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Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD from COVID-19 Shots

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1. The Evil Number 666......... check

2. Masonic symbols........... check

3. Evil Bankers........ check

4. Luciferian Globalist.... check

5. Satanix Roots of Modern Medicine,,,,,, check

6. Mark of the Beast..... check

7. Blueberries, Beets, Extracts and Elixers...., check

Classic FBI sting net operation for finding stooges to do ****.

1. The Evil Number 666......... check

2. Masonic symbols........... check

3. Evil Bankers........ check

4. Luciferian Globalist.... check

5. Satanix Roots of Modern Medicine,,,,,, check

6. Mark of the Beast..... check

7. Blueberries, Beets, Extracts and Elixers...., check

Anecdotal or incidental "events" are not generally regarded as scientific proots.

The title of this thread, if the stats are some accurate set of reports, still would not justify the charge within that title.

All medical treatments or resources have potential misuses, dangers, or risks. For a vaccine, it is common to have some adverse even fatal outcomes, at hopefully a very low rate. 13000 in 130 M is probably higher than most vaccines, but nothing like a gas oven.

Still, the continued push for vaccinations and public health orders is getting an adverse public headwind. It's not called for.

The effort to shoot down potential treatments like HCQ is also concerning. No rational human would do that. So now that the helpfulness and lack of countervailing adverse outcomes to match is confirmed, but people who likely caused thousands of unnecessary untreated Covid patient deaths with their hysteric lies against such efforts are not saying "sorry" even when sometimes they equate vaccine reluctance with extreme antisocial recklessness like driving 200 mph in a school zone.

There's something wrong here. People are not being reasonable. Ideological extremism, something like war pitched behavior.

Not good.

Fauci needs to be fired. Biden needs to be impeached. His open border policy is causing tens of thousands of unnecessary Covid deaths from infected people being spread across the country. It's insane.

So even if some presentations of "information" don't make the case, there's a lot to look at here that goes in all the wrong directions.

Governments nor corporates should ever be permitted to censor concerned people asking questions or bring information to the discussion. We all should look for the basis given for the information.

Schools should be open to the idea of questioning authority and trying to get better information and better methods of forming new opinions.

What will come out of all that we are going through here will be the discrediting of the political objectives that have driven us down this path for over a hundred years.
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I haven't read this whole thread. Has this been mentioned?

DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Vaccine'

Karen Kingston Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Covid Injections are Poisonous Bioweapons

These are older but they're important.

These are older but they're important.

Official government authorities have a decided advantage for posturing as "credible". It is almost impossible for anyone else to gather the information, facts, research results, etc etc that it takes to supply a stable credible set of facts on complicated subjects.

But we have to make room for them.

If officials were honorable people they would help fund such alternative or competing efforts, but in our time they do not. That is why we should not believe the government officials and that is why people like Biden, Fauci and most of our government SES officials need to be fired.

They are dishonest, and they are negati ve actors in this crisis actually making things worse than they need to be.

All the concerted efforts to eliminate dissidence are counterproductive and unprofessional, to say the least.

Something really stinks about all this the way we are being treated.

We seriously need to deal with the reality here. We have been lied to and misdirected on such a scale, we have to investigate all the possible corruption that may be behind it all.

Criminal investigation of Fauci and his whole set of cronies.

Not to mention Biden.
What is distrurbing is there is no credible, complete official reporting on these things being done. I mean you can Google the hell out of it, and what you get is propaganda, not concrete reports.

Not that hard to figure that with hundreds of millions of people who have, and who have not, been vaccinated, we are just not compiling the reprts on followup.

So in regard to these above statements, we do have hundreds of millions of vaccinations now, and tens of thousands of "suspected" deaths, and less than 1/100 "s;uspected" adverse events.

This is several times the various other vaccination programs in deaths and adverse reports, but this is not any kind of hard data.

If we are going to have any government push for vaccinations, we need much more official efforts to keep up the outcomes.

People are reacting adversely to the management of this. People are deciding absolutely not to get this vaccine. If officials start forcing vaccinations, there is a growing attitude to "defend yourself". If someone wants to force you to take this vaccine, some believe it's comparable to rape, assault, even attempted murder, and some will absolutely evade, resist, or even respond with some measure of violence to "defend themselves."

So unless officials get a whole damn lot better gathering information and presenting it credibly, it's fair to even say "Officials are mismanaging" the programss. Do they want to push this so artlessly? Do they want to provoke negative public resistance? They could hardly been doing a better job if that were their intention.

The problem with elitist management philosophies like Fascism, is just that the honcos really don't care if they mismange. Good government is transparent, and honest, and caring;.

Accountable. Responsive.

Flat out controlled by the general public, not some smartass experts.
Need to be accurate with headlines here. While there hopefully are zero "Covid-19 injections", there is still a flood of untested, potential, even tested and known positive immigrants being actively transported into every corner of the country by HHS and immigration officials. To be doing this is just as damn serious as if they were "injecting Covid-19".

This is the Biden administration criminally abusing the public with reckless endangerment of children and the rest of us.

God help us if our media won't make this case and if we just let this go on.

But even if that were not part of our malfeasanse by public officials, we all know the authors of this headline are in fact addressing the claim of adverse outcomes from the vaccines. Common sense can make that out of even a damn stupid headline. But again. not enough official reporting or even followup tracking is being done, and that is negligent, because it abandons the information field to worse reporting like this.
This is the slowest genocide of all-time. The virus was much faster than the vaccine has been at committing genocide. These people are terrible at genocide, especially considering all the examples we've had in our history.

What is distrurbing is there is no credible, complete official reporting on these things being done. I mean you can Google the hell out of it, and what you get is propaganda, not concrete reports.

Not that hard to figure that with hundreds of millions of people who have, and who have not, been vaccinated, we are just not compiling the reprts on followup.

So in regard to these above statements, we do have hundreds of millions of vaccinations now, and tens of thousands of "suspected" deaths, and less than 1/100 "s;uspected" adverse events.

This is several times the various other vaccination programs in deaths and adverse reports, but this is not any kind of hard data.

If we are going to have any government push for vaccinations, we need much more official efforts to keep up the outcomes.

People are reacting adversely to the management of this. People are deciding absolutely not to get this vaccine. If officials start forcing vaccinations, there is a growing attitude to "defend yourself". If someone wants to force you to take this vaccine, some believe it's comparable to rape, assault, even attempted murder, and some will absolutely evade, resist, or even respond with some measure of violence to "defend themselves."

So unless officials get a whole damn lot better gathering information and presenting it credibly, it's fair to even say "Officials are mismanaging" the programss. Do they want to push this so artlessly? Do they want to provoke negative public resistance? They could hardly been doing a better job if that were their intention.

The problem with elitist management philosophies like Fascism, is just that the honcos really don't care if they mismange. Good government is transparent, and honest, and caring;.

Accountable. Responsive.

Flat out controlled by the general public, not some smartass exper

You seem to knit pick on stupid sh#t and ignore the fact about deaths, permanent disabilityand that this covid 19 injection should be halted. 31072021-EudraVigilance-deaths-injuries.jpg
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more garbage big pharm funded defecation. How about for 1 second take your mouth off the establishments mammary gland and come up for some air.
more garbage big pharm funded defecation. How about for 1 second take your mouth off the establishments mammary gland and come up for some air.
Bet you would never have the cahones to say that to my face, now would ya, big tough guy with a keyboard?
Man, that 13k really escalated. Care to provide a source for that?

This genocide is taking forever - Gates needs to get his **** together before I'm forced to visit my in-laws in October.
There are going to be so many dead nfl players that the season will probably be cancelled due to lack of players available to play.