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I was thinking about it the other day...

I seem to remember something about the only way to kill the demon is to love him. Maybe it was defeat, but loving Satan is something that goes against him, because he wants your heart to be filled with hatred.
Probably because angels aren't human, and if we believe in the Bible, then we realize no amount of prayer will help/save Satan. We know how this story ends (based on the bible of course).

But think about it...do you pray for angels? Not that they'll help you, but actually for them? For that matter, do you pray for God? For His well-being? I would say no, because we know the characteristics of God (again, based on the Bible), and He does not need our prayers for Him. Now I don't know, but maybe angels/demons (spirit beings) don't have to be prayed for because their souls are already won/lost.

Interesting question. I'm gonna ask my bro-in-law (he's in seminary).
Great question. Allow me to field this one guys.

Satan/Lucifer, is an evil entity that God has created through His deterministic will. Naturally, you pose the question: but does that not make him a simply a cog in the heavenly machine that leads to our own salvation, therefore deserving of our pity and respect? If God essentially created him to fill this role simply to challenge us, is he not a puppet, and once his role as a puppet is done, can we simply respect the being himself for what he has done for us?

Well, if you are still following this post (I, myself, am not... I checked out mentally sentences ago to think about my home teaching lesson) the answer is no. God didn't want us to look into this as deep as we have. So stop asking questions and pray about it as well. :)

- Craig
What about the prayers of the faithful changing the hearts of the sinners, and securing blessings from God for the sinners? Maybe if we all start praying for satan, then he will change, and it will be easier to not look at porn because we aren't so tempted.
"Angels are in sinless glory, they don't need our prayers. Demons are already in the clutches of eternal damnation, they're beyond our prayers."
"Angels are in sinless glory, they don't need our prayers. Demons are already in the clutches of eternal damnation, they're beyond our prayers."

Is this from your brother?

Is Lucifer technically considered a demon? How does one become a "demon"? I would assume that child rapists and serial killers would fall into the "clutches of eternal damnation" as well, but I'm pretty sure we're still taught to pray for them, right?

Also, if my human brother was somehow turned into the vilest scumbag the Universe has ever known, I'm still going to pray for his ***, and I'd still have faith that it could help. Lucifer is our brother, right? Why wouldn't we? I don't know if I like the idea of scripture saying, "Um, that guy is just too bad -- don't waste your time on him" -- that doesn't seem right.
Is this from your brother?

Is Lucifer technically considered a demon? How does one become a "demon"? I would assume that child rapists and serial killers would fall into the "clutches of eternal damnation" as well, but I'm pretty sure we're still taught to pray for them, right?

Also, if my human brother was somehow turned into the vilest scumbag the Universe has ever known, I'm still going to pray for his ***, and I'd still have faith that it could help. Lucifer is our brother, right? Why wouldn't we? I don't know if I like the idea of scripture saying, "Um, that guy is just too bad -- don't waste your time on him" -- that doesn't seem right.

Demons are fallen angels. Angels and demons are already in Heaven/Hell.

Myself, you, your rapist brother, we are not in Heaven or Hell yet. Thus we pray for eachother. Once you are in Heaven, nothing can remove you. You are a holy, perfect being. Once you are in Hell, nothing can remove you. Our prayers cannot save them. They will not change them. It's not that they are too bad, it's that they are already gone, their chance is gone. Does that make sense? Basically, people on Earth still have the ability to make a choice, to change, spirits/beings beyond Earth do not. That's why this life we live matters so much.
Demons are fallen angels. Angels and demons are already in Heaven/Hell.

Myself, you, your rapist brother, we are not in Heaven or Hell yet. Thus we pray for eachother. Once you are in Heaven, nothing can remove you. You are a holy, perfect being. Once you are in Hell, nothing can remove you. Our prayers cannot save them. They will not change them. It's not that they are too bad, it's that they are already gone, their chance is gone. Does that make sense? Basically, people on Earth still have the ability to make a choice, to change, spirits/beings beyond Earth do not. That's why this life we live matters so much.
So be sure to pay your tithing!

Satan is essentially a being that has been led to become an evil entity by God. He is powerful enough to make us want to steal that candy bar from Smith's. And he WANTS you to do that, so bad. It's his natural high. But at the same time, he has been lobotomized by the will of God, he can't tell that he is merely playing a role, even though everyone else knows. So you see, Satan is rather complex. In many ways, I think, you know, he sounds really simplistic and almost as cartoonish as Sauron. But then, I forget what I was thinking about. :)

- Craig
So at least we've had the Athiest/Agnostic POV -- I'd like to know Colton's thoughts, and maybe, (dear Gods, help me) babe's...

how'd I ever miss this invitation?

I've never felt inclined to pray for Lucifer, Satan, or any of his minions, and I keep my prayers silent hoping none of the evil minions hear what I say. . . well, when it matters, let's say.

I do pray for my hapless guardian angels who are unmercifully assigned to follow me around and keep track of everything I say.
I would consider Satan to be beyond help. If we pray for him, or let our sympathies go out for him, he only uses that good faith against us.

It's like seeing corporate America as somehow in a predicament under the spell of a greedy demon, and sending cash to their team of lawyers to help them.
I do pray for my hapless guardian angels who are unmercifully assigned to follow me around and keep track of everything I say.

But satan often comes as an angel in white. Maybe you've been praying for satan without even knowing it.:eek:
I do pray for my hapless guardian angels who are unmercifully assigned to follow me around and keep track of everything I say.

But satan often comes as an angel in white, or in my case, blue. Maybe you've been praying for satan without even knowing it.:eek: