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just got my first warning from hotttspazzz

Which again, basically is the argument of "his sandwich is bigger than mine." Probably didn't report that post, as there's this stigma that reporting is some sort of tattling or something. You want to argue the minute when both of y'all's posts should be purged in that thread.

Then you blame one particular mod, which is tremendously foolish, since one mod by himself/herself can't really do anything on this site.

Then you blame the mod for the changing of the site, which again, is foolish, since that implies the argument that even though x broke the rules, the rules were allowed to be broken in the past and thus should continue to be allowed to be broken in perpetuity.

I'd prefer to think of as the staff realizing that this style of posting behavior makes very few people want to post here and thus are taking steps to rectify that.

It's interesting that you talk about things as though there some re-commitment or other such process happening. That sounds like change to me. This thread is about change in moderation. Welcome!

Do you think stigma against tattling is the only reason posts don't get reported? Or do you think some people just don't care and therefore don't report?

Am I blaming one mod? The title of this thread mentions hotttspazzz... is there one poster here by that name? That name is a deliberate mashup of two new moderators (and the inevitable drift in the collective hivemind of the moderators in general).

Also, it's just weird they left innuendo of child molestation into the string of exchanges and took out much more benign stuff.

^there's at least 4 more lauching-points for you to continue doing your thang, whatever the hell that is.
It's interesting that you talk about things as though there some re-commitment or other such process happening. That sounds like change to me. This thread is about change in moderation. Welcome!

Do you think stigma against tattling is the only reason posts don't get reported? Or do you think some people just don't care and therefore don't report?

Am I blaming one mod? The title of this thread mentions hotttspazzz... is there one poster here by that name? That name is a deliberate mashup of two new moderators (and the inevitable drift in the collective hivemind of the moderators in general).

Also, it's just weird they left innuendo of child molestation into the string of exchanges and took out much more benign stuff.

^there's at least 4 more lauching-points for you to continue doing your thang, whatever the hell that is.

What the hell is your "thang?" Not sure what the point of making a new drama thread achieves.

Lack of caring, stigma against reporting, neither a justification.

I guess my "thang" is that I'm annoyed that I can't read an opinion or argument on this site because it's delivered with vitriolic intensity that I don't about it even if I happen to agree with it. Who cares if it contains proper facts and evidence or whatnot when the post is so full of flame and bait material that there's no point in reading it, or caring about it.

I suppose the appropriate solution is do when any new potential poster does upon coming to the site. Read a few minutes and leave (hell, the SLCdunk Jazz posts seemingly get so much more traffic than this site does). I'm not quite to that point yet, since I wouldn't make a post about it, but this grade school "well he said something worse" is, to quote something in my sig, tiresome.
If you want this publicly than fine.

You got a warning, a warning not a fract, for you constant fighting, aggressive tone and name calling with Hack. It has been a slow build up.

I was the final vote approving it. Please just tone it down.
What the hell is your "thang?" Not sure what the point of making a new drama thread achieves.

Lack of caring, stigma against reporting, neither a justification.

I guess my "thang" is that I'm annoyed that I can't read an opinion or argument on this site because it's delivered with vitriolic intensity that I don't about it even if I happen to agree with it. Who cares if it contains proper facts and evidence or whatnot when the post is so full of flame and bait material that there's no point in reading it, or caring about it.

I suppose the appropriate solution is do when any new potential poster does upon coming to the site. Read a few minutes and leave (hell, the SLCdunk Jazz posts seemingly get so much more traffic than this site does). I'm not quite to that point yet, since I wouldn't make a post about it, but this grade school "well he said something worse" is, to quote something in my sig, tiresome.

I see. This is about something larger and on-going for you. I'm sorry you're going through those motifs, but you can continue to flail at me if it lets some pressure out.

Meanwhile, there are some of posters who are on the edge of 'fracttown and near a forced absence. They'll want to know which direction the wind is blowing. I want to keep them around, so we can continue to have hits and stuff.
I see. This is about something larger and on-going for you. I'm sorry you're going through those motifs, but you can flail at me if it lets some pressure out.

Meanwhile, there are some of us that are on the edge of 'fracttown and near a forced absence. They'll want to know which direction the wind is blowing. I want to keep them around, so we can continue to have hits and stuff.

If you're worried about it than perhaps tone down your self admitted aggressive posting style.

Relax man.

Either way I answered and am going back to my movie.
I see. This is about something larger and on-going for you. I'm sorry you're going through those motifs, but you can flail at me if it lets some pressure out.

Meanwhile, there are some of us that are on the edge of 'fracttown and near a forced absence. They'll want to know which direction the wind is blowing. I want to keep them around, so we can continue to have hits and stuff.

See, that's just silly. Both paragraphs.
Can you imagine what would happen on this site if the "Arguing with Moderators" rule was ever enforced even a single time?
You started a thread over a warning?

A warning is less than a slap on the wrist. It is the equivalent of being asked to back up off the sideline by the referee.

This is worthy of a thread?
You're out of your mind if you don't think personal grudges play a role in the way moderation actually happens on-the-ground, so to speak.

I'm not certain you believe this is true. If you do, then going out of your way to publicly beef with specific moderators is obviously irrational.

What if I were to tell you that the moderator edit wasn't actually written by One Love, but was proposed by someone else and One Love just happened to hit the button? One of the dirty secrets of moderating is that actually doing the part where we have to warn or infract is like doing paperwork. It's drudgery that we try to push off on junior members.

What if I were to tell you that none of the moderators you're complaining about actually voted to warn or infract you in any way?

What if I were to tell you that, as seen from the inside, you've yet to levy any complaint or accusation that had even an ounce of merit?

I'm sure you'd just assume I was lying and ignore all that information.
I'm not certain you believe this is true. If you do, then going out of your way to publicly beef with specific moderators is obviously irrational.

What if I were to tell you that the moderator edit wasn't actually written by One Love, but was proposed by someone else and One Love just happened to hit the button? One of the dirty secrets of moderating is that actually doing the part where we have to warn or infract is like doing paperwork. It's drudgery that we try to push off on junior members.

What if I were to tell you that none of the moderators you're complaining about actually voted to warn or infract you in any way?

What if I were to tell you that, as seen from the inside, you've yet to levy any complaint or accusation that had even an ounce of merit?

I'm sure you'd just assume I was lying and ignore all that information.

I'm pretty sure this thread is harmless, and that you're over-interpreting pretty wildly.

I got a warning. I know what a warning is. I wrote about it. I referenced a mashedup name as the executor of the warning, not an individual.

I also pointed to a weird inconsistency in the redaction of text. I still find it weird.

It isn't strange to accuse any policing body of imperfectly executing its rules. They're all imperfect executors.

Look, I can continue to be misunderstood/mischaracterized here if it's helping people get out the last of their yips. Is that how it should go?
I will say that I was worried when OL and JS were announced as the new mods. I thought it might be the beginning of a much more strict interpretation of the rules and when the "is this inappropriate (part2)" thread was closed I was pretty sure were were in for a whole bunch of jack booted thuggery and I overreacted.

I think it was pretty coincidental, but in the end that's all it is.

Plus, let NOAS have his fun. I don't think he's really crying over this, I think he's having some fun with it and challenging the mods to think about the way they do their job. Maybe I'm wrong though.