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Weather Network ****s on Breitbart climate article

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97% human coherence with a Statist agenda will always signal something stinks.

Your backing the wrong side. The wrong "scientists". And all this was known by the fossil fuel industry decades ago. And it has been proven:



"WASHINGTON (April 13, 2016)—A trove of documents released today by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) reveals that the oil industry was well aware of the potential climate risks of fossil fuels decades earlier than was widely believed. The uncovered industry communications, scientific papers, and oral histories demonstrate that the petroleum industry was conducting climate research as early as 1957 and knew about the potential for catastrophic climate risks by 1968 at the latest.

The documents include a 1957 study, “Radiocarbon Evidence on the Dilution of Atmospheric and Oceanic Carbon by Carbon from Fossil Fuels,” published by scientists working for Humble Oil, a precursor of ExxonMobil. The study looked at how carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion accumulates in the atmosphere and oceans and indicates that scientists affiliated with the fossil fuel industry were not just aware of what happens to the climate when we burn fossil fuels, but were at the leading edge of scientific understanding of it."
As the video "Climate Denial Crock of the Week" demonstrates in comment #233 above, the very same scientist involved in helping the tobacco companies hide the truth was also involved in helping the fossil fuel industry deny the truths of climate change. Those crying "statists" are simply anti- intellectual, anti-science nihilists. The Huns at the gates, using slogans from their political ideologies and hatred of any and all elites(like the true barbarians they really are) to deny the science. It's comical, once one realizes these nihilists are hardly qualified to judge any science. Proof of the fossil fuel industry's true motives, and knowledge of the truth they so desperately wanted to cover up, is right there, in their own words, in their own documents.

They stated their goal very clearly: just get to the point where the public would believe global warming was too little subscribed to to amount to any kind of consensus. Just sow doubt in the public's mind and the fossil fuel industry would win. Just as with the tobacco companies, it was, and is, all about $$$$.
And when it comes to $$$$, not at all hard to understand the motives.

The nihilists and anti-science, anti- intellectual barbarians at the gates, will lose in the long run. They back falsehoods, and hide behind their political ideologies and anti-statism BS. They can't hide behind their bogus "science". It has been fully exposed for what it is...
Your backing the wrong side. The wrong "scientists". And all this was known by the fossil fuel industry decades ago. And it has been proven:



"WASHINGTON (April 13, 2016)—A trove of documents released today by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) reveals that the oil industry was well aware of the potential climate risks of fossil fuels decades earlier than was widely believed. The uncovered industry communications, scientific papers, and oral histories demonstrate that the petroleum industry was conducting climate research as early as 1957 and knew about the potential for catastrophic climate risks by 1968 at the latest.

The documents include a 1957 study, “Radiocarbon Evidence on the Dilution of Atmospheric and Oceanic Carbon by Carbon from Fossil Fuels,” published by scientists working for Humble Oil, a precursor of ExxonMobil. The study looked at how carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion accumulates in the atmosphere and oceans and indicates that scientists affiliated with the fossil fuel industry were not just aware of what happens to the climate when we burn fossil fuels, but were at the leading edge of scientific understanding of it."

you're quite a simpleton. This is not about "sides", it's about human liberty. I don't care a stitch about science or politics, the "cause" you're backing has hijacked science in a move to create a unified, worldwide fascist State that has no safefy feedback loops where people can change their governance. You're a moron if you're not an evil proponent of fascism.

human liberty doesn't have to be the baby we throw out with the bathwater in making the world sustainable. oh, yeah, conspiracy theorist and a bunch of crap. Pretty broad-based beliefs are not the same thing as two dudes in the cloakroom agreeing to something nobody would support in the light of day. Stokes mocks me because I know who some of the higher lights are in pushing for global fascism under ideological or environmental agendas, believed by many to be basic good values.
IPCC facts

what is the IPCC?


how are IPCC contributors "selected"?


oh, the claim of diversity and balancing the interests of various nations..... how can that go wrong? By "selecting" players who are "in" the governance camp hook, line, and sinker. Completely dependent, financially, on the grants and their positions within the system. And who is the beneficent guiding hand to all this? Well, one, if not the main.....


would be Prince Albert of Monaco and his foundation the contributes to such causes.

here's his Wiki page....lhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_II,_Prince_of_Monaco. wow. . . . son of actress Grace Kelly and royal to boot. With personal assets over a billion, plus the usual dissociated "foundation" assets he manages. Neat stuff. Lots of tax sheltered wealth, lives in a guvmint palace, owns casinos on essentially the Riviera. Nobdody can touch his bubble.

