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Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

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Such BS that this coward Muller refuses to answer the questions. This guy is hiding on the fraud he and his staff committed.

It's not BS. Mueller is being told by the attorney general not to comment on anything related to the origin of the FBI's Russia investigation, so as not to affect other investigations going on within the Department of Justice. The inspector general is doing an entire investigation on Steele, the dossier, Misfud, and the purpose of the Russia probe.
This deserves a standing ovation.

Well, wait and see if William Barr and John Durham reveal the entire Russia investigation to be a strategy hatched by the Democrats in July 2016, as a contingency in the event that Trump won the election. Trump had just ripped through 16 Republican candidates for the nomination, despite the Republican Party and all the media working against him.
So given that Hillary accepted help from a foreign agent to cook all of this stuff up, i.e. the Steele Dossier, that would mean she engaged in criminal activity, correct?
It's not a crime to hire a foreign national to work on a campaign. That sort of thing happens all the time. What makes Trump's dealings different is it was coming from a foreign government (an adversary at that), further it was offered as a gift, not a service to be paid for, you know, with money.
So given that Hillary accepted help from a foreign agent to cook all of this stuff up, i.e. the Steele Dossier, that would mean she engaged in criminal activity, correct?

No, she hired an American firm. She didn't hire Steele. And I would not yet bank on the Steele Dossier supporting any Deep State conspiracy theory. I posted this several pages ago, maybe you missed it. The IR's report has now been delayed since investigators found Steele to be so credible, that they are extending their own investigation.

Just so we’re clear, the Steele Dossier didn’t start this entire investigation. I get that conservatives are trying to make that case. But repeating that lie over and over again doesn’t make it true.

Also, for sake of clarity, Trump lied repeatedly about his Trump Tower in Moscow. He claimed throughout all of 2015-2016 that he had “nothing going on” in Russia yet up until the GOP convention, his team were working on a Trump Tower in Moscow. Are conservatives fine with being lied to? Knowing that trump had lied, don’t you see how Russia could use that as leverage against trump? And none of you find that concerning?

None of you find it concerning that Russia hacked both the DNC and RNC servers and fed that stolen data to Wikileaks to help influence our election in Trump’s favor? None of you are concerned about what strings might be attached with such indirect help to Trump’s campaign?

None of you find it concerning that Trump and his team lied repeatedly to law enforcement about their contacts with Wikileaks and Russia?

Is this really where you want american politics to go? Just each party working with foreign enemies to see who can steal as much data and misinform as much as possible? If so, amen to American democracy. We had a good run.
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No, she hired an American firm. She didn't hire Steele. And I would not yet bank on the Steele Dossier supporting any Deep State conspiracy theory. I posted this several pages ago, maybe you missed it. The IR's report has now been delayed since investigators found Steele to be so credible, that they are extending their own investigation.

I almost feel stupid having to say this, but:



Equating Steele’s dossier, Which he gave to the FBI to investigate IS NOT IN THE SAME UNIVERSE as Russia hacking the DNC, feeding that data to Wikileaks and Guccifer, and swinging the election in Donald Trump’s favor.

It’s like...
The British see a woman in the street and they push her out of the way of an oncoming bus, saving her life.
The Russians see a woman in the street and they push her in front of the oncoming bus, killing her.

Republicans claim that both sides are equal because they pushed the woman.


And if we’re too stupid or too partisan to see the difference between the two, then we ain’t ever going to resolve our other issues. We are facing a grave threat. Mueller today even said that Russia is continuing its operations and will continue to interfere in 2020. Are we going to fight back or lay down because Russian help benefits “our party?”
Is that an NPC's brain burger?
So, those of you of any who answered yes to this poll question and yet don't think Trump should be impeached, please explain.

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I asked my mother if she cares about any of this. She said no. She said she doesn't care that Trump is a criminal and a habitual liar, that Russia is interfering in our elections. He's a Republican and she voted for him, and she doesn't care about the rest. I can't even.

What do I expect, really. She believes that Nixon will eventually be vindicated.

Sent from my moto z3 using JazzFanz mobile app
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Is that an NPC's brain burger?

word on the street, there was a spy at the last poker game at your place, with a state-in-the-dark IR scanner inside an innocent-looking cell phone.... an ATT, no less.....fully loaded to take and transmitter brain scans.

street says this is you.
So, those of you of any who answered yes to this poll question and yet don't think Trump should be impeached, please explain.

I'll explain.

