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Why is black crime so high?

The Blue Elephant

Well-Known Member

white murder rate 48.2 %
white population in usa makes up 72.41%
black murder rate 49.4 %
black population in usa makes up 12.61%

So nearly half of all murder committed in this country are by blacks and blacks are 1/8 the population of whites who make up about equal amount of murders.

Now the big reason I always thought of was because of poverty.

Poverty by Race/Ethnicity
white 19,027,400
hispanic 12,853,100
black 10,312,400

There are almost twice as many white's in poverty than blacks. Yet they do not have twice the murder rate as blacks.

It was pointed out in reddit and it is a big circlejerk of white nerds with neckbeards and fedoras speaking internet courage against this "black crime" but I wasn't able to think of a good counter because I always blamed it on the poverty.

Also I must point out that James Watson who is a Noble prize winning scientist said "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really"

He basically said our laws would not work in Africa because blacks don't have the same intelligence that we do. Pretty messed up and I don't agree with it. I have friends who are black who are far smarter than me, no way this can be true.

What says you?
It's not. That is just institutionalized white racism at work. White people commit all the murders and just arrest black people to cover it up and keep the whites out of jail.
I'm not qualified to answer this question, but what the hell.

First, regarding your stats, of the murders committed by caucasians, how many were committed by caucasians in poverty?

Same question for blacks.

Next, the adversarial relationship between the black individual and their government, in particular the law enforcement arm of the government. It's not a small thing. It's a big thing. It's a really big thing.

Police are far less polite to caucasian poor than middle or upper class caucasians, but police have a hard time recognizing most black people as anything other than low class.

Obviously starting position has something to do with your life trajectory. Bringing black people to this continent as slaves and then "setting them free" and giving them the privilege to fend for themselves while facing obstacles caucasians don't face is not a good strategy for equality.

Ripping members of your family, community, etc away for nonviolent drug crimes and giving them excessively long prison sentences isn't a very good team building effort by the U.S. to it's citizens. Especially bad vibes going out to citizens extraordinarily more enforced upon. It is clear that the drug war is being fought against blacks and hispanics. If you're white and you get legally ****ed by the drug war than you're either really dumb or really unlucky. Drug use is similar across race and socioeconomic lines. Arrests and prosecutions are not.

If you stop 1000 white people and 1000 black people who have a sack of weed in their car, the police will search the black person's car much, very much, more often.

Throw out previous results...

If a police officer finds a sack of weed in 1000 white people's car and 1000 black people's car the black person will be charged with a drug crime far, far more often.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are charged with a drug crime and 1000 black people are charged with a drug crime the black person will be convicted far, far, very very far, more often than the white person.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are convicted of a drug crime and 1000 black people are convicted of a drug crime the black person will get a longer sentence pretty much every damn time. Pretty much every time.

It never ends.

The drug war is modern day Jim Crow. That's what it is. It's disgusting. It is a tragedy. It should end as soon as possible.
It's not. That is just institutionalized white racism at work. White people commit all the murders and just arrest black people to cover it up and keep the whites out of jail.

What's the real reason behind it then?

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I'm not qualified to answer this question, but what the hell.

First, regarding your stats, of the murders committed by caucasians, how many were committed by caucasians in poverty?

Same question for blacks.

Next, the adversarial relationship between the black individual and their government, in particular the law enforcement arm of the government. It's not a small thing. It's a big thing. It's a really big thing.

Police are far less polite to caucasian poor than middle or upper class caucasians, but police have a hard time recognizing most black people as anything other than low class.

Obviously starting position has something to do with your life trajectory. Bringing black people to this continent as slaves and then "setting them free" and giving them the privilege to fend for themselves while facing obstacles caucasians don't face is not a good strategy for equality.

Ripping members of your family, community, etc away for nonviolent drug crimes and giving them excessively long prison sentences isn't a very good team building effort by the U.S. to it's citizens. Especially bad vibes going out to citizens extraordinarily more enforced upon. It is clear that the drug war is being fought against blacks and hispanics. If you're white and you get legally ****ed by the drug war than you're either really dumb or really unlucky. Drug use is similar across race and socioeconomic lines. Arrests and prosecutions are not.

If you stop 1000 white people and 1000 black people who have a sack of weed in their car, the police will search the black person's car much, very much, more often.

Throw out previous results...

