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Greg Miller I find you odd...


I find it odd that Greg is replying to fans like this over Twitter, like a 14 year old girl.

I also do wonder what was said to him...

GregInUtah Greg Miller
"Your frustration is understandable. I share it. But your negativity does nothing to improve things. Would you say those things face to face?"
Funny, it wasn't too long ago Miller "loved" this team and was blasting fans for "jumping off" the bandwagon.
Funny how Greg took over for his Daddy, and the team has fallen apart since.

The guy obviously has no business running this team. He's an *******, and a horrible greedy incompetent owner.
Uh... what? Wasn't he willing to pay the luxary tax?

I do think the Deron trade was very premature, but he pretty much just took over the team when a edited began. He couldn't stop Sloan's retirement.
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I don't think this is the moment to start freaking out. maybe Greg IS a terrible owner, but current circumstances could easily make a more than competent owner look pretty bad. Don't we all agree that it's about what happens two years down the line, at least? This team losing is frustrating, but doesn't mean Corbin is worthless, or that Greg sucks, or that we're the new Clippers. This team is not what anyone wants. We've got an off season and a lockout to go through before we see what the new all-Corbin, all-Gregg Jazz are really all about.
I have no doubts Greg Miller is a bad person, and not that good of an owner.
The problem is that most of these owners are similar in character.
What has Greg Miller done that leads you to believe he is a bad person and a bad owner? He didn't necessarily inherit a contender, if we are being honest. He has been willing to spend money, perhaps on the wrong pieces, but that is probably KOC and Rigby's fault more than his. I am not defending him, I just want to know what makes him a bad owner.

Fans are going to hate the team rebuilding, most will bitch and whine and not even watch the games. But when the rebuilding period pays off, they will all come running back and pretend they were here the whole time.
What has Greg Miller done that leads you to believe he is a bad person and a bad owner? He didn't necessarily inherit a contender, if we are being honest. He has been willing to spend money, perhaps on the wrong pieces, but that is probably KOC and Rigby's fault more than his. I am not defending him, I just want to know what makes him a bad owner.

Fans are going to hate the team rebuilding, most will bitch and whine and not even watch the games. But when the rebuilding period pays off, they will all come running back and pretend they were here the whole time.

A family member worked for the Miller family, and saw somethings that were very unbecoming character wise. This is probably true with a lot of mega rich familes I would guess. As far as what he's done as a owner look at what has happened since he took over....
A family member worked for the Miller family, and saw somethings that were very unbecoming character wise. This is probably true with a lot of mega rich familes I would guess. As far as what he's done as a owner look at what has happened since he took over....

This post and your previous one are unbecoming of your character. I guess we should all be glad you don't own the Jazz because while we still lack evidence of Greg's ethical shortcomings, you have revealed yours. If you're not willing to back up your statements with anything other than innuendo you should have the class to keep your mouth shut.
What has Greg Miller done that leads you to believe he is a bad person and a bad owner? He didn't necessarily inherit a contender, if we are being honest. He has been willing to spend money, perhaps on the wrong pieces, but that is probably KOC and Rigby's fault more than his. I am not defending him, I just want to know what makes him a bad owner.

Fans are going to hate the team rebuilding, most will bitch and whine and not even watch the games. But when the rebuilding period pays off, they will all come running back and pretend they were here the whole time.

Before we talk Miller's selling, I want to know who are potential buyers? Then a true speculation of greener grass could begin.
Miller is the easy scapegoat since he is new, I guess...but he has spent more money on the Jazz the past two seasons than Larry was ever willing to spend as the owner. It is not Greg's fault that this team has fallen apart.
Would you say those things face to face?"

What the ****. How old is this guy? It's like having Archie as the owner of the team. A guy so at odds with himself and his self esteem he routinely threatens people to make himself feel better.
i don't think this is the moment to start freaking out. Maybe greg is a terrible owner, but current circumstances could easily make a more than competent owner look pretty bad. Don't we all agree that it's about what happens two years down the line, at least? This team losing is frustrating, but doesn't mean corbin is worthless, or that greg sucks, or that we're the new clippers. This team is not what anyone wants. We've got an off season and a lockout to go through before we see what the new all-corbin, all-gregg jazz are really all about.

What has Greg Miller done that leads you to believe he is a bad person and a bad owner? He didn't necessarily inherit a contender, if we are being honest. He has been willing to spend money, perhaps on the wrong pieces, but that is probably KOC and Rigby's fault more than his. I am not defending him, I just want to know what makes him a bad owner.

Fans are going to hate the team rebuilding, most will bitch and whine and not even watch the games. But when the rebuilding period pays off, they will all come running back and pretend they were here the whole time.

IAWTP too. In the past I have been highly critical of the Jazz FO and I couldn't stand all the apologists that supported the Jazz no matter what. The FO does one thing and they're all "oh I agree" or the FO does the opposite and they say "oh I agree." They're just yes-men, justifying their lack of critical thinking with the cliche "well, they been doing this a lot longer than you (so they're always right and must never be questioned)."

That being said, I'm pretty impressed with the FO now. No, I'm not being sarcastic. It was a ballsy move trading Deron, and ballsy-ness was something I never thought the FO was capable of. Yeah, Greg Miller seems like kind of a douche sometimes (why even have a twitter account?) but the guy is willing to gamble. And not stupid gambling - his moves are measured and pretty smart.

If he'd let Deron play out his contract and Deron then walked people would be shouting all over this board about it - me included. I'm not an apologist. I'm impressed.
Face the facts people. We'd all love to see Greg shave his lame goatee, but it just isn't in the cards. This doesn't make him a bad person though.