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Your Christmas tree

My tree doesn't go up until I can get all of my kids to get their chores done on the same day. It's not up yet. They have until this weekend before I am no longer willing to do it. They were close tonight, but my 14 year old chose to argue with me until I finally got pissed enough to send her to bed at 7:00. All she had to do was vacuum the living room. She decided she didn't have to since she had "already done it". Evidence proved otherwise. It would have taken her 5 minutes. Instead, she went to bed early and no tree.

Anybody want a 14 year old girl?

Same problem with one of my sons. He gets to sit in time out and do nothing until I finish his job, after he argues and complains for 20 minutes about why he shouldn't do a 2 minute chore. Then I do more work so he can sit there bored longer.

I will trade you for a 4 year old who won't stop biting or ******** and pissing himself. I have to invent new nasty mouth treatments because washing out with soap and hot sauce do nothing.

Wait, this isnt the pet pervs thread.

I've got one of these. that counts, right? I'ma plant it after the season.

EDIT - Of course it counts, I've seen the Charlie Brown's Christmas Special!!
Same problem with one of my sons. He gets to sit in time out and do nothing until I finish his job, after he argues and complains for 20 minutes about why he shouldn't do a 2 minute chore. Then I do more work so he can sit there bored longer.

I will trade you for a 4 year old who won't stop biting or ******** and pissing himself. I have to invent new nasty mouth treatments because washing out with soap and hot sauce do nothing.

Wait, this isnt the pet pervs thread.

Don’t make these things a punishment, guys. I simply tell my eldest (4.5 year old) when it comes time for clean up and she scoffs at the idea despite it being she who littered the floor with 200 toys, “Oh that’s okay, I guess I’ll just have to pack up all the toys mommy and daddy and Santa got you, and give them to some other child who appreciates them.” All said very sarcastically mind you so that she gets the point. Easy shmeezy.

Now, in bigb’s case, his daughter is much older and can’t be tricked with such sophomoric trickery. So in his case, he just needs to consider that vacuuming just might not be her thing, and that he may have to have an 8th child, one he can groom from a young age into one helluva vacuumer.
By the way, I say all that half joking, knowing I have just three kids (B has 7 iirc) and that not all kids are the same...and that I yell too much because my 4 year old listens as well as Helen Keller.
By the way, I say all that half joking, knowing I have just three kids (B has 7 iirc) and that not all kids are the same...and that I yell too much because my 4 year old listens as well as Helen Keller.

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Don’t make these things a punishment, guys. I simply tell my eldest (4.5 year old) when it comes time for clean up and she scoffs at the idea despite it being she who littered the floor with 200 toys, “Oh that’s okay, I guess I’ll just have to pack up all the toys mommy and daddy and Santa got you, and give them to some other child who appreciates them.” All said very sarcastically mind you so that she gets the point. Easy shmeezy.

Now, in bigb’s case, his daughter is much older and can’t be tricked with such sophomoric trickery. So in his case, he just needs to consider that vacuuming just might not be her thing, and that he may have to have an 8th child, one he can groom from a young age into one helluva vacuumer.

Good luck with the empty threat theory. Wait until 4.5 becomes older, and next 4.5 year old (my youngest) doesn't buy that ******** for one second, or care when i follow through on a threat by smashing **** and throw it away.
By the way, I say all that half joking, knowing I have just three kids (B has 7 iirc) and that not all kids are the same...and that I yell too much because my 4 year old listens as well as Helen Keller.

I didnt know you were up to 3. Congrats on the third.

Good thing my wife needs birth control so I don't have to get snipped and deal with potential problems.
Good luck with the empty threat theory. Wait until 4.5 becomes older, and next 4.5 year old (my youngest) doesn't buy that ******** for one second, or care when i follow through on a threat by smashing **** and throw it away.

Empty threat? Haha. You don’t know me. I’m old school.
That's freaking cool. Growing up, my aunt who went on an LSD mission to Italy and married a cool Italian immigrant gave us one of these really cool Italian nativity scene pieces every Christmas. When me and all my siblings were grown and had our own, my mother did the same until we had so many she couldn't remember who had what and was buying duplicates.

She also gave us these dope

and I thought I had a cool granny
I know you well enough; it was tongue in cheek. When they get older you'll see that aproach doesn't always work.

No doubt. Not always. But along the lines of what straightline was saying, I typically would talk to the child some time (a few hours? 12 hours? 72 hours?) so that what I’d asked and the consequence made sense to them.
My mom slept over and my four year old told me last night that she was going to sneak downstairs and wake her up today. I told her I’d hear her because I’d hear the opening of the gate. I didn’t. But my wife did. At 6:26am. So I went out and told my daughter to go back to her room for a while. That it would be rude to wake grandma up that early. She started crying and saying grandma. Whatever.

And just now I told her to get dressed in long sleeves. She came down with a t-shirt on and a cardigan over it. Smfh. Sent her back to get a long-sleeved shirt.

Smfh she’s already starting to sneak, lie and deceive fml.
No doubt. Not always. But along the lines of what straightline was saying, I typically would talk to the child some time (a few hours? 12 hours? 72 hours?) so that what I’d asked and the consequence made sense to them.

Yeah, and you work with children so it's not like you are fully experiencing the first time parent thing. You already understand how they are.

People who don't get it can only learn through experience. I always hated people telling me "just wait until you have two", like I wasn't doing things correctly. Then my wife bore 2 more, and I'm like "damn, they were right".
Yeah, and you work with children so it's not like you are fully experiencing the first time parent thing. You already understand how they are.

People who don't get it can only learn through experience. I always hated people telling me "just wait until you have two", like I wasn't doing things correctly. Then my wife bore 2 more, and I'm like "damn, they were right".

I always hate when any adult is like, “You have no idea...just wait ‘til (fill in the blanks)...you have it easy now....” and other dumb **** like that, as if they’ve had it so bad and every other parent in the history of the world didn’t go through the same ****, and knowing that, though obviously not experiencing yet, yeah, I do have some idea on how challenging certain experiences can be. How unpredictable things may go. To think otherwise is foolish. My whole mantra the whole time before our first was born has been “Expect the Unexpected.” I think that’s a good way to live. Be smart, educate yourself (not you frank, the general, royal you), think ahead, and be proactive to minimize more trying times. Enjoy the ride. You have too. But all the while, expect the unexpected. ‘Cause ****’ll go wrong all the time.