If a police officer finds a sack of weed in 1000 white people's car and 1000 black people's car the black person will be charged with a drug crime far, far more often.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are charged with a drug crime and 1000 black people are charged with a drug crime the black person will be convicted far, far, very very far, more often than the white person.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are convicted of a drug crime and 1000 black people are convicted of a drug crime the black person will get a longer sentence pretty much every damn time. Pretty much every time.

It never ends.

The drug war is modern day Jim Crow. That's what it is. It's disgusting. It is a tragedy. It should end as soon as possible.

/thread. End it now.

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I'm not qualified to answer this question, but what the hell.

First, regarding your stats, of the murders committed by caucasians, how many were committed by caucasians in poverty?

Same question for blacks.

Next, the adversarial relationship between the black individual and their government, in particular the law enforcement arm of the government. It's not a small thing. It's a big thing. It's a really big thing.

Police are far less polite to caucasian poor than middle or upper class caucasians, but police have a hard time recognizing most black people as anything other than low class.

Obviously starting position has something to do with your life trajectory. Bringing black people to this continent as slaves and then "setting them free" and giving them the privilege to fend for themselves while facing obstacles caucasians don't face is not a good strategy for equality.

Ripping members of your family, community, etc away for nonviolent drug crimes and giving them excessively long prison sentences isn't a very good team building effort by the U.S. to it's citizens. Especially bad vibes going out to citizens extraordinarily more enforced upon. It is clear that the drug war is being fought against blacks and hispanics. If you're white and you get legally ****ed by the drug war than you're either really dumb or really unlucky. Drug use is similar across race and socioeconomic lines. Arrests and prosecutions are not.

If you stop 1000 white people and 1000 black people who have a sack of weed in their car, the police will search the black person's car much, very much, more often.

Throw out previous results...

If a police officer finds a sack of weed in 1000 white people's car and 1000 black people's car the black person will be charged with a drug crime far, far more often.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are charged with a drug crime and 1000 black people are charged with a drug crime the black person will be convicted far, far, very very far, more often than the white person.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are convicted of a drug crime and 1000 black people are convicted of a drug crime the black person will get a longer sentence pretty much every damn time. Pretty much every time.

It never ends.

The drug war is modern day Jim Crow. That's what it is. It's disgusting. It is a tragedy. It should end as soon as possible.


Furthermore, there is no evidence that the war on drugs has kept anybody off of drugs, while there is a lot of evidence of successful rehabilitation for addicts in cities like Vancouver B.C. Where drugs like heroin are safely administered at clinics. If the goal was really to get people off of drugs, there is decades worth of data
showing how courts, cops, and prisons only make the problem worse.
It would be interesting to see how many came from single parent/divorced households.

Are our cops fair? I've seen some who are, some who aren't. Cops are clearly stereotyping, how do we prevent that? And while I don't think people shouldn't go to jail for minor drug crimes, perhaps if they followed the law they wouldn't be there in the first place. It goes both ways, the cops should be fair, the offenders should show a little more personal responsibility for their actions.
It's not. That is just institutionalized white racism at work. White people commit all the murders and just arrest black people to cover it up and keep the whites out of jail.

By mocking that sentiment you deny institutional racism, which is laughable. I know you're insecure with your own identity so you can't acknowledge fault of those you identify with, but you should just shut the **** up on the issue. You have a dark soul. Hopefully your spawn haven't been indoctrinated by your racist perspective. You're a real piece of **** to make light of a serious issue in society.
By mocking that sentiment you deny institutional racism, which is laughable. I know you're insecure with your own identity so you can't acknowledge fault of those you identify with, but you should just shut the **** up on the issue. You have a dark soul. Hopefully your spawn haven't been indoctrinated by your racist perspective. You're a real piece of **** to make light of a serious issue in society.

By mocking that sentiment you deny institutional racism, which is laughable. I know you're insecure with your own identity so you can't acknowledge fault of those you identify with, but you should just shut the **** up on the issue. You have a dark soul. Hopefully your spawn haven't been indoctrinated by your racist perspective. You're a real piece of **** to make light of a serious issue in society.

See a therapist.

family values! black culture lacks family values.
fatherless children. lower marriage rate.

good thing is thanks to devaluing of family values in white community. thanks to gay "marriage" and planned parenthood. the whites are slowly but losing the family values and culture.
so soon white crime would pull even with black crime

a fatherless family nowadays is called traditional family. just used to be called broken.

so theres your answer
It's not. That is just institutionalized white racism at work. White people commit all the murders and just arrest black people to cover it up and keep the whites out of jail.

