isn't anything remotely special. Favors is washed up. And Hayward was really ****ing good and we miss him. It's okay to admit it. He was that important to our success.

Oh well. At least I have the Eagles.

Michael Jordan was also a player who played a role.

Pls insure your response, if any, is carefully measured.
We wouldn't want anyone here to get .... get ... Jingled.
Maybe after that Houston game we just hit a wall mentally and physically, ate too much pasta and never woke up.
A new thread was needed for a wake up call to all the kool-aid glassed homers.

The 8 seed ain't happening. Gobert isn't that great. Mitchell is an inefficient chucker. Rubio can't shoot. Ingles is just a role player. Hood is what he is which isn't anything remotely special. Favors is washed up. And Hayward was really ****ing good and we miss him. It's okay to admit it. He was that important to our success.

Oh well. At least I have the Eagles.

I'm loving you ****ers are sucking me so hard the sheets are coming up through my ***. When I called Burks' contract a huge mistake I was called a troll. When I said Hayward would get paid way more than the stupid $11 million you all wanted him at I was called a troll. When I said the current roster build was **** I was called a troll. When I said the Jazz will have to blow this up I was called a troll. When I questioned QS' offense I was called a troll.

Now everybody saying all of this. Oracle franklin out.
Again, way to early to overreact after 11 games in the season. Lets revisit this around All star break.
Yep, that was downright Corbin-like.

Jazz are not nearly as bad as they were last night; but they're not that good either.

I said it in August and I'll say it now - 35-38 wins is the absolute ceiling for this team - and that's sprinkled with some optimism. Jazz just don't have the offensive talent to make up for the loss of Hayward and Hill.

And as far as Rubio is concerned - love to say it but I told you so. Nice kid who can do nice things on the court now and again but he has no clue how to play winning basketball.

Favors looks like he's 37. No clue what happened to him.

Burks looks mentally shot.

Hood's a third option.

Ingles is a role player and cult hero - not a starter.

If Mitchell is the real thing (and I think he is) and The Jazz get lucky and pick up another legit scorer via the draft or trade then The Jazz might get lucky and have a quick one year re-set. But this team, this year, is going nowhere.

You're overreacting, badly.
I said it elsewhere and I will say it here, we are a team filled with 3rd options. With no 1st or 2nd options we are destined for a mediocre or worse season. It just is what it is. We can enjoy the rise of Mitchell as he figures things out and I hope to **** that somehow Rudy pulls his head out and starts dominating again. He has been a step slow all season. What is wrong there? I don't get it, it is like the fire is gone.
Michael Jordan was also a player who played a role.

Pls insure your response, if any, is carefully measured.
We wouldn't want anyone here to get .... get ... Jingled.

HHi Joe!!
We have bunch of good players but not a great one. Thats the problem. If Rubio is the best scorer in a team, that team has serious problems.
I just saw this in our preseason games that our offense lack a lot of polish. We lost our go to guy. Our only go to guy now is a rookie. And you know, he is a rookie. He cant do that much. And honestly even if we make playoffs (i still think we have chance) like 8th spot, we will get swept by both GSW and Houston. Maybe we can win 1 game from Minnesota.
I would trade Favors (even though i like him, he has no place in this setup) and Burks for a few draft picks and look to re-set the team around Mitchel and Gobert and 1 more scorer. We would be great if we get a Kuzma copy, he is a real fit for Jazz. But i think we can also get a young Hayward and make Ingles the 6th man. This can be our plan for next 2-3 years. Fighting for playoffs doesnt even make so much sense for us. Now Dallas, Lakers and even PHoenix (Hell no Sacramento) is in better position than us in next years to come. Take advantage of wild wild west and just tank the season for the greater good.
At this point, I'll be surprised if we limp into the playoffs to be swept in the first round.
We have bunch of good players but not a great one. Thats the problem. If Rubio is the best scorer in a team, that team has serious problems.
I just saw this in our preseason games that our offense lack a lot of polish. We lost our go to guy. Our only go to guy now is a rookie. And you know, he is a rookie. He cant do that much. And honestly even if we make playoffs (i still think we have chance) like 8th spot, we will get swept by both GSW and Houston. Maybe we can win 1 game from Minnesota.
I would trade Favors (even though i like him, he has no place in this setup) and Burks for a few draft picks and look to re-set the team around Mitchel and Gobert and 1 more scorer. We would be great if we get a Kuzma copy, he is a real fit for Jazz. But i think we can also get a young Hayward and make Ingles the 6th man. This can be our plan for next 2-3 years. Fighting for playoffs doesnt even make so much sense for us. Now Dallas, Lakers and even PHoenix (Hell no Sacramento) is in better position than us in next years to come. Take advantage of wild wild west and just tank the season for the greater good.

It's a problem, not the problem.

There are plenty of teams who run good offense without great players. The Pacers are one of the best offenses in the NBA and they definitely don't have any great players individually.

The problem is the pieces we have are weird fits and Quin hasn't really changed the offense as much as he probably should to accommodate the wonky fits.
I wouldn't say we suck, but we definitely are mediocre. My fear is the realization will keep creeping in but it will be too late to do anything by the time everybody is on the same page. I never liked the direction DL took this summer and all my fears are being realized right now. The problem is that I don't see an easy way out. There was a way, but we didn't take it and it's now too late. People won't like it, but I think we are screwed (doomed to the treadmill) for the foreseeable future. I can't see this team winning more games than we did last year for the whole duration of Gobert's contract.

No... We Suck. If Phili can beat us without a heavy sweat and without their best player... We Suck! In the radio pre-game show, they said, if we play defense like we can play defense, Phili will be lucky to score 75 points. I guess we know how that turned out!
No... We Suck. If Phili can beat us without a heavy sweat and without their best player... We Suck! In the radio pre-game show, they said, if we play defense like we can play defense, Phili will be lucky to score 75 points. I guess we know how that turned out!

Defense was not an issue. We shot 30% and 28% from 3. And we took 39 3-point attempts.
I think it's time to sit back and relax and enjoy the wins and accept the fact that we will lose more than win this year and not make the playoffs.

We have two players, maybe three if Dante overcomes his injury, to build on for the future. Jingles is a good player, but a role player. He complemented Hayward very well, but on his own he can't compensate for Hayward's absence.

Rubio is only a stopgap until Mitchell and / or Dante mature.

The vets are only going to get older.

Hood is a huge disappointment. After four years he is really not much if at all better than when he came into the league. Favors and Burks have regressed, especially Burks who if he keeps playing like he has been, may not be in the league much longer. What are we going to do with Burks' guaranteed salary for next year?

It sure looks like DL has his work cut out for him. I think he did a good job but with three players we were counting on, not delivering, his efforts look like they weren't good enough. If he had foreseen this, then he probably could've made some trade to prevent what is happening.

We shall see how it goes; maybe things will change.
Has anyone ever thought about the fact that very often suck and blow mean the same thing?

I wish I could think about it more often. Maybe someday.