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When did you guys begin to lose interest in the Jazz?

I know what you mean. This was the 1st season I regretted my purchase of League Pass. If Ty is back, I will NOT buy LP next season. I have great hope for the C4, but can't stand watching a team that has no clue on offense or defense.

KOC and Lindsey are not stupid though. I have a suspicion they'll do something drastic this Summer. Case in point - KOC said publicly that fans will be excited about the OKC game, but no they weren't.

Writing's on the wall, it'll be interesting what they do.
KOC and Lindsey are not stupid though. I have a suspicion they'll do something drastic this Summer. Case in point - KOC said publicly that fans will be excited about the OKC game, but no they weren't.

Writing's on the wall, it'll be interesting what they do.

Oh, its a given they will do something. Because the Jazz MISSED THE PLAYOFFS. For the Jazz that's the bottomline. Making the playoffs. They spring into action whenever they do not make playoffs. So in a way fans hoping for some action this offseason have to feel lucky that the Jazz missed the playoffs narrowly. Because now you can be assured that the FO will pull up their socks and actually get something done. If the Jazz had just squeaked in, we would have been hearing all summer from the Jazz PR as to how "competetive" this team was and how championship was just around the corner with a few tweaks. And of course how grateful we should all be to Greg for having a franchise here. Funny, how just one more L changes up a lot of things
It's hard to say I've lost interest. I saw pretty much every game this year (maybe missed 1 or 2) and I'm on this board every day, even in the (gasp) Jazz section! However, this is the most indifferent I've been towards the team which is frightening to me. I'll also say that whenever I'd watch this season and see Mo/Foye/Al/Sap/Marv as the starting lineup part of my fandom would die a tiny bit each game, hence the reason I hate Ty so much as a head coach.
Been a fan for over 25 years despite being separated by oceans here followed the team as close I could given distance and time, First full season I bought the league pass- will wait to see what happens to the roster before I purchase next season.
Will continue being a fan but hope next season its time for C4 to play, after the league deadline lost enthusiasm somewhat
For me it was at the beginning of this year when I realized they brought in Foye to take away minutes from Burks and when both Favors and Kanter had monster games and both were not rewarded for it. The last twenty games I just watched bits and pieces of games. When they were losing to Memphis I wasn't even upset. I really don't know what I will do if they start bring back the same team next year and still play the vets.
I started watching the Jazz back in '97 and have had League Pass since 2000. Jazz basketball used to be a thing of beauty to watch. Crisp passing, ball movement, killer screens, hard cuts... the whole system was built in a calculated way to maximize opportunities to score. Some people live for the dunk, well I live for the incredible pass, the unselfish play, the solid defense. the maximum effort. This season was filled with lackadaisical effort, lazy screens, telegraphed passes, poor shot selection and the list can go on and on. Lots of stupid basketball played with me asking myself why I should invest time and money in such a poor product. This team should have done better, despite Corbin. It's been a wasted year. Most aggravating, though, is the time that could have been invested in our young players' development.
1) The fact the you are still reading and posting on this site means there is some interest left and you are still a fan

2) From everything I have heard, making a trade at the deadline would have been a mistake - nothing was offered that didn't eat valuable cap space so good for the Jazz for not biting

3) This off season, and possibly next off season, tell the whole story. They have positioned themselves incredibly well now what do they do with it?

4) Still a fan and always will be.
I never lost full interest, but for me my interest in the Jazz did go down after the Rockets game back in January. I went to the game, and at this point I had been to several games...but after the true lack of heart and caring for the game and fans I only went to two more games after that. That really hurt, lost a little respect. Not because they lost...but because they literally didn't care