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Will there be American invasion in Syria?

After all is said and done, whatever the new borders become, they will all have a ruling party that is no better than what they currently have. Look at Egypt. They had a revolution and then overwhelmingly vote into a power a group that is arguably worse than that which they ousted. They at least got to vote I guess. I suspect that many will just have their new ruler forced upon them.

I just wonder how many people have to die first and how many borders get redrawn.
It's official. The Turkish government is aiding the Syrian rebels with weaponary. A truck that was carrying the so told package was stopped by the police and was reported to be driven by the Turkish Intelligence personell who are directly connected to the prime ministry.

The police that stopped the truck is working for the Gülen cult. The int. personell are for the PM. The government and the cult are at cold war. Enes is from the Cult. So colton might wanna move this thread to the Jazz forum. Hehe.

I may be impaired. Can we get some linkage for my little brain?

I really don't want this thread to be a thing again, but if it's gonna be I'd like to have the most recent data.
After all is said and done, whatever the new borders become, they will all have a ruling party that is no better than what they currently have. Look at Egypt. They had a revolution and then overwhelmingly vote into a power a group that is arguably worse than that which they ousted. They at least got to vote I guess. I suspect that many will just have their new ruler forced upon them.

They are inexperienced about the problem of giving the power to the army, and now they are regretful for aiding the junta. We've had many of those in Turkey in our history, but mainly because the Islamist or anti-regime political sides have always been a threat to the freedom of our people. Many of those people are less informed and can easily be manipulated by the Islamists. And the army used this threat as a tool to get to power and straighten their rights and abilities from time to time.

As much as I admire Atatürk (who was a former soldier that found Turkish Republic) and his actions that took the country of Turkey to the way it became, I would never support a militarist coup against even a government that is definitely opposite to my thoughts, threatens my freedom of living my life, uses the despair and ignorance of the masses to gain votes and support.

Infighting between Syrian rebels threatened a hospital in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday, a source said, forcing doctors to hide patients as clashes flared between Islamists and members of the Free Syrian Army.

"After six months attempting to hijack our revolution and after they controlled some liberated areas and after they start to force our people to act like Islamic state, we gave so many warnings to them, that's something not acceptable for us," Mokdad said.

"We repeat that we don't want any foreign fighters in Syria," FSA spokesman Loauy Mokdad told CNN on Saturday. "We do not want any terrorist groups in Syria. We will not allow them to make bases in Syria."

I read that as...."We are going to have another round of more powerful governments trying to sell their citizens on helping us out again here soon so we've got to weed out the rabble as best as we can, or at least make a public showing of it, so no citizenry of capable countries can deny us help on the platform of being against aiding terrorists."

That seemed to be one of the big hangups last time.
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