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Las Vegas: Worst Mass Shooting in US History

He's really a democrat pretending to be R, as in RINO all the way. Smooth enough to say whatever it'll take to collect all those dimwitted trusting Mo R voters. I think he's as phoney as a 3$ bill. I've known a few "people people" who can read you like an open book and tell anyone whatever they want to hear.

I like the awkward, tongue-tied sort of politician who will vote the way his people expect. . . .

my wife was a lobbyist some years ago around the UT legislature, was surprised he switched R when he moved, said he really hasn't changed at all.

Hmm, I would not call for phony but I guess to each there own. He was very open and genuine person as mayor.

As far as being a secret Democrat, maybe. Although I think more likely he is just about person with beliefs that overlap both parties. He had chosen to run Republican since that is the only option to win. I mean you wouldn't want someone who is so brainwashed by politics they 100% believe in 1 party being correct on all the issues right?

Most of the political side of issues don't come up as mayor since they aren't something a mayor needs to deal with. I appreciate that he left politics aside as mayor. What did come up is that he cared about his people no matter their side and showed up to lots of events. His financial decisions were great for the city and business, those decisions were very conservative in nature.

Sounds like we have opposite concerns about him. You think he is a smooth talking Democrat pretending to be a Republican. I think he is a person who isn't in a party but a conservative by nature who is giving into financial pressure to push Republican issues. I'm probably hoping you are right on this one.

I find it odd you want someone who can't talk well. Doing what your constituents want and talking well are not mutually exclusive. As mayor he listened to his citizens more than any politician I have ever seen. He read everything people wrote to him and replied. Often changing course. In fact he just looked into changing squaw peaks name because of repeated emails about it.

Although again I hope you are right on this one. Since I hope he doesn't just do what people want since I disagree with most of what the Utah county folk want.

A mayor he ignored the social issues in politics since they really don't belong in politics anyways. I'm hoping he continues that trend and focuses on similar issues.
I believed Chaffetz was more of a pretend R because he was hatched out from under Gov. Huntsman's wings, as was Gov. Herbert. Smart dude, and in many respects a good Gov, Huntsman's dad was in the chemical/oil biz and a sort of CFR product of the late great Armand Hammer. My biggest beef with Huntsman as Gov was that he cooked a deal with Nev. Sen. Harry Reid to divvy up Utah water, letting Las Vegas drill wells in Utah's desert mining for irreplaceable water. I believe that's why he got the nod for Ambassador from Obama/Reid. In short, willing to sell out Utah to feather his nest.

I lived next door to KSL radio's Doug Wright's mama many years ago, when he was a disk jockey on a local hot radio station. I saw him come and go visiting his mama, and listened to him sometimes. When he picked up the gig on KSL, replacing Bob Lee as the lead morning talk host, I was a solid Lee fan. I heard just enough to know Lee was dumped for original if not maverick political views, too independent for the CFR-associated management at KSL. Utah lost a truly great non-partisan and fair-minded analyst who insisted on honesty in everything, and got a slick oily schmoozer who can be counted on to keep his finger wetted and wagging in the wind to figure out which views to express. Not concerned with real people but the management so to speak....

When I see Doug Wright get up on his soapbox for anyone, I go the other way.

My wife believes Curtis is a solid liberal who will run with the RINO pack. I looked at his statements on gun rights, ACA, jobs(border), and some others to make the same conclusion. Lots of very smart folks will plant themselves solidly in front of any political wave and ride it through an election, then come home with clever explanations why "moderate" positions are the sensible ones when in fact they are actually "progressives".

Orrin Hatch has surprised me a bit lately. I used to think he was just that phony, too. Even Mike Lee is not all I would want, what with his votes on banking issues and the Fed.... for all his gesticulating Constitutionalism.

Mia Love is just too dumb not to be oh so nice to the progressives sometimes, and Bishop is too much in the pocket for the military. I suppose in his district he has to be, but no, Utah does not have a real conservative in the DC political fire.

My wife has been a solid R for years, having been on the party organization in some posts enough many Rs just know who she is. I was never an R. She tells her friends I'm a "socialist" because I collect stuff on politics from some folks who believe Government should be leading mankind into a "Rose Garden" of technological and infrastructural progress.... although pretty much the exact opposite sort of program from the CFR cavemen advocating a return to the idyllic life we had before we invented the wheel or fire, as I think most "progressives" and "socialists" are doing today.... lol.