Does the word "Elite" fit here?
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As some may know, the Trump transition team asked the Department of Energy to provide a list of employees involved in climate change research, attendees to climate change conferences, etc. The Dept. turned down the request. Who knows why it was even made.
For people who support science, who appreciate it as science, and not another elite that must be taken down, Gov. Jerry Brown of California recently addressed an assembly of geophysicists and defended common sense, science, climate science, and the right of climate scientists to practice science and publish the truth. It stands as an early speech from this, the Resistance Era, to the Trump administration. California is the future, regardless of what the retrogrades in the Trump administration think. For supporters of science, and those who understand science will be under attack under Trump, Brown's speech hits the spot. It's the first speech of the Resistance Era that made this admirer of science feel better.
This is what the Resistance sounds like(there is a 20 second gap in the audio; just wait it out, an inspirational speech if one appreciates science, scientists, and the scientific method):


No fewer then 9 key members of the Trump transition team, including key cabinet posts like State and Energy, as well as the head of the EPA and the Trump administration Chief Strategist, are all climate change deniers. These key Trump appointees "deny basic scientific understanding that the planet is warming due to the burning of carbon and other human activity.”. Trump has called climate change a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government. Nobody can deny this is the most astoundingly anti-science administration in American history. We have put a conspiracy theory mongering, climate science denying, low brow in the Oval Office. Trump to Earth: drop dead.


Some here are like the barbarians at the gates. Attacking scientists because they are just another class of elites. That won't cut it I'm afraid....

co2 climate change hogwash is not science. it is a RELIGION!
Prince Charles

Another pusher for worldwide governance solidified by climate change scaremongering.... Prince Charles.


Oooooh,.. The Humanity. . . .. Planet Earth is burning like the Hindenburg, and it's too late to do anything. 2015 was the last chance to save us.

And did you see the irony in his reference to the Magna Carta? The new agreements internationally will wipe out the last vestiges of the terms requiring monarchs to be subject to the law. From now on, the Hillarys, the Obamas, the Bushes, or the whoevers can act lawlessly as long as approved by management from above, from the Elites. As long as we get those pesky Breitbarts and Hannitys muzzled, that is. Can't afford a Press that doesn't know it's place.
A leaked copy of the world’s most authoritative climate study reveals scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong.

The Mail on Sunday has obtained the final draft of a report to be published later this month by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the ultimate watchdog whose massive, six-yearly ‘assessments’ are accepted by environmentalists, politicians and experts as the gospel of climate science.

They are cited worldwide to justify swingeing fossil fuel taxes and subsidies for ‘renewable’ energy.

Yet the leaked report makes the extraordinary concession that over the past 15 years, recorded world temperatures have increased at only a quarter of the rate of IPCC claimed when it published its last assessment in 2007.

Back then, it said observed warming over the 15 years from 1990-2005 had taken place at a rate of 0.2C per decade, and it predicted this would continue for the following 20 years, on the basis of forecasts made by computer climate models.

But the new report says the observed warming over the more recent 15 years to 2012 was just 0.05C per decade - below almost all computer predictions.

The 31-page ‘summary for policymakers’ is based on a more technical 2,000-page analysis which will be issued at the same time. It also surprisingly reveals: IPCC scientists accept their forecast computers may have exaggerated the effect of increased carbon emissions on world temperatures – and not taken enough notice of natural variability.

They recognise the global warming ‘pause’ first reported by The Mail on Sunday last year is real – and concede that their computer models did not predict it. But they cannot explain why world average temperatures have not shown any statistically significant increase since 1997.

lThey admit large parts of the world were as warm as they are now for decades at a time between 950 and 1250 AD – centuries before the Industrial Revolution, and when the population and CO2 levels were both much lower.

lThe IPCC admits that while computer models forecast a decline in Antarctic sea ice, it has actually grown to a new record high. Again, the IPCC cannot say why.

lA forecast in the 2007 report that hurricanes would become more intense has simply been dropped, without mention.