By mocking that sentiment you deny institutional racism, which is laughable. I know you're insecure with your own identity so you can't acknowledge fault of those you identify with, but you should just shut the **** up on the issue. You have a dark soul. Hopefully your spawn haven't been indoctrinated by your racist perspective. You're a real piece of **** to make light of a serious issue in society.

I was mocking the fact that we have threads like these all the time and it never goes anywhere except what I posted. That is all.

See a therapist.

Both of these.
I keep making this recommendation, and it proves relevant once again:


Simply one of the most important books ever written. Easily the most important nonfiction book of the 21st century. Anyone who's interested in building an objective worldview as opposed to shouting liberal/libertarian/whatever slogans should read it.

It's about the general, and dramatic, decline of violence over the course of human history. But for the purposes of this debate, it also analyzes why marginalized minorities typically buck the trend. It mentions the situation with African Americans specifically, but it applies to numerous other groups.
So it apparently has a lot of charts and graphs. I was about to buy it on kindle (an older b/w one) but thought I should ask if this is a book that would be better in physical form?
So it apparently has a lot of charts and graphs. I was about to buy it on kindle (an older b/w one) but thought I should ask if this is a book that would be better in physical form?

I have the Kindle edition and it is very well made. The one I have even uses real page numbers. However, I can see the advantage of having the larger hardcover version. I doubt you'd have any regrets either way.
I'm not qualified to answer this question, but what the hell.

First, regarding your stats, of the murders committed by caucasians, how many were committed by caucasians in poverty?

Same question for blacks.

Next, the adversarial relationship between the black individual and their government, in particular the law enforcement arm of the government. It's not a small thing. It's a big thing. It's a really big thing.

Police are far less polite to caucasian poor than middle or upper class caucasians, but police have a hard time recognizing most black people as anything other than low class.

Obviously starting position has something to do with your life trajectory. Bringing black people to this continent as slaves and then "setting them free" and giving them the privilege to fend for themselves while facing obstacles caucasians don't face is not a good strategy for equality.

Ripping members of your family, community, etc away for nonviolent drug crimes and giving them excessively long prison sentences isn't a very good team building effort by the U.S. to it's citizens. Especially bad vibes going out to citizens extraordinarily more enforced upon. It is clear that the drug war is being fought against blacks and hispanics. If you're white and you get legally ****ed by the drug war than you're either really dumb or really unlucky. Drug use is similar across race and socioeconomic lines. Arrests and prosecutions are not.

If you stop 1000 white people and 1000 black people who have a sack of weed in their car, the police will search the black person's car much, very much, more often.

Throw out previous results...

If a police officer finds a sack of weed in 1000 white people's car and 1000 black people's car the black person will be charged with a drug crime far, far more often.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are charged with a drug crime and 1000 black people are charged with a drug crime the black person will be convicted far, far, very very far, more often than the white person.

Throw out previous results...

If 1000 white people are convicted of a drug crime and 1000 black people are convicted of a drug crime the black person will get a longer sentence pretty much every damn time. Pretty much every time.

It never ends.

The drug war is modern day Jim Crow. That's what it is. It's disgusting. It is a tragedy. It should end as soon as possible.

So the reason blacks are 8 times more likely to be convicted of murder (we are not talking about weed etc I only linked murder data) is primarily because of racism by cops (in which whites are the majority?)
So the reason blacks are 8 times more likely to be convicted of murder (we are not talking about weed etc I only linked murder data) is primarily because of racism by cops (in which whites are the majority?)

Nope, that's not at all what I was saying.

What I was saying is that black people often find themselves in difficult circumstances. Also that they do not feel included in this American life, I avoided using the word disenfranchised, but that was the point I was trying to make. Also they frequently face very real injustices in our society. I believe those things contribute to higher rates of homicide.

The very first thing I said, though, was what is the rate of poor white people committing murders vs the rate of poor black people committing murders. Comparing apples to apples a little more...except for all the built in disadvantages that poor black people face that even poor white people don't face.

Murder is something that I believe is going to be more common the more disadvantaged a person is, regardless of skin color.

And I'm not at all talking about racist cops. I don't think individual cops have to be racist in order for what I said to be true and although I didn't search out the numbers I'm confident that what I said is in fact true. Black people have the laws enforced on them where middle class white people do not, at every step in the process.
The drug war.

Supplying people with illicit drugs can make people who have little education and opportunity rich, and without stuff like regulations and civil courts and the other things society puts into place to handle disputes, these guys shoot each other.