I like the Chinese and Russians for not being Brit stooges and American serfs, and for being on board with the new Silk Road. I like Trump for wanting that kind of world, too.

About the only claim I have to being a "conservative" is my view that human rights vis a vis government power as held out by the US Constitution are a good start towards real human liberty. Of course, people as a community/state/nation should have real power to cut their own path and work together on those scales doing stuff that can make life better, but I am suspicious of people who are ambitious for power through government office.

The biggest beef I have with Curtis was his gloating , bragging dismissal of his opponents, I think including Trumpster out-of-state PACs. I know his chief opponent in the primary was a solid genuine man, Chris Herrod, who was, in my analysis, beat because of the third candidate(basketball star's bro Tanner Ainge who I'd call a phony conservative) dividing the conservative vote, and a lot of crossover voters coming out for Curtis.

I'm looking for Herrod to primary Curtis out of his job in two years. Chris Herrod is a Mike Lee-quality conservative. I doubt I could discuss the Silk Road with him, but he does have some level of international perspective because of his time in Russia.
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I believed Chaffetz was more of a pretend R because he was hatched out from under Gov. Huntsman's wings, as was Gov. Herbert. Smart dude, and in many respects a good Gov, Huntsman's dad was in the chemical/oil biz and a sort of CFR product of the late great Armand Hammer. My biggest beef with Huntsman as Gov was that he cooked a deal with Nev. Sen. Harry Reid to divvy up Utah water, letting Las Vegas drill wells in Utah's desert mining for irreplaceable water. I believe that's why he got the nod for Ambassador from Obama/Reid. In short, willing to sell out Utah to feather his nest.

I lived next door to KSL radio's Doug Wright's mama many years ago, when he was a disk jockey on a local hot radio station. I saw him come and go visiting his mama, and listened to him sometimes. When he picked up the gig on KSL, replacing Bob Lee as the lead morning talk host, I was a solid Lee fan. I heard just enough to know Lee was dumped for original if not maverick political views, too independent for the CFR-associated management at KSL. Utah lost a truly great non-partisan and fair-minded analyst who insisted on honesty in everything, and got a slick oily schmoozer who can be counted on to keep his finger wetted and wagging in the wind to figure out which views to express. Not concerned with real people but the management so to speak....

When I see Doug Wright get up on his soapbox for anyone, I go the other way.

My wife believes Curtis is a solid liberal who will run with the RINO pack. I looked at his statements on gun rights, ACA, jobs(border), and some others to make the same conclusion. Lots of very smart folks will plant themselves solidly in front of any political wave and ride it through an election, then come home with clever explanations why "moderate" positions are the sensible ones when in fact they are actually "progressives".

Orrin Hatch has surprised me a bit lately. I used to think he was just that phony, too. Even Mike Lee is not all I would want, what with his votes on banking issues and the Fed.... for all his gesticulating Constitutionalism.

Mia Love is just too dumb not to be oh so nice to the progressives sometimes, and Bishop is too much in the pocket for the military. I suppose in his district he has to be, but no, Utah does not have a real conservative in the DC political fire.
I'll say interesting takes and assessments. I disagree with most of those but it's not really worth delving into.

What is a true conservative and who is a true conservative?
My grandpa, a devout Dem, was once recruited by local businessmen to lead their R ticket. Boy did he tell them where to get off that train.

I understood my dad was an R, what with being a big in a MIC corporate traveling to oversee operations around the country. He was impressed favorably with Harry Reid early in Reid's career, and he had important Dem political connections, but he was always just practical, common sense "Let's get things done right" sorta like Trump.

I don't think "conservative" is much of a virtue-signaling badge except that for a lot of people it is more associated with limited governance and the traditional "American" ideals. Certainly, in most countries it would not stand for human rights. In American usage it is advanced covertly to signal "I'm not a Rockefeller Republican", "I actually like America", and some other stuff most people won't openly articulate.

So, anyway. it's a poor communicator term for some things alright. Too easy to claim, to vague to define.