This year has been one of the quietest hurricane seasons in history and the US is currently enjoying its longest-ever period – almost eight years – without a single hurricane of Category 3 or above making landfall.

One of the report’s own authors, Professor Myles Allen, the director of Oxford University’s Climate Research Network, last night said this should be the last IPCC assessment – accusing its cumbersome production process of ‘misrepresenting how science works’.

Despite the many scientific uncertainties disclosed by the leaked report, it nonetheless draws familiar, apocalyptic conclusions – insisting that the IPCC is more confident than ever that global warming is mainly humans’ fault.

It says the world will continue to warm catastrophically unless there is drastic action to curb greenhouse gases – with big rises in sea level, floods, droughts and the disappearance of the Arctic icecap.

Last night Professor Judith Curry, head of climate science at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, said the leaked summary showed that ‘the science is clearly not settled, and is in a state of flux’.

She said it therefore made no sense that the IPCC was claiming that its confidence in its forecasts and conclusions has increased.

For example, in the new report, the IPCC says it is ‘extremely likely’ – 95 per cent certain – that human influence caused more than half the temperature rises from 1951 to 2010, up from ‘very confident’ – 90 per cent certain – in 2007.

Prof Curry said: ‘This is incomprehensible to me’ – adding that the IPCC projections are ‘overconfident’, especially given the report’s admitted areas of doubt.

Starting a week tomorrow, about 40 of the 250 authors who contributed to the report – and supposedly produced a definitive scientific consensus – will hold a four-day meeting in Stockholm, together with representatives of most of the 195 governments that fund the IPCC, established in 1998 by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The governments have tabled 1,800 questions and are demanding major revisions, starting with the failure to account for the pause.

Prof Curry said she hoped that the ‘inconsistencies will be pointed out’ at the meeting, adding: ‘The consensus-seeking process used by the IPCC creates and amplifies biases in the science. It should be abandoned in favour of a more traditional review that presents arguments for and against – which would better support scientific progress, and be more useful for policy makers.’ Others agree that the unwieldy and expensive IPCC assessment process has now run its course.

Prof Allen said: ‘The idea of producing a document of near-biblical infallibility is a misrepresentation of how science works, and we need to look very carefully about what the IPCC does in future.’

Climate change sceptics are more outspoken. Dr Benny Peiser, of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, described the leaked report as a ‘staggering concoction of confusion, speculation and sheer ignorance’.

As for the pause, he said ‘it would appear that the IPCC is running out of answers .  .  . to explain why there is a widening gap between predictions and reality’.

The Mail on Sunday has also seen an earlier draft of the report, dated October last year. There are many striking differences between it and the current, ‘final’ version.

The 2012 draft makes no mention of the pause and, far from admitting that the Middle Ages were unusually warm, it states that today’s temperatures are the highest for at least 1,300 years, as it did in 2007. Prof Allen said the change ‘reflects greater uncertainty about what was happening around the last millennium but one’.

A further change in the new version is the first-ever scaling down of a crucial yardstick, the ‘equilibrium climate sensitivity’ – the extent to which the world is meant to warm each time CO2 levels double.

As things stand, the atmosphere is expected to have twice as much CO2 as in pre-industrial times by about 2050. In 2007, the IPCC said the ‘likeliest’ figure was 3C, with up to 4.5C still ‘likely’.

Now it does not give a ‘likeliest’ value and admits it is ‘likely’ it may be as little as 1.5C – so giving the world many more decades to work out how to reduce carbon emissions before temperatures rise to dangerous levels.

As a result of the warming pause, several recent peer-reviewed scientific studies have suggested that the true figure for the sensitivity is much lower than anyone – the IPCC included – previously thought: probably less than 2C.

Last night IPCC communications chief Jonathan Lynn refused to comment, saying the leaked report was ‘still a work in progress’.

The Mail on Sunday’s report last week that Arctic ice has had a massive rebound this year from its 2012 record low was followed up around the world – and recorded 174,200 Facebook ‘shares’, by some distance a record for an article on the MailOnline website.

But the article and its author also became the object of extraordinarily vitriolic attacks from climate commentators who refuse to accept any evidence that may unsettle their view of the science.

A Guardian website article claimed our report was ‘delusional’ because it ignored what it called an ‘Arctic death spiral’ caused by global warming.

Beneath this, some readers who made comments had their posts removed by the site moderator, because they ‘didn’t abide by our community standards’.

