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What If We Still Had Joe Jesus?


Active Member
The question comes around as to what would we look life if we still had Joe Johnson? I would bet he could be counted on for some solid play in the playoffs and even a win or two. What say you?
No thanks. As much as he did for us last year, there’s a reason we were a lot better without him on the floor and a reason we’re better with Crowder. Last year worked good because he could kinda be the guy that Hayward couldn’t at times and it was easier to hide his deficiencies. Now, not so much.
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No thanks. As much as he did for us last year, there’s a reason we were a lot better without him on the floor and a reason we’re better without Crowder. Last year worked good because he could kinda be the guy that Hayward couldn’t at times and it was easier to hide his deficiencies. Now, not so much.
You do mean better WITH Crowder?
Love him for what he did for us last year, but we were no doubt worse with him on the roster this year. More JJ would've probably meant less Royce, Jerebko, and possibly even some less minutes for Ingles playing that point forward role. I'm pretty positive we wouldn't have 47 wins today.
The question comes around as to what would we look life if we still had Joe Johnson? I would bet he could be counted on for some solid play in the playoffs and even a win or two. What say you?

Different team this year, so I don't think so. He was one of the biggest defensive liabilities on the team this season and his shot wasn't falling. Maybe he could lock in for the playoffs, but this team is such an integrated machine that he likely would be a net negative. I love JJ for his play last year, of course. But we seem better off without him for sure.
The question comes around as to what would we look life if we still had Joe Johnson? I would bet he could be counted on for some solid play in the playoffs and even a win or two. What say you?
nah defensive seive Joe has died and isn't going to be resurrected this time
The question comes around as to what would we look life if we still had Joe Johnson? I would bet he could be counted on for some solid play in the playoffs and even a win or two. What say you?
No. They traded him because the entire team plays better with ball movement and he was a ball stopper who didn't play defense. I'm grateful for what he did for the Jazz last year. But Johnson did not fit with this roster and we are better off without him now and going forward.
JJ turned into a black hole. He got the ball and nobody else on the team ever saw it again.
Joe's been brutal in Houston - 38/26% from the field.

And in the last 2 minutes of a game I'll put the ball in DM's hands over JJ 10 times out of 10.