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College Football *2015*

Except for Ute fan claiming to be over the rivalry talking about nothing but BYU, but I digress.

Take comfort in knowing that we talk about them out of sheer hate because it's been quite a while since we've talked about them out of fear or respect.
Take comfort in knowing that we talk about them out of sheer hate because it's been quite a while since we've talked about them out of fear or respect.
Whatever helps you feel better little brother. Great game tonight, BTW, Sack Lake City. Lol.

Bet ESPN is thrilled with this showing tonight.

I think you were right when you said USU might be the 2nd most talented team in the state - utes needed every one of those turnovers to hang with the Aggies. utes D proved to be nearly as good as SUUs vaunted defense, so at least you have that.
Whatever helps you feel better little brother. Great game tonight, BTW, Sack Lake City. Lol.

Bet ESPN is thrilled with this showing tonight.

I think you were right when you said USU might be the 2nd most talented team in the state - utes needed every one of those turnovers to hang with the Aggies. utes D proved to be nearly as good as SUUs vaunted defense, so at least you have that.

Scoreboard [[pointing]]
Whatever helps you feel better little brother. Great game tonight, BTW, Sack Lake City. Lol.

Bet ESPN is thrilled with this showing tonight.

I think you were right when you said USU might be the 2nd most talented team in the state - utes needed every one of those turnovers to hang with the Aggies. utes D proved to be nearly as good as SUUs vaunted defense, so at least you have that.

Seriously? You'd think a BYU fan of all people would know better than anybody just how capable USU is of going into your stadium at beating you. It was less than a year ago that the Aggies went into Provo and hung a big, fat, "L" on the Y with their 2nd and 3rd string QBs.

You expect Utah to feel bad about a double digit win against their best in-state rival after losing their starting QB in the 1st half?
Seriously? You'd think a BYU fan of all people would know better than anybody just how capable USU is of going into your stadium at beating you. It was less than a year ago that the Aggies went into Provo and hung a big, fat, "L" on the Y with their 2nd and 3rd string QBs.

You expect Utah to feel bad about a double digit win against their best in-state rival after losing their starting QB in the 1st half?
BYU was a bad football team. If they can't beat a USU team with a hobbling Keeton by more than 10 points this year, it means they aren't very good once again.

That game tonight was an embarrassment with or without Wilson.
All wins count the same. Good game by Utah, capitalizing on chances when they absolutely needed to. Best wishes to Wilson for a speedy recovery.

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Why the hell are Utah fans yappin about BYU During the Utah vs Utah St game?

I don't get it.

You guys have some sick fetish.
The U played a good game. As a USU fan I was worried heading into the game because I think the U has one of the best defenses we'll face all season. And after the SUU game I wasn't sure about our offense. It definitely didn't help that we were missing our 3 best receivers in this game, but you play with what you've got. I sure wish that we would've been able to land Covey. That kid is fun to watch.
Utah State is in shambles right now. Injuries, transfers, suspensions, etc. have absolutely decimated parts of them. And everybody that can read two paragraphs, understood that before the season started. I think they can still be solid once some guys come back, but comparing them now to years past is weak. Every team is different every year. Utah wasn't going to magically replace Orchard without taking a step back on the pass rush front - that was another obvious thing yet Ute fans chirped and chirped and chirped about their front 7 being the best ever and yada yada yada. Get outta here with that stuff.

When Chuckie is throwing any pass over 10 yards directly into the dirt or his really long balls just float......he's probably not well. He's a competitor, but he shouldn't be playing if Utah State has any other decent options.....which they probably don't. Garretson should have hung around.
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Utah State is in shambles right now. Injuries, transfers, suspensions, etc. have absolutely decimated parts of them. And everybody that can read two paragraphs, understood that before the season started. I think they can still be solid once some guys come back, but comparing them now to years past is weak. Every team is different every year. Utah wasn't going to magically replace Orchard without taking a step back on the pass rush front - that was another obvious thing yet Ute fans chirped and chirped and chirped about their front 7 being the best ever and yada yada yada. Get outta here with that stuff.

When Chuckie is throwing any pass over 10 yards directly into the dirt or his really long balls just float......he's probably not well. He's a competitor, but he shouldn't be playing if Utah State has any other decent options.....which they probably don't. Garretson should have hung around.

Mark Webber, the former oline coach of Byu, is single handedly destroying that program.

Under webber BYU's oline took a nose dive. He was awful. He was the oline coach during those dark Heaps/Riley Nelson years. He was one person who was flat out fired by Bronco a few years back. I have no idea why Wells hired him. He's an awful coach. If wells doesn't replace him and fast, wells might be the one looking for a new job.

As long as your oline can't block, your team will always sputter.
Anyone have an update on Wilson?

The season changes completely if he's out for an extended period of time. Kendall, bless his heart, just isn't a d1 QB. He's a d1 athlete. But not QB.
Mark Webber, the former oline coach of Byu, is single handedly destroying that program.

Under webber BYU's oline took a nose dive. He was awful. He was the oline coach during those dark Heaps/Riley Nelson years. He was one person who was flat out fired by Bronco a few years back. I have no idea why Wells hired him. He's an awful coach. If wells doesn't replace him and fast, wells might be the one looking for a new job.

As long as your oline can't block, your team will always sputter.

He probably isn't helping things. To be fair to Wells and Co though....Weber does have a long coaching resume that on paper would stand out in the search probably in comparison to other OL coaching candidates. But I remember how happy BYU fans were when he was no longer with the team, so that's never a good sign.

I'd be curious to know how these college coaching position searches go. A lot are based on previous connections. And I know they open up the application process a lot of the times like they would for any other job at the Universities, but there's been a lot of times when local teams hire somebody that's hopped around from team to team......where I'm like.....why didn't they didn't just hire this high school guy or something. Like Joe Wong. Or Tony McGeary. Dave Peck. Those types of guys. Maybe they wouldn't want the job for whatever reason even if it were more lucrative, but I think there are a lot of guys like that out there that could coach any position in college even if that wasn't their specific coaching duty in high school, if that's where they needed to start out from, a lot better than some of these old timers. Just because they are good coaches.
Anyone have an update on Wilson?

The season changes completely if he's out for an extended period of time. Kendall, bless his heart, just isn't a d1 QB. He's a d1 athlete. But not QB.

Last Night I thought: I wonder how Covey would handle QB(having played that POS in HS)? That dude is an itty bitty football god. That game was ugly for both teams except for Covey.
Seriously every article I read about byu I go to the comments section at the bottom and find ute fans making comments.

I saw a post on Facebook about how Utah was in the top 25 and I'm was going to post congrats and that they deserve it and as I'm reading the comments I see a comment from a ute fan saying how byu sucks and didn't deserve to beat Nebraska and they were lucky..... This comment in a story about utah being in the top 25 with no mention of byu anywhere.

Then you see jazz fanz posters that are ute fans that never even post on jazz fanz except to discuss byu in a negative way.

It really is strange
This goes both ways. BYU fans do the same thing.
Honestly I still vote for BYU to lose every game. But I don't feel anywhere near as strongly about that as I once did. To me the rivalry started dying when they were no longer in the same conference. It will take a long time but the end game of this rivalry is going to be exactly what USU now means to Utah. USU gives everything for that game and to Utah it's just another non-conference game against a team they are expected to beat. If BYU gets into a P5 conference that may change back. But if they get into a P5 conference they may stop playing all together.