But among those that still remain on the site is one which likens the work of David Rose – who is Jewish – to Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic rant Mein Kampf.

Another suggests it would be reasonable if he were to be murdered by his own children. A comment under the name DavidFTA read: ‘In a few years, self-defence is going to be made a valid defence for parricide [killing one’s own father], so Rose’s children will have this article to present in their defence at the trial.’

Critics of the article entirely ignored its equally accurate statement that there is mounting evidence the Arctic sea ice retreat has in the past been cyclical: there were huge melts in the 1920s, followed by later advances.

Some scientists believe that this may happen again, and may already be under way – delaying the date when the ice cap might vanish by decades or even centuries.

Another assault was mounted by Bob Ward, spokesman for the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at the London School of Economics.

Mr Ward tweeted that the article was ‘error-strewn’.

The eminent US expert Professor Judith Curry, who unlike Mr Ward is a climate scientist with a long list of peer-reviewed publications to her name, disagreed.

On her blog Climate Etc she defended The Mail on Sunday, saying the article contained ‘good material’, and issued a tweet which challenged Mr Ward to say what these ‘errors’ were.

He has yet to reply.

science is not settled
and the 97% agree on one thing. that human actions have influence on the climate!
if the influence is 1% or 99% or if the influence is co2 or just body warmth or just concrete jungles doesnt matter.
thats what 97% agree on. some of those 97% even think its not co2 causing climate change

97% dont agree that co2 is a major force on climate change!

so if u use the 97% use it in a correct manner

Settled science my ***
Good job [MENTION=3085]Red[/MENTION]

Unfortunately you will never be able to talk any sense to these morons.
UN Window Dressing

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


declared by who? The guvmint of course.

Tell me kiddies, can any of you find a "right" to vote, or a right to displace a guvmint we don't like?

I found a "duty" to support guvmint, whatever. . . .

So here's something about the will of the people.....

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.[/QUOTE]

Wonderful..... "the will of the people shate be the basis of the authority of government"..... so, do we get to vote on the real government, the UN, or just our little cookie cutter local guv retail outlets?

A lot of socialist "rights" to food, living standards, jobs, and compulsory "education", which essentially require guvmint force to take from those who have and to impose indoctrination on the little kiddies......

But, ah, the duties, the duties we have as "rights": Too many to be itemized, of course. . . .

"everyone has duties to the community...."

Article 21.

Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

and all of "these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations".

Can you read that, kiddies? You have NO RIGHTS but what fit the UN purposes.
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everybody who wants to stop climate change is actually RACIST. yes i am using the left tactics to call racism.
because recently due to climate change there is falling more rain in Africa. dont you want those Africans to get rain?
stop being a racist and let them get rain and green their desert. all that money wasted on climate change propaganda, could finance a water desalination plant, and MAKE AFRICA GREAT AGAIN. stupid failed liberal "live aid" concert did nothing for Africa!

but nobody wants to actually do some good. no we virtue signal like crazy!

so lets get over there and start to green that damn desert!
instead of virtue signal with a crappy Prius or Tesla that is dangerous for the environment.
how many failed climate models do you need form now one to see that it is not settled science!

you're arguing religion here, no use.

I've been going over the reports on ice core drilling and CO2 measurements. When we had only one data set, it was clear science. . . . but oh, the agony, the horror of two clocks!!! how can we make them say the same thing, or explain it so it sounds the same. Oh yes, here's the ticket, CO2 diffuses in the ice, too. If we just adjust the rate of diffusion, we can make the CO2 data agree......
ICE core temps and CO2 lag......shows outgassing oceans causes atmospheric rise in CO2

Here's a little snippet of contrarian science:


It is interesting to note that the IPCC scientific report (e.g., the AR4) avoids this question of lag. Instead of pointing it out, they write that in some cases (e.g., when comparing Antarctic CO2 to temperature data) it is hard to say anything definitive since the data sets come from different cores. This is of course chaff to cover the fact that when CO2 and temperature are measured with the same cores, or when carefully comparing different cores, a lag of typically several hundred years is found to be present, if the quality and resolution permit. Such an example is found in the figure below.

