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Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

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So Mueller was advised by his superiors in the gov to not go outside of his report, and he tried to do that. He seemed a bit muddle-headed.....he couldn't remember facts of his personal career, he couldn't remember stuff from his own damn report. He had to be read his own report to be able to respond to questions about it.
So Mueller was advised by his superiors in the gov to not go outside of his report, and he tried to do that. He seemed a bit muddle-headed.....he couldn't remember facts of his personal career, he couldn't remember stuff from his own damn report. He had to be read his own report to be able to respond to questions about it.

If he would make **** up(lie) like yourself or Trump it would be easy to answer questions, but he's honest and honest people sometimes forget, especially when they have as much to remember as he does.
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We would love it if the unredacted report was released, and if Mueller was allowed to testify frankly, without Barr's restrictions. would you agree to that?

So who would die if that one blacked-out word were released. The House had the unredacted report on display where they could have gone over to read it if they wanted. No one did.

Mueller's testimony is worthless. He is compromised. He is so dishonest he can't rub two true words together.

I think Barr is the Statist Saviour….. the one man which can put this baby to bed without upsetting the Statist Apple Cart.
I think he is more compromised than Mueller.

I said, in a thread in here.... when this all started to come into view.....

That we have a corrupt FISA court..... which still has done nothing about "being lied to".....
That we have corrupt leadership in the FBI.... even now.....
That our movers and shakers are no patriots, and even today consider their globalist "connections' paramount.... assets more significant than the "American people's "Constitutional Republic".

mmmmm…… maybe I'll invent a new game..... "Fantasy Politics" where players get to pick their team, and the players who own the team that wins get the pool.

I'm down for Team Rockefeller. Well, David's dead, and the new honcho is in hiding....

Let's put it this way, I cover my bets. If Team Rockefeller goes down in all this hullabaloo, I'll be a free man who can make my own way.
If he would make **** up(lie), like yourself or Trump, it would be easy to answer questions, but he's honest and honest people sometimes forget, especially when they have as much to remember as he does.

Srs… if you imagine you have any kind of "truth" to judge by.....

I don't expect Trump to be anything but a salesman. I judge him by the product. hmmm.... pretty good.... he's doing exactly what I want.... disrupting a sick government system that's in need of a total reboot, if not an unpredictable independent leader.

I love the truth.... I just don't really believe it fits in words. Maybe it doesn't even really fit in heads.... but it's always worth wondering if I am anything near right....,.

The whole serious illness, the psychological dementia of the progressives, consists of being so certain you've got it right, it's worth the lies it'll take to impose it on stupid people. It's the delusion that you actually know better.....
Actually, it's the combination of the difficulties faking the moon pictures, the complete lack of a confession by any of the supposed thousands of co-conspirators, and that even today you can reflect a laser beam off a reflector men put on the moon.

ha ha. You been there? You saw that reflector? You've seen the laser? Well, this is a useless "proof"..... any other moon mission or an unmanned mission could place a "reflector". Hell, why do you even need an artificial reflector?

In a real "conspiracy" of any importance, the job must be designed so no one can prove it. You break out the job into thousands of parts. You don't tell anyone what is going on, or why. You pay good money, you lie to everybody.

Actually, it's peace of mind knowing neither you nor Game have a clue about stuff like this.

Occam's Razor is still on the side of the movie job.
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If he would make **** up(lie), like yourself or Trump, it would be easy to answer questions, but he's honest and honest people sometimes forget, especially when they have as much to remember as he does.

I do make up a lot of stuff.... but I think it's obvious, so why should you care?
Doesn't sound like you're that in love with it.....

This question actually goes, philosophically, to a very deep level.

I don't know if humans ever really get it right......seriously....

Most people love a certain idea or two.... maybe a set.... they believe as absolutely beyond dispute. Scientists sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to assemble convincing ensembles of observations and "facts" to prove it.... others do the same **** and say "Yay". But every hundred years or so, someone comes along with some new equipment, maybe a new concept, or finds some new circumstances, and we still have to modify that "truth".

The difference you and 8 are a bit too preoccupied with seems to be a kind of truth you love regardless.

And it's not uncommon for committed "truthers" to say doubters or mockers are "Liars".

In ProgressiveTown….. anyone who considers social progress to be some kind of cause worthy of revolution, it's actually considered to be a commendable tactic to just shout down opposition with any convenient slam.... and Liar seems to be the most effective term generally for the job.

So, perhaps I should take your saying stuff like this as a compliment....

But whatever..... while "My Truth" is what some people seek, I'll be quite pleased when I realize something I didn't know before. I'll call that the "truth" I love, for as long as it lasts…..
I do make up a lot of stuff.... but I think it's obvious, so why should you care?

I actually don't have what it takes to "make the case" to disprove the Moon Landing in absolute scientific terms, of course. To do that, I'd need to see the whole program from start to finish, do in-depth research on every person employed, even in remote production facilities.

But official accounts..... news accounts..... and thousands of workers' day to day recollections ….. can not justify suppressing the questions.....
I lived through this whole thing. I was in a science family.... eight Ph.D. scientists older brothers. Not one of them disputes it. Our father was a high-level manager directly supplying the hardware it took.

It's fun to wonder. Van Allen Radiation, and the lunar dust and rocks.... and the amount of fuel it would take to get off the Moon..... pretty unbelievable.

But if we did the movie for reals..... that would be just about as impossible. Just not absolutely impossible.
So given that Hillary accepted help from a foreign agent to cook all of this stuff up, i.e. the Steele Dossier, that would mean she engaged in criminal activity, correct?

