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What's the deal with Hayward?

I expect him to play with some confidence and aggression. how much of that we can reasonably expect when his role on the team is still uncertain and the team identity itself is still unclear is a valid point of debate.

That said, CJ has had 6 years, shouldn't Hayward get at least a couple?

It was the fourth game in his second season. I think he will be fine.
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I wonder if we have another CJ-in-the-making. Remember when Miles would get us all excited by having a "breakout game" near the end of the year. Then he'd come back the next season and be the same old CJ.

Except it wasn't a "breakout game". It was a breakout 2 month period, encompassing several consecutive games. Major difference.
PS Ive resorted to sending him encouraging tweets. Everyone else can feel free to join in. Told him he has what it takes to a be a great player in the league, and he just needs to keep working hard/being assertive.
PS Ive resorted to sending him encouraging tweets. Everyone else can feel free to join in. Told him he has what it takes to a be a great player in the league, and he just needs to keep working hard/being assertive.

I am not a tweeter but good idea. Tell him you are not the only one. I think he is going to be a stud.
PS Ive resorted to sending him encouraging tweets. Everyone else can feel free to join in. Told him he has what it takes to a be a great player in the league, and he just needs to keep working hard/being assertive.

Huge game coming up, no doubt.
I wonder if we have another CJ-in-the-making. Remember when Miles would get us all excited by having a "breakout game" near the end of the year. Then he'd come back the next season and be the same old CJ.

I think it's pretty much only a matter of time before this board throws him under the bus. I don't see him living up to expectations right away. That's not a knock on him, I just expect this team to lose quite a bit more than they win, and I think that puts him in kind of a tough spot.

Personally, I won't be judging him too harshly, no matter what happens this year.
Hayward is trash you all have hyped him like a star. Is 1320 paying your wages because you can expect this from them.

First of all, he has a much better jumpshot than many players in this league. He just needs to believe in it. Secondly, he is a smart player. Smart players either adjust quickly or they over-think things and psyche themselves out, are too hard on themselves and go on a slump. Korver was like this all the time. Hayward is a bit more gifted in other ways so he at least can still contribute when the shot isn't falling. However, I just don't think it's a shooting problem. I think he's just putting too much pressure on himself. He just needs to relax and let the game unfold while still being aggressive, moving with and without the ball and getting teammates involved. He'll be fine. He just needs time to settle down.
He had a great game 2 games ago... carried the confidence into the next game, in which he had a terrible (shooting) game... carried that (lack of) confidence into this latest game... It isn't hard to see what is going on. He's young, but the difference between him and CJ is he is always helping the team in other ways while on the court... ie passing
The game with Philly when him and Favors were working the pick and roll during crunch time was awesome.
But this last game, pretty much the only times he touched the ball was so he could post up Big Al.

Corbin needs to always have Favors and Hayward together in the lineup.
I would rather see him start slow and finish strong like he did last year than have him leap out of the gate and fizzle later on.

Of course, best case would be both a strong start and strong finish to the season.
Last nights game was interesting and very telling.

After a few drive and dishes, Corbin got on Hayward which obviously frustrated him. He put his hands out like "I don't know!". I'm betting Corbin told him to be more aggressive. When Hayward brought the ball up, tried to cross his defender, and lost the ball, the next possession he took a brick 3 with 20 left on the shot clock, almost like he knew he'd get pulled, and he did. Corbin sat him until the last few seconds of the game.

Hayward is obviously starting slow and trying to find his groove, and he's frustrated. I hope he finds it soon, and I think he will.
I am a Hayward fan but he's beginning to annoy me. The guy is playing so passively. Passes up open shots, doesn't try to take his man off the dribble. Shows no offensive aggressiveness. On top of that, Corbin never runs a play for him. He just gets the ball on the wing, takes a couple of dribbles and passes. Or he doesn't even dribble. He's like a non entity out there. Howard comes in and within two minutes already has more shots. Our starting SF needs to take more shots and be much more aggressive. His play and how he is underutilized is really disappointing to me.

His confidence is shaken. As is everyone's. Ty needs to balls up and say "These are our boys. They will ALL play 30 minutes a game until proven less effective than someone else".

Proof? Last year. Once he realized coach ain't gonna move him, he had confidence. That's when we witnessed the White Mamba.
I think a lot of players will be suffering from the uncertainty of their roles in the shortened year. I think Hayward needs that more than most. That, and experience/seasoning/whatever.
What in the world are you talking about OP? Hayward is the bomb. Don't you ever say he is passive ever again. He is a team baller