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Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

Will You Accept the Findings of the Muller Probe?

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I agree with just about everything else in your post, but it is fair to point out that The Thriller's rhetoric towards the Republican party has changed little since the early days of the Obama administration, long before Trump was on the scene. So, he is genuinely, strongly partisan, not just strongly anti-Trump. No criticism implied.

Yes, I understood there was likely a history here that I am not familiar with. And I understood that what I was not familiar with likely fed into the antipathy toward The Thriller, whether justified or not I cannot know. That said, I appreciate his observations and comments in the various political threads, and admittedly, and largely, because I am of the same mind.
There are 108 pages in the 400 pages (1/4 of the entire report) just released from the mueller report that detail Russian interactions with Trump campaign officials.

Just a tip, if anyone calls this “a hoax” or mocks this as “Russian conspiracy”, they’re dismissing what our intelligence and law enforcement agencies have found and are siding with Russians.

Let’s make it clear, Gas/Hack/whoever NP is, is siding with the Russians over our own agencies. Think about that people, think about that for a minute.

But no need to take my word on this. Just look at how Donald reacted to SC Mueller being appointed:

But sure. Right. It’s all a hoax. And I’m the conspiracy theorist. Sigh

How is that proof something happened? He could still have that reaction simply because he knew what a **** storm it was going to be, and the negative impact it would have on his presidency, regardless if he did something or not.

If you knew a corrupt force had it out for you and was trying to frame you, you would feel the same way.

Using that as your proof just shows house delusional you twacks really are about this. Maybe lay off whatever drug it is that is giving you paranoid delusions.
Trump is less honest than most politicians. It's a high bar, but he jumped it easily.

No. I dont think he is. But neither one of us can prove that. I think most these politicians are not what they advertise. Trump at least doesnt put on a fake show. That is part of his appeal. The country had enough with the fake smiles and promises. Might as well just go with a guy like Trump. The guys you think are good dont turn out to be anyways.

Saying what comes to one’s (dumb, ****ed up) mind is not the same as keeping it real. It’s just saying stupid **** that sadly appealed to those who:

1. Knew Trump was in it for himself and the rich so he got the wealthy R vote and
2. The stupid who occupy much of this country and can’t see the forest for the trees
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No. I dont think he is. But neither one of us can prove that. I think most these politicians are not what they advertise. Trump at least doesnt put on a fake show. That is part of his appeal. The country had enough with the fake smiles and promises. Might as well just go with a guy like Trump. The guys you think are good dont turn out to be anyways.

This is certifiable nonsense. This entire post can be refuted. Here, let me educate you:

#1 Trump absolutely can be proven as a liar.


President Trump has made 9,014 false or misleading claims over 773 days. That's nearly 12 false claims per day.


Researchers have found that Trump lies more than most people.

I categorized the most recent 400 lies that The Post had documented through mid-November in the same way my colleagues and I had categorized the lies of the participants in our study.

The college students in our research told an average of two lies a day, and the community members told one. A more recent study of the lies 1,000 U. S. adults told in the previous 24 hours found that people told an average of 1.65 lies per day; the authors noted that 60 percent of the participants said they told no lies at all, while the top 5 percent of liars told nearly half of all the falsehoods in the study.

In Trump's first 298 days in office, however, he made 1,628 false or misleading claims or flip-flops, by The Post's tally. That's about six per day, far higher than the average rate in our studies. And of course, reporters have access to only a subset of Trump's false statementsthe ones he makes publiclyso unless he never stretches the truth in private, his actual rate of lying is almost certainly higher.

That rate has been accelerating. Starting in early October, The Post's tracking showed that Trump told a remarkable nine lies a day, outpacing even the biggest liars in our research.

Lastly, just look at how he's reacted over the past week. First, he tweeted out that he was "completely exonerated" by the Mueller report. Yesterday, he tweeted out, "Game Over I won." And now throughout today he has whined and whined, referring to the report as "********." So which is it? Is the report accurate or ********?

#2 Trump isn't "real." He's complete deceiptive. He campaigns like a populist, whining about elitists and rich people who buy up favorable legislation. Yet, he rules as an elitist oligarch. Just look at who the greatest beneficiaries are of his tax cut:

The Republican tax bill, which Congress sent to President Trump on Wednesday, would give most Americans a tax cut next year, according to a new analysis. However, it would by far benefit the richest Americans the most. Meanwhile, many lower- and middle-class Americans would have higher taxes a decade from now...

However, extremes make averages, and the benefits would be much larger for richer households. A household earning $1 million or more would get an average cut of $69,660, an income bump of 3.3 percent. Compare that with the a tax cut of $870, or 1.6 percent, for the average household earning $50,000 to $75,000.


#3 And who do you think benefits by his administration's plan to cut Medicare and Medicaid? After he advertised that he wouldn't touch these programs.

President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.


It seems like Trump is exactly what you whine about. He advertises one thing, does completely the opposite.

@Harambe which one of these strands is a conspiracy theory? Please, refute my conspiracy theories. And yes, your accusation hit a nerve. Everything I write is based on research/reading from credible online sources. While we have partisan nutjobs like Hack and Babe, I'm certainly not one of them. I resent being placed in that same category. They write ******** seen from the dark nasty places on the web, 4chan and Breitbart. I don't.
I wonder why all these "media dont have a bias" guys dont ever talk about these media reports.
So I should actually waste my time watching the link here?

And NPC, there's this ****ing thing called an apostrophe. Look it up. We speak English here.