Countless parties try to influence American elections, including hundreds of corporate lobbies and nearly every developed country in the world. The role of a dozen or so Russian propaganda agents in the grand scheme of things was likely negligible. None of us can likely name even one manipulated or pro-Trump narrative these 13 indicted Russians were promoting on social media or pushing to Wikileaks. James Comey's comments about investigating Hillary's emails, which nearly every American heard about for months, must have had far greater reach and impact than anything Russia did or aspired to do.

As for having "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, that doesn't mean anything. No one needs to go to Russia to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. That sounds like a joke. Literally thousands of people have dirt on Hillary Clinton, including James Comey, Huma Abedin, the NYPD, the State Dept., half the CIA (whom both Clintons worked for), and half the state of Arkansas. The only question is whether anyone had the courage or political will to do anything about volumes of dirt on the Clintons. So far, the answer remains, no, not really.

The entire Russia-Trump collusion narrative appears to have been contrived by political opponents of Trump, starting with Marco Rubio's campaign, then handed off to the DNC/Clinton campaign after Trump won the Republican nomination, and then handed off to the FBI, right before Trump was elected. A single dossier was initially developed for all three. It's just a question of who was paying the retainer to Fusion GPS. Mueller and the special counsel's office were later brought in to give legitimacy to it, but it's becoming pretty clear from Mueller's testimony today that he isn't very familiar with the content of the report itself. He's more of a figurehead.

If Democrats were hoping to gain momentum to impeach the president based on a mandate from Mueller, today's hearings were a step backward. There's almost no way Pelosi and Schumer will push for impeachment after today's hearings.
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I asked my mother if she cares about any of this. She said no. She said she doesn't care that Trump is a criminal and a habitual liar, that Russia is interfering in our elections. He's a Republican and she voted for him, and she doesn't care about the rest. I can't even.

What do I expect, really. She believes that Nixon will eventually be vindicated.

Sent from my moto z3 using JazzFanz mobile app

not that I really want you to get all internally conflicted.... a simple giggle would suffice....

But Nixon is the Man all you Moon-landers are staking all your credulity on about our actually getting there.... rather than to a movie set on a desert military training site.....
So, those of you of any who answered yes to this poll question and yet don't think Trump should be impeached, please explain.

you still believe anything Mueller says.... or Schiff??? Please explain.....

Look, Mueller corrected his statement on the detail of having no collusion evidence, when he miss-spoke and said that he was influenced by the rule against indicting a sitting president. He made it a point, no doubt after being reminded of his inconsistent statement flipflops.
I'll explain.

Countless parties try to influence American elections, including hundreds of corporate lobbies and nearly every developed country in the world. The role of a dozen or so Russian propaganda agents in the grand scheme of things was likely negligible. None of us can likely name even one manipulated or pro-Trump narrative these 13 indicted Russians were promoting on social media or pushing to Wikileaks. James Comey's comments about investigating Hillary's emails, which nearly every American heard about for months, must have had far greater reach and impact than anything Russia did or aspired to do.

As for having "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, that doesn't mean anything. No one needs to go to Russia to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. That sounds like a joke. Literally thousands of people have dirt on Hillary Clinton, including James Comey, Huma Abedin, the NYPD, the State Dept., half the CIA (whom both Clintons worked for), and half the state of Arkansas. The only question is whether anyone had the courage or political will to do anything about volumes of dirt on the Clintons. So far, the answer remains, no, not really.

The entire Russia-Trump collusion narrative appears to have been contrived by political opponents of Trump, starting with Marco Rubio's campaign, then handed off to the DNC/Clinton campaign after Trump won the Republican nomination, and then handed off to the FBI, right before Trump was elected. A single dossier was initially developed for all three. It's just a question of who was paying the retainer to Fusion GPS. Mueller and the special counsel's office were later brought in to give legitimacy to it, but it's becoming pretty clear from Mueller's testimony today that he isn't very familiar with the content of the report itself. He's more of a figurehead.

If Democrats were hoping to gain momentum to impeach the president based on a mandate from Mueller, today's hearings were a step backward. There's almost no way Pelosi and Schumer will push for impeachment after today's hearings.
Would have been much easier for you to just post "I dont care if trump and russia were working together to influence our elections"
Nah I get it Red.

Funny how now it makes sense to follow laws.

When the Mueller report was redacted for the same reasons you and all the other Democrats threw fits and complained too.

Isnt this fun?

We would love it if the unredacted report was released, and if Mueller was allowed to testify frankly, without Barr's restrictions. would you agree to that?
But Nixon is the Man all you Moon-landers are staking all your credulity on about our actually getting there.... rather than to a movie set on a desert military training site.....

Actually, it's the combination of the difficulties faking the moon pictures, the complete lack of a confession by any of the supposed thousands of co-conspirators, and that even today you can reflect a laser beam off a reflector men put on the moon.