And Trump hired Cambridge Analytica (British). Both are perfectly legal. And the Republican propaganda machine knows this. They also know that they can convince totally gullible trump supporters of anything.

Don’t believe me? Here is what the Republican controlled house intel committee wrote in 2016: “Under current federal election law, foreigners are prohibited from making contributions or donations in connection with any campaign in the United States. However, it is not illegal to contract with a foreign person or foreign entity for services, including conducting opposition research on a U.S. campaign”

Conflating this with Russian government sponsored election interference is 100% idiocy.
Some years ago I used the movie "Fly Away Home" as my sleeper..... meaning I had to get some sleep and that would absolutely knock me out..... 9/10 I wouldn't make it past the opening song..... but hey, the guy had his imitation lunar lander in his shop, right along with his amazing fridge. But that wasn't the manned lunar lander. Lessee.... Beryllium/Aluminum alloy all the way. hydrogen/oxygen fuel. Lander not shielded.... no atmosphere.... gravity a lot less than Earth. Only had to get up high enough to dock with the orbiter.... but hey pretty tricky shooting....

I think we need composites and nuclear rockets to really do the job.
And Trump hired Cambridge Analytica (British). Both are perfectly legal. And the Republican propaganda machine knows this. They also know that they can convince totally gullible trump supporters of anything.

Don’t believe me? Here is what the Republican controlled house intel committee wrote in 2016: “Under current federal election law, foreigners are prohibited from making contributions or donations in connection with any campaign in the United States. However, it is not illegal to contract with a foreign person or foreign entity for services, including conducting opposition research on a U.S. campaign”

Conflating this with Russian government sponsored election interference is 100% idiocy.

I'd be more concerned with the Brit collusion than the Russian collusion any day. But we have a feckless FEC. In the old days when I was on Tribtalk, the Aussie moneybag was always saying she was contributing to Mitt. I'm sure there are millions of ordinary people pitching in our elections, and every bigshot on the globe. It is, after all, really an election for the control of the principal UN cop.

This is the new world. Globalism. I frankly don't believe any progressive gives a crap about anything, unless it can bring Trump down. MAGA has really driven the bigballsies nuts.
I actually don't have what it takes to "make the case" to disprove the Moon Landing in absolute scientific terms, of course. To do that, I'd need to see the whole program from start to finish, do in-depth research on every person employed, even in remote production facilities.

But official accounts..... news accounts..... and thousands of workers' day to day recollections ….. can not justify suppressing the questions.....

Do it babe, you got this!
I'd be more concerned with the Brit collusion than the Russian collusion any day. But we have a feckless FEC. In the old days when I was on Tribtalk, the Aussie moneybag was always saying she was contributing to Mitt. I'm sure there are millions of ordinary people pitching in our elections, and every bigshot on the globe. It is, after all, really an election for the control of the principal UN cop.

This is the new world. Globalism. I frankly don't believe any progressive gives a crap about anything, unless it can bring Trump down. MAGA has really driven the bigballsies nuts.

Kinda misses the point, but okay, I get it, tribalism is a thing.
@babe probably should have created a moon landing thread, but I want to point these inconvenient facts out to him, since he brought it up....

I actually don't have what it takes to "make the case" to disprove the Moon Landing in absolute scientific terms, of course. To do that, I'd need to see the whole program from start to finish, do in-depth research on every person employed, even in remote production facilities.

Don't forget, you also need to check with every planatary scientist on Earth, and tell us how they confused fake lunar rock samples with real lunar samples.

It's fun to wonder. Van Allen Radiation, and the lunar dust and rocks.

Yep, it's those pesky lunar rock samples that may prove to be your biggest stumbling block in proving the moon landings were fake.

Scientists who study the composition of other bodies in our solar system are called planatary geologists. Meteorite falls have provided samples of the moon, Mars, and asteroids that are left over from the formative phase of the solar system. NASA also returned quite a volume of lunar rock samples. Samples of these are lent to planatary scientists the world over for study, and returned to NASA, unless they undergo destructive testing. Much of what we know of lunar composition derives from study of astronaut returned lunar rocks. Many lunar origin meteorites match those samples. Some do not, as the astronauts sampled limited areas of the moon, and meteorites sample a greater geographic area, including the dark side. Lunar meteorites are rocks knocked off the lunar surface through impacts, and which then later fall to earth as meteorites.

So, here is your problem. You are asking people to believe much of planatary geology, as it pertains to the moon, is based on fake lunar samples, that must actually be rocks from Earth, if your theory is correct. And the conspirators within NASA knew this. And, despite lunar meteorites are not identical to Earth rocks at all, nor are NASA returned lunar samples, NASA has somehow fooled planatary geologists the world over. Not a one of those planatary geologists are somehow able to realize "hey, this is a terrestrial rock. This rock does not match what we know about the composition of lunar rocks at all". So, you also need to explain how NASA fooled every single planatary geologists with obvious terrestrial(i.e. Earth) rocks.

Unless you then include every planatary geologist on Earth as part of the conspiracy. Are you willing to include all those scientists in this proposed conspiracy? Thereby claiming that our understanding of lunar geology rests on a foundation of fake samples, and lunar geology is a complete fake science?

So this is another major group of people who you must reconcile with your "fake moon landing" theory. Good luck with this aspect.
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ha ha. You been there? You saw that reflector? You've seen the laser?

Feel free to build your own, and test it.

..... any other moon mission or an unmanned mission could place a "reflector".

Which means we went to the moon.

Hell, why do you even need an artificial reflector?

They use it to measure the distance precisely. However, I'm eager to hear why you would think they would place it. No doubt some sort of secret mind-control lasers being beamed over the earth.