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Weather Network ****s on Breitbart climate article

  • Thread starter Deleted member 848
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So you're for oil tax breaks but not for solar tax breaks?

Like usual. You make no sense.

you don't get it.

In a world run by elite folks with a professional managerial expert staff to handle the details, the plantation managers roughly speaking, it is the prerogative of management to promote whatever publicity is needed, officially, while throwing dissenters in the dungeons.

shut down this, open up that. "Market" is not relevant to decisions, only the purposes of the proprietors of the government, the "Owners" of the plantation.

So Obama can wave a pen, pick up a phone, and shut down coal power plants and turn pristine desert valleys into solar glass panels five miles square. Ah, efficiency in management "trumps" personal choice.
So you're for oil tax breaks but not for solar tax breaks?

Like usual. You make no sense.

1) There are no special tax breaks for big oil as I already showed. Your ignorance is bliss campaign continues.

2) A 30% direct subsidy is not a tax break it is a direct handout to make less then 1% of are energy production "competitive".

3) Solar sucks.

4) welcome to my ignore list.
From reading through thread I think Beantown was in a convo with dutch back and forth for a while and then you quoted him and he got you and dutch confused as to who said what.
Then of course you do the whole lump everything together in a tidy little box thing by using the standard catch phrase Standard Liberal Rhetoric.
Man things have gotten bad.

LogGrad exhibits the behaviour of maybe 95% of the things he complains about, honestly. I guarantee you he's days away from starting a thread on safe spaces for conservatism
The source might not be up to lefites standards. but hey it cant be called racist atleast!


TRWDNW(too rightwing did not watch); obummers regulations killed the coal industry.
LogGrad exhibits the behaviour of maybe 95% of the things he complains about, honestly. I guarantee you he's days away from starting a thread on safe spaces for conservatism

our safe space will be awesome. it will have free speech, guns, hookers and blackjack!
LogGrad exhibits the behaviour of maybe 95% of the things he complains about, honestly. I guarantee you he's days away from starting a thread on safe spaces for conservatism
This rant, opinion unsupported by any supporting facts, degrades your own credibility.

It is more like a crass personal attack.
ooh so everything every scientist said is truth!

i listened to scientist on both sides!

don't fall for propaganda there is real environmental damage going around

The vast majority of the science community agree on the human impact of climate change. It's like you saying that you don't believe the medical community on smoking causing cancer.

Also you don't need a scientist to tell you that polluting air and our water supply is just stupid.
The vast majority of the science community agree on the human impact of climate change. It's like you saying that you don't believe the medical community on smoking causing cancer.

Also you don't need a scientist to tell you that polluting air and our water supply is just stupid.

ofcourse if you fart the earths atmosphere heats up by some degree.
cities are warmer because humans warm up the atmosphere around them, so cities radiates heat.
just like when i enter a room, the room heats up because of my bodyheat. or if i light up my epic computer the room tends to warm up because of the epicness of its GPU and CPU!

but this idea that co2 is heating up the whole climate, and it will lead to catastrophe is utter and total HOGWASH!
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ofcourse if you fart the earths atmosphere heats up by some degree.
cities are warmer because humans warm up the atmosphere around them, so cities radiates heat.
just like when i enter a room, the room heats up because of my bodyheat. or if i light up my epic computer the room tends to warm up because of the epicness of its GPU and CPU!

but this idea that co2 is heating up the whole climate, and it will lead to catastrophe is utter and total HOGWASH!

Blacktop. The color that absorbed all light (heat). That is why huge cities like New York are hotter then if no city were present. If they really want to control rising temperatures they will control population an eliminate Urban Heat Islands.
Blacktop. The color that absorbed all light (heat). That is why huge cities like New York are hotter then if no city were present. If they really want to control rising temperatures they will control population an eliminate Urban Heat Islands.

see, 1 reason why cities tend to warm up!

another is yes, in the winter we got these huge concrete buildings, all producing heat to make our interior climate more livable. dont people think this goes outside and has an effect on the regional climte.

OFCOURSE scientist agree man has a HUMAN IMPACT on climate change.

but this co2 hogwash is ludicrous! how many "failed models" before they see it.
wanst new york supposed to be underwater?
are some parts of tropics uninhabitable.
is there a worldwide food shortage?

NO NO AND NO! those events where predicted to have happened no later then 2015! these simpleton co2 climate change models keep failing. yet governments ddo more and more and more. to control us with this fear of catastropic co2 caused climate change!


or at least tell me how many more "predictions" and climate models have to fail. before you guys will acknowledge that climate modeling science is flawed and not "settled science"
see, 1 reason why cities tend to warm up!

another is yes, in the winter we got these huge concrete buildings, all producing heat to make our interior climate more livable. dont people think this goes outside and has an effect on the regional climte.

OFCOURSE scientist agree man has a HUMAN IMPACT on climate change.

but this co2 hogwash is ludicrous! how many "failed models" before they see it.
wanst new york supposed to be underwater?
are some parts of tropics uninhabitable.
is there a worldwide food shortage?

NO NO AND NO! those events where predicted to have happened no later then 2015! these simpleton co2 climate change models keep failing. yet governments ddo more and more and more. to control us with this fear of catastropic co2 caused climate change!


or at least tell me how many more "predictions" and climate models have to fail. before you guys will acknowledge that climate modeling science is flawed and not "settled science"

All earth material absorbs heat in these Concreate Jungles. When you dig up earth that is not absorbing sun rays an erecting sunshine capture ponds you are gonna heat up the planet. Otherwise the suns heat gets deflected back through all the scary CO2 in to outer space. This is basic science the alarmists deny.
As some may know, the Trump transition team asked the Department of Energy to provide a list of employees involved in climate change research, attendees to climate change conferences, etc. The Dept. turned down the request. Who knows why it was even made.
For people who support science, who appreciate it as science, and not another elite that must be taken down, Gov. Jerry Brown of California recently addressed an assembly of geophysicists and defended common sense, science, climate science, and the right of climate scientists to practice science and publish the truth. It stands as an early speech from this, the Resistance Era, to the Trump administration. California is the future, regardless of what the retrogrades in the Trump administration think. For supporters of science, and those who understand science will be under attack under Trump, Brown's speech hits the spot. It's the first speech of the Resistance Era that made this admirer of science feel better.
This is what the Resistance sounds like(there is a 20 second gap in the audio; just wait it out, an inspirational speech if one appreciates science, scientists, and the scientific method):


No fewer then 9 key members of the Trump transition team, including key cabinet posts like State and Energy, as well as the head of the EPA and the Trump administration Chief Strategist, are all climate change deniers. These key Trump appointees "deny basic scientific understanding that the planet is warming due to the burning of carbon and other human activity.”. Trump has called climate change a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government. Nobody can deny this is the most astoundingly anti-science administration in American history. We have put a conspiracy theory mongering, climate science denying, low brow in the Oval Office. Trump to Earth: drop dead.


Some here are like the barbarians at the gates. Attacking scientists because they are just another class of elites. That won't cut it I'm afraid....