Analysis of ice core data from Antarctica by Indermühle et al. (GRL, vol. 27, p. 735, 2000), who find that CO2 lags behind the temperature by 1200±700 years.
There are many examples of studies finding lags, a few examples include:
Indermühle et al. (GRL, vol. 27, p. 735, 2000), who find that CO2 lags behind the temperature by 1200±700 years, using Antarctic ice-cores between 60 and 20 kyr before present (see figure).
Fischer et al. (Science, vol 283, p. 1712, 1999) reported a time lag 600±400 yr during early de-glacial changes in the last 3 glacial–interglacial transitions.
Siegenthaler et al. (Science, vol. 310, p. 1313, 2005) find a best lag of 1900 years in the Antarctic data.
Monnin et al. (Science vol 291, 112, 2001) find that the start of the CO2 increase in the beginning of the last interglacial lagged the start of the temperature increase by 800 years.
Clearly, the correlation and lags unequivocally demonstrate that the temperature drives changes in the atmospheric CO2 content. The same correlations, however cannot be used to say anything about the temperature's sensitivity to variations in the CO2. I am sure there is some effect in that direction, but to empirically demonstrate it, one needs a correlation between the temperature and CO2 variations, which do not originate from temperature variations.

The only temperature independent CO2 variations I know of are those of anthropogenic sources, i.e., the 20th century increase, and CO2 variations over geological time scales.

Since the increase of CO2 over the 20th is monotonic, and other climate drivers (e.g., the sun) increased as well, a correlation with temperature is mostly meaningless. This leaves the geological variations in CO2 as the only variations which could be used to empirically estimate the effect of the CO2→ΔT link.

The reason that over geological time scales, the variations do not depend on the temperature is because over these long durations, the total CO2 in the ecosystem varies from a net imbalance between volcanic out-gassing and sedimentation/subduction. This "random walk" in the amount of CO2 is the reason why there were periods with 3 or even 10 times as much CO2 than present, over the past billion years.

Unfortunately, there is no clear correlation between CO2 and temperature over geological time scales. This lack of correlation should have translated into an upper limit on the CO2→ΔT link. However, because the geochemical temperature data is actually biased by the amount of CO2, this lack of correlation result translates into a CO2 doubling sensitivity which is about ΔTx2 ~ 1.0±0.5°C. More about it in this paper.

The moral of this story is that when you are shown data such as the graph by Al Gore, ask yourself what does it really mean. You might be surprised from the answer.

Upper limit on the effects of CO2
shaviv's blog
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Heat Sources for Planet Earth

Any model of climate change or correlations of climate with atmospheric temperatures should include all the contributing heat sources and heat sinks.

A "source" for atmospheric heat supplies heat to the atmosphere, a "sink" removes heat from the atmosphere.

duh..... lessee...... hmmmmmm......

oh yeah, I got it!!!!! The SUN. almost nobody could miss that. What amount of heat comes from the sun? Does that amount vary? Short answer is it is fairly constant with short cycles linked to sunspot activities, which also emit particles that can cause "solar storms" in our upper atmosphere. The variance here is relatively small, and the cycles are short-term, but we see weather changes linked to these. There is some reason to believe there are longer cycles running as well, concurrently, that may link to longer climate cycles, maybe even be important to ice age cycles. .. .. but what to we know, anyway. We've only been "watching" for a hundred years or so.

geologists recognize volcanic activism that seems to peak in certain epochs of the earth history....15-30 million years ago, 150 million years ago. These would reflect deep core processes of convection to the surface, and cyclical increases in radioactive heat generation explained by the settling of heavier nuclei towards the center, increasing nuclear reactgion rates, and such.

At any rate, volcanism does bring heat to the earth surface, including the ocean floors. Even a 1 degree increase in the global temp at that interface would be a significant factor in the correlations being made today with CO2.

Anybody see any discussion of this in IPCC "science"?

Nope. It's not politically relevant "science". How we gonna tax the Earth's core for generating too much heat?

IN this scenario, CO2 ranks not as a "source" but as a "sink" for heat, It merely holds heat, perhaps reducing the overall flux of heat radiated out.

Nobody has discussed the Van Allen belt of particles as a "blanket" that reflects heat or stores heat. It is in continual flux being recharged at times from solar flares and depleted as radiation neutralizes charges and uncharged particles diffuse out of the magnetic field that traps ions, some settling on the earth. We always get some dust coming down, it's the source of our Beryllium, for example.

