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Jazz fans just like to be bitter and say we haven't had a shot. It's not true. We've had some really good teams. In February of 2010 everyone was saying "They are as good as they were in 98"

Selective memories.

The Lakers series in 08 was as close, the refs were awful. It was clear the league wanted a Lakers vs Celtics finals. (And I'm still mad at Kyle Korver for passing to Memo on the final 3.)
so tell me akirac73, what is your definition of competitive?
For starters, I'd say you have to win more games than you lose. I don't think finishing out the season with a 12-30 record qualifies as being "competitive"...but that's just me.
so tell me akirac73, what is your definition of competitive?
For starters, I'd say you have to win more games than you lose. I don't think finishing out the season with a 12-30 record qualifies as being "competitive"...but that's just me.
For starters, I'd say you have to win more games than you lose. I don't think finishing out the season with a 12-30 record qualifies as being "competitive"...but that's just me.
The last half of one season defines the previous seven years for you? Wow.
In fairness, I wonder when effective date is for this info. Lists like this probably take months to compile since you are questioning teams across several countries and sports. It just states current or most recently completed season. The NBA data is likely from last season as there is no way the Miami Heat average just $3.5M per - just the salaries of Lebron, Wade and Bosh would amount to more than that if the remaining 9 played for free.

The Jazz ARE or have been cheap. Larry H. NEVER exceeded the tax limit. He stated on multiople occasions that his #1 goal was to operate the team in the black. And that's not hearsay; I heard it a couple of times in radio interviews. He did not do everything it took to win a championship; he did not bring in veteran role players to play alongside Stockton and Malone when they were in their prime. He underpaid John. Every contract negotiation with Karl turned into a fight over Malone getting "respect" by being paid on par with others in the same talent tier. The ONLY reason Greg exceeded the tax level is because Boozer retracted his stated decision to opt out. Jazz had every intention of letting Boozer "walk" with no compensation (picks) in return.

The ONLY move I can think of that can be used to say the Jazz aren't "cheap" is matching Millsap's offer. Put that one on Deron. He lobbied hard to keep Paul, just as he had for CJ. Losing Millsap would have resulted in open rebellion by Deron. Well, it came to that anyway, but the Jazz must have still thought Deron was their franchise player. You can point to numerous decisions in the Larry AND Greg era as "cheap." Some I happen to agree with, some I don't. And to play devil's advocate (against MYSELF), "cheapness" also has to be looked at from the Millers' perspective. Yes, they're a wealthy family. But they certainly aren't in the sphere of some of the others, and they don't have huge TV contracts or merchandise earnings to supplement the team. So their "cheaepness" also relates to financial survival in a small market.

The #10 spot is temporary due to AK's contract (and stupidity in not getting rid of it 2 years ago). AK will come off the books, then Okur. After that, expect the Jazz to be middle of the pack.