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Zettler out; Suns staffer in as head trainer

So Tom Brady's body is getting younger? Interesting.

This gif speaks for itself:

If you've got the money, looks like there might actually be a slight benefit:

What is organic farming?

The word "organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming practices are designed to meet the following goals:

Enhance soil and water quality Hey guess what, pretty much all farmers want to do this.
Reduce pollution I'd be lying if I said most farmers care about this. Progress is being made though.
Provide safe, healthy livestock habitats Most ranchers care about this.
Enable natural livestock behavior Most ranchers care about this.
Promote a self-sustaining cycle of resources on a farm Pretty much all farmers want to do this.
Materials or practices not permitted in organic farming include:

Synthetic fertilizers to add nutrients to the soil
Sewage sludge as fertilizer
Most synthetic pesticides for pest control
Irradiation to preserve food or to eliminate disease or pests
Genetic engineering, used to improve disease or pest resistance or to improve crop yields Nothing wrong with GE crops.
Antibiotics or growth hormones for livestock Yes, occasionally when cattle get sick, ranchers give them antibiotics so they don't die. How awful.
Organic crop farming materials or practices may include:

Plant waste left on fields (green manure), livestock manure or compost to improve soil quality Not just organic does this.
Plant rotation to preserve soil quality and to interrupt cycles of pests or disease Almost every farmer in the country does this.
Cover crops that prevent erosion when parcels of land are not in use and to plow into soil for improving soil quality Majority of farmers do this, in some form.
Mulch to control weeds
Predatory insects or insect traps to control pests Very common.
Certain natural pesticides and a few synthetic pesticides approved for organic farming, used rarely and only as a last resort in coordination with a USDA organic certifying agent Very common, and those agents let them get away with quite a bit, fyi.
Organic farming practices for livestock include:

Healthy living conditions and access to the outdoors
Pasture feeding for at least 30 percent of livestock's nutritional needs during grazing season
Organic foods for animals

The above, was pretty much a propaganda piece. Bunch of garbage. The majority of organic produce you see is not truly organic.

There is a growing body of evidence that shows some potential health benefits of organic foods when compared with conventionally grown foods. While these studies have shown differences in the food, there is limited information to draw conclusions about how these differences translate into overall health benefits.

Potential(That's called a big fat maybe) benefits include the following:

Nutrients. Studies have shown small to moderate increases in some nutrients in organic produce. The best evidence of a significant increase is in certain types of flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.
Omega-3 fatty acids. The feeding requirements for organic livestock farming, such as the primary use of grass and alfalfa for cattle, result in generally higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a kind of fat that is more heart healthy than other fats. These higher omega-3 fatty acids are found in organic meats, dairy and eggs.
Toxic metal. Cadmium is a toxic chemical naturally found in soils and absorbed by plants. Studies have shown significantly lower cadmium levels in organic grains, but not fruits and vegetables, when compared with conventionally grown crops. The lower cadmium levels in organic grains may be(they don't even know.) related to the ban on synthetic fertilizers in organic farming.
Pesticide residue. Compared with conventionally grown produce, organically grown produce has lower detectable levels of pesticide residue. Organic produce may have residue because of pesticides approved for organic farming or because of airborne pesticides from conventional farms. The difference in health outcomes is unclear because of safety regulations for maximum levels of residue allowed on conventional produce.Organic crops also create natural toxins to protect themselves, many of which are worse for people than synthetic pesticides. Educate yourselves.
Bacteria. Meats produced conventionally may have a higher occurrence of bacteria resistant to antibiotic treatment. The overall risk of bacterial contamination of organic foods is the same as conventional foods.

Look, Mayo is a fine resource, but they aren't even linking to the studies they're talking about here. It's a hatchet piece. Try the Stanford study.


Eat the entirety of our butt, Goredan Heywood! Please believe I'd trade "G-Thyme" for this dõd in a heartbeat. I'm being 1000% serious.
I hope this helps. Hard to tell if we had poor folks or just poor luck. But, when your luck is that bad you start to wonder.
The above, was pretty much a propaganda piece. Bunch of garbage. The majority of organic produce you see is not truly organic.

Look, Mayo is a fine resource, but they aren't even linking to the studies they're talking about here. It's a hatchet piece. Try the Stanford study.



I've heard this before, too ... it may not be more nutritious, but notice that this is from 2012. Big Ag is putting out a lot of propaganda alleging no harm from GMOs, while more and more information has since come out to the contrary, and a lot of these university studies are corporate funded -- in other words, they're done with a self-fulfilling prophecy to conclude in the corporate interests and not the health and welfare of the common good.

Common sense tells you that a crop that is cultivated to be insensitive to higher doses of pesticides is not going to be good for you, and the World Health Organization has since stated that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, and who knows what other harm its toxicity may cause to human organisms.
Roundup isn't but glyphosate the noxious carcinogen in Roundup is and recently was even detected in Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

What? I pretty much figured it was on all my good foods like vegetables and fruit, but now the bad stuff is in the bad foods too? What I'm I gonna eat?
I heard Eric Waters was fired from Washington Wizards after they were 3rd in teh league in games missed to injury.

Welcome aboard Mr. Waters, please meet Rodney and Dantee.