UN can't tax the Van Allen Belt, either. UN has to find a fearful monster close enough to humans to scare us into accepting a world tax agency.
It's the Ocean, Stupid.

A lot of talk on the Atmosphere being the relevant heat sink with increases in CO2.

Here's a little bit about the Ocean, proportionately speaking.


It is presumed that at depth the ocean is filled with 4 degree C water because that's the highest density water. That's why ice floats, folks, and why we don't have undersea glaciers thousands of feet thick worldwide.

salt content affects the specific heat of water, the density, and can determine mixing currents. Our vast ocean currents are thought to be driven by variations in salt content. Pure water melting of the polar ice stores each summer, coming in from big rivers like the Mississippi, and such. Thought to be part of the El Nino/La Nina weather pattern.

So far, our IPCC "science" has simply ignored most of the ocean. Good science would consider not only surface temps but layer temps at 10m, 30m, 50m 100m 250m 500m, 1000m, 2000m and the deeper trenches as well. But particularly useful would be the data within 100m. "waves" of heat propagation have been observed at these depths and linked to super typhoon events.
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It's Galactic Orbitals, Stupid.

There has been some discussion of the Sun moving along with its spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, periodically encountering changing fluxes of particulates/clouds/hydrogen and othersuch stuff, and possible effects in changing solar output or the energy flux received on planet earth. Earth occasionally has volcanic events that put enough stuff up there we have a few years of dark "winter". No reason to think the upper atmosphere isn't warm enough, but in the shade down here, it gets cccccold. The galactic "cycle" would potentially be very significant as a driver of earth climate. What we gonna do 'bout that. Can't tax the Milky Way or levy steep fines for environmental contamination. Nope, gotta tax little people somehow.

Here is a tidbit from some real communists, VI Vernadsky and real socialists, not the convenient fascist hijackers of social ideals.... LaRouchians.

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Any model of climate change or correlations of climate with atmospheric temperatures should include all the contributing heat sources and heat sinks.

A "source" for atmospheric heat supplies heat to the atmosphere, a "sink" removes heat from the atmosphere.

duh..... lessee...... hmmmmmm......

oh yeah, I got it!!!!! The SUN. almost nobody could miss that. What amount of heat comes from the sun? Does that amount vary? Short answer is it is fairly constant with short cycles linked to sunspot activities, which also emit particles that can cause "solar storms" in our upper atmosphere. The variance here is relatively small, and the cycles are short-term, but we see weather changes linked to these. There is some reason to believe there are longer cycles running as well, concurrently, that may link to longer climate cycles, maybe even be important to ice age cycles. .. .. but what to we know, anyway. We've only been "watching" for a hundred years or so.

geologists recognize volcanic activism that seems to peak in certain epochs of the earth history....15-30 million years ago, 150 million years ago. These would reflect deep core processes of convection to the surface, and cyclical increases in radioactive heat generation explained by the settling of heavier nuclei towards the center, increasing nuclear reactgion rates, and such.

At any rate, volcanism does bring heat to the earth surface, including the ocean floors. Even a 1 degree increase in the global temp at that interface would be a significant factor in the correlations being made today with CO2.

Anybody see any discussion of this in IPCC "science"?

Nope. It's not politically relevant "science". How we gonna tax the Earth's core for generating too much heat?

IN this scenario, CO2 ranks not as a "source" but as a "sink" for heat, It merely holds heat, perhaps reducing the overall flux of heat radiated out.

Nobody has discussed the Van Allen belt of particles as a "blanket" that reflects heat or stores heat. It is in continual flux being recharged at times from solar flares and depleted as radiation neutralizes charges and uncharged particles diffuse out of the magnetic field that traps ions, some settling on the earth. We always get some dust coming down, it's the source of our Beryllium, for example.

UN can't tax the Van Allen Belt, either. UN has to find a fearful monster close enough to humans to scare us into accepting a world tax agency.

One Yellowstone volcano eruption will spew more CO2 in to the air then the last 200 years of humanity.

One more sun spot will increase earth temperature way more then pretend CO2 warming. You could go to 1000 ppm CO2 an 1 single sunspot would warm the earth way more then there "models" predict. 1 sunspot folks that is all. Are the liberal government worshiper gonna try controlling the sun next? Oh yah that is right we are morons right [MENTION=840]fishonjazz[/MENTION].