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You asked for it...now your getting it.

We are a young team, guys are still adjusting to their new roles. We've been competitive without a decent bench and our starting PG. And the 3 games so far have been fun to watch. Can't really complain.
Majority wanted to see a youth moment...you got it. Some even want a shot at a possibly historic NBA draft...you got it. Now everyone needs to just stay calm and let it happen. I dont get why so many are freaking out at this point. Let the young guys play and get the needed experience. In that we will get a few wins but most of all we will get better.
Amen brother!
******** ignored. You are now the only person I have ignored. Congrats, you are dumber than carolina jazz.

This came dangerously close to hurting my feelings.
Majority wanted to see a youth moment...you got it. Some even want a shot at a possibly historic NBA draft...you got it. Now everyone needs to just stay calm and let it happen. I dont get why so many are freaking out at this point. Let the young guys play and get the needed experience. In that we will get a few wins but most of all we will get better.

This is Jazzfanz were people like to complain even if they asked for it. I agree though people need to chill and look at the positives. I think the Core4 is as good as most people thought. They still haven't proven they are superstars but they are very good considering how little time they have played together, how little time some guys have even played and the fact that our bench is extremely thin due to injuries and a lack of talent.

It has been three games people.. Some of you are going to be dead, addicted or severe depressed if you start flying off when the Jazz lose.

Serenity now folks.. Serenity..

Remember the Jazz have been competitive in every game. Their effort is there and their performances have been inconsistent and they still need to cut down on the dumb mistakes but patience is needed grasshopper.
I'm loving the season so far. Its very entertaining. Hayward has been a little bit of a disappointment but he is adjusting. The Jazz could probably be 3-0 if we had Trey Burke.

Anytime team that starts Jamal Tinsley and JLIII as their points guards should be 0-3.
Stop with the Van Gundy brothers. Neither of them have won a championship and neither are coming to Utah. Jeff Van Gundy hates Utah because we beat his Rockets in 7.
People need to stop hating on Corbin. The Jazz defense looks tons better and they are finally incorporating the pick and roll.
0-82 may just be enough to get Corbin out and a Van Gundy in. But probably not....

I'm sorry, I've watched quite a bit of the first three games, and I still think Corbin is the weakest link. I don't like the defensive philosophy and the offense is not creating enough easy shots. Utah has the personnel to play way better than average defense, but we double people that shouldn't be doubled, and many times we use the wrong people to double. Sure, sometimes it's player error, but it's consistent enough to blame the way they are being taught. I don't care if we add Lebron, Corbin isn't going to take a team to the championship.
For 0-3, we're playing very well, IMO. The only reason to panic would be if our veterans were keeping us in the game, and the rookies were killing us. That's not the case. I agree that the future looks bright. We definitely have our 4 & 5 combo of the future.

Agree. We've gotten some decent contributions here and there from Harris and Jefferson, but it's mainly been the core4. Personally - as long as it doesn't win us too many games - I'd like for Jefferson, Rush or Williams to play well. May net us some assets at the trade deadline.
We are a lot more than one player away. We need a pg, a backup pg, a #1 scorer, and a couple three point threats. The good news is, with a top 3 pick and good FA summer we could get them all.

We are more like one season away.

Yes, but we may have the PG situation covered with Burke and Neto. The draft pick likely nets us a #1 scorer. The GS pick probably gives us a 3-pt shooting wing or a backup PF. I'm not sold on Evans and I think there are limitations to having just a 3-man rotation of Favors, Kanter and Gobert at the 4/5. Jazz also have the financial capability of adding a couple of decent FA's (like a Rush) on 2-3 yr contracts.
I'm sorry, I've watched quite a bit of the first three games, and I still think Corbin is the weakest link. I don't like the defensive philosophy and the offense is not creating enough easy shots. Utah has the personnel to play way better than average defense, but we double people that shouldn't be doubled, and many times we use the wrong people to double. Sure, sometimes it's player error, but it's consistent enough to blame the way they are being taught. I don't care if we add Lebron, Corbin isn't going to take a team to the championship.

Really? I thought for sure our weakest link was complete lack of point guards and bench play...
I have not read too many complaints on jazzfanz, mostly people putting up pictures of wiggins and declaring their faith in Alec burks. I am really loving this season. My wife is hating it though. She can't understand why we watch games that we don't expect to win. The whole concept of the professional tank is lost on her.
People are actually complaining about this year? Why? It's gone exactly how we've wanted it to...
Since we really have no shot at the title this year anyway I think that would actually be kind of cool. Set the all time record for futility then come back and win 60 games next season. Greatest turnaround in NBA history.

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Only way a jazz coach ever wins coach of the year

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Since we really have no shot at the title this year anyway I think that would actually be kind of cool. Set the all time record for futility then come back and win 60 games next season. Greatest turnaround in NBA history.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using JazzFanz mobile app

Not sure I'd want that. That would reflect on the quality of our young guy. The only good thing about it, besides getting the number one slot in the lottery, is that Corbin will be gone.