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You want D-Will back?!

Deron completes this team:

Defense on the wings: check
Outside shooting: check
PG that can run the offense: check
Superstar: Check
Superstar that Utah actually has a remote chance of signing: check.
Can run the P&R with Favors: check.
Dwill was Utah's superstar. He was a perfect fit on the court, and was our hope to build around for a championship team. That being said, the Karl Malone drama and Jerry Sloan fiasco, as well as the booing at his return, deteriorated any relationship Dwill had with our organization.

I think Deron's refusal to run plays, basically quitting on the team, was what closed the door on Deron's career in Utah. He'd play for Utah again over Greg's dead body!
I think Deron's refusal to run plays, basically quitting on the team, was what closed the door on Deron's career in Utah. He'd play for Utah again over Greg's dead body!

Yeah, I'm sure Greg would hate to have a superstar in Utah. I mean, making money and winning games is overrated.

Let's not act like if Dwill doesn't comes back it was because Miller and KOC wouldn't let him.
No thanks. I don't want him back. Didn't we see how ungood paying the max to a PG with an ego the size of Dallas was the last time we did it? Let him go to the Mavs and tear down Rick Carisle and yell at his own wings for not running the play.

You? Stupid? That's UNPOSSIBLE!

The argument that star PG's don't lead their teams to titles is laughable.
I see what you're saying here...

Name some years that teams led by top tier PG's should've won a title. Nash '07? Horry put a stop to that. Rose possibly last year, but the Heat were better.
But then you said this and totally contradicted yourself and/or made little to no sense. Just WTF are you trying to say?
Deron completes this team:

Defense on the wings: check
Outside shooting: check
PG that can run the offense: check
Superstar: Check
Superstar that Utah actually has a remote chance of signing: check.
Can run the P&R with Favors: check.

Exactly! Listen, correct me if I'm wrong but he left because he didn't think the Jazz were contenders. Well you can argue Favors>AL already, Hayward is a lot better, you got a young playmaker in Burks, a future double double machine in Kanter, maybe a 1st round pick if the Jazz get the guts to do it and maybe some shooters signed through FA and if we are extremely lucky a good SF through trade using Jefferson
Exactly! Listen, correct me if I'm wrong but he left because he didn't think the Jazz were contenders. Well you can argue Favors>AL already, Hayward is a lot better, you got a young playmaker in Burks, a future double double machine in Kanter, maybe a 1st round pick if the Jazz get the guts to do it and maybe some shooters signed through FA and if we are extremely lucky a good SF through trade using Jefferson

He left because he was traded. Never did he say he was leaving the Jazz.
My contribution to the cause:

TroutBum ‏@TroutBum5

@COMEBACKDWILL Please stay gone. While I'm at it, please lure C.J. to wherever you go. You two butt pirates were made for each other.
If DWill comes back, the Jazz will be accused of tampering by pre arranging a trade to simply re-sign him after a year and a half.

Another problem: Salary cap. Sure, we could afford to sign him after Al Jefferson's and Devin Harris's contacts are up, but what happens when Favors, Hayward, Burks and Kanter's contracts are up? we would already be near the cap from DWill's max salary and the new CBA's suppertax will be starting up. What the Jazz need is a point guard that makes around 7-8 mil per year that is a good distributor and a good shooter for when the offence breaks down. Simply put, you can't have superstars at every position and pay for them all.

Haha im as optimistic as the rest of us about our future but we gotta quit acting like we know the 4 will be stars. They ALL still have quite a bit to prove....
Bull. Jazz need a star. D-Will is a star.
D-Will is an all star who thinks he is a superstar and wants to be paid like one.

I would be ecstatic to have him back at Devin Harris's contract (who was an all star) or maybe a bit more, but not the max.

as for the core of the team being all stars or not, if they aren't at least close to stars, than we're screwed anyway.

(Actually, as far as Hayward being an all star, i am relying on Barkelys assertion that he will be. I never thought so myself, and I was ok with that. I saw him more as a Ginobili type player who has a sixth man type role. I am assuming that Burks and Favors will be stars based on their raw athleticism. As for Kanter, who knows.)