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Which player under contract for next year already plans on leaving after this season is over?

Bell should have taken Kobe up on that dinner offer and maybe even asked for a helicopter ride after. (not that kind of helicopter ride, sick-o's)
David Locke talking about the draft on Twitter, seems to think the Jazz should/will go after one of the point guards, specifically Brandon Knight or Kemba Walker. If that's the case, it's very possible Devin Harris could be one to exit.

Also made mention of Morris Almond, which seemed to be a direct response to the Jimmer Cult.
Also when I asked him about Harrison Barnes (if the Jazz were to land a top 3 pick), he direct messaged me and called Harris a "space filler".
Also when I asked him about Harrison Barnes (if the Jazz were to land a top 3 pick), he direct messaged me and called Harris a "space filler".

I bet he direct messaged you about it because he was hoping you'd post it in public and attribute his name to it. Nice work.
I heard Locke say on the radio that maybe the Jazz can get another top PG with a combination of these draft picks and trade pieces in the next year or two. He compared Harris to Rickey Green and thought that Harris could fill a good role for a year or two and help the young guy learn the ropes type thing. I don't think Locke wanted JJ Rage to keep it a secret that Locke doesn't feel Harris is the future of the franchise.
Don't know if this has been said but maybe the reason Raja is still getting time is to try to up his trade potential. If he is the one wanting out I am sure the Jazz want to try to get something back for him.

I guess this could be talking about Harris. But to say the season didn't live up to expectations doesn't make much sense. Are you telling me he had expectations in NJ?
Don't know if this has been said but maybe the reason Raja is still getting time is to try to up his trade potential. If he is the one wanting out I am sure the Jazz want to try to get something back for him.

I guess this could be talking about Harris. But to say the season didn't live up to expectations doesn't make much sense. Are you telling me he had expectations in NJ?

Now reading the Trib, maybe this is all about Okur.
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