In my tirade above, in reference to Chris Herrod and Mike Lee, I think it respectively stands for integrity to Utah political norms, and integrity towards Constitutional principles, respectively. In Herrod's case, the practical implication is favorable to Trump agenda items like repealing the ACA, gun rights' advocacy to the extent of "Constitutional Carry" meaning no need for a CCP actually but not denying the good effects of good training for gun users. It means perhaps a larger quota for legal immigrants with specific indicators of future American citizenship and less open border or "illegal" traffic. It means job skills and education attainments in candidates get positive selection.....Herrod would vote Ryan out as speaker, and would vote with the Hannity sort of crowd on most stuff. Of course who the hell knows, really, what "Trump agenda" items really are, but Herrod got PAC money for changing things in Washington, and Curtis got the R party money for keeping the same game going. Bad idea for a man who does not really agree with most Utah political points to take Establishment money then crow about being an "independent Utah conservative". I'll say he gets a close shave next time in the primaries, but I'm not voting for him now.
So, anyway, to get back on topic, here's the scoop on the street about Vegas. The CTs are expanding exponentially. Now there's an open challenge out to call the hospitals and ask how many gunshot wounds they had come in. Now the ambulances were bringing bodies to the scene, not taking them away, while the crowd was in panic/flight mode. Now the FBI confiscated cell phones and deleted video footage before returning them. Now a few Chicago-mob hitmen did all the shooting, leaving the obnoxious gambler dead and the security man wounded, and of course that poor illegal wage slave has to be contained and told what to say..... it'd really be nothing at all to drop his corpse off in no-man's land east of Yuma, and I'm sure he knows it......

my wife and kids get a hoot outta me listening to this stuff, and sound a whole lot like BP with questions about how in the world a psy-op of this scale could be managed.....

As always, like the Reichstag fire, or the sinking of the Maine, or the "lay down", "come hit me" defense of Pearl Harbor, larger scales make it more believable and easier to pull off. I'd say with MGM complicity, the staff is neutralized as naysayers, and with Vegas' notoriously corrupt FBI and police, there has to be a lot of institutional support for whatever the plan was.

I'm amazed there was any official discrepancy in the time line. That alone proves to me this was NOT a false flag staged event, but a real live honest-to-goodness mental case on psych meds with a drug-disabled critical thinking capacity and unhinged feedback control impulses, in a state of zombie-like gamer dehumanized euphoria, just like a number of other mass shooters have been. These modern psychotropics are a hellavalot more useful than Jonestown cool-aid..... And who could possibly evaluate the possibilities of an MK-ultra sort of scheme in action......

In my world view, I don't understand why we are all not just rolling insanely in the streets for no damn reason at all, because the deep state CFR mass media has turned us all into simplistic lemmings perfectly willing to be culled out of conflict with a mother nature gone amok on a panic-mode environmental revenge rage.

As Bill Gates says, overpopulation is problem number one.

So, anyway, I know nothing at all about any of this, I just don't believe the news no way no how no where never. So stay on yer toes folks. We've got a great puppet show for the kiddies.
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Sorry I've been unable to address your comments lately. I thought I should actually read Snyder's piece you referenced. And I still haven't done that.

Of course I was guessing, well, assuming, from your comments some time ago regarding your association with some SW native American individuals whom you referred to as influential in your world view particularly regarding very ancient peoples of that area, that you might have done some stuff like say a sweat lodge fellowship or other "spiritual" experiences from that local culture. I really don't know much about it, never been very interested in the native American traditions. I was from my youth a fairly modern sort of scientific, analytical sort of person who considered the ancients mere superstitious fakirs.... Lately, oh say in the past ten years, on the suspicion that my mother in law might be right about being a Cherokee, indulged in a number of CD productions on native americans and their history. The mil looks like she could be somehow a native American of some degree, but the allegation has been factually rebutted by the family genealogist. Who knows, maybe he's wrong.

More recently, I have been reviewing some Mormon "defenders of the faith" who have hatched up a whole lot of CDs on their "heartland model" including a lot of material on the mound builders or Hopewell culture. Some "conspiracy theorists" decrying John Wesley Powell allege there's ruins hidden in the Grand Canyon that nobody is being allowed to examine, and other such stuff. John Wesley Powell, apparently, was born in Palmyra, New York the son of Methodist minister who was one of first on task to destroy Joseph Smith's claims, who together with a friend from the same place and time who became influential as a official of the Smithsonian, have been burying all kinds of stuff people have found (or made) that would indicate some influence during the 600 BC- 400AD period of the Hebrews, including the ancient Cherokee writing system which some have correlated to an ancient block form of Hebrew.....

Well, anyway, I think anyone who correlates Trump with nationalism or any other sort of definable system of views, has got to be a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, orders of magnitude beyond mere defenders of the Mormon faith.

Trump is just too smart to lock down on ideological systems. He just doesn't care about anything but making government more sensible somehow, in his view. He doesn't care about the CFR. He knows who they are and he's willing to make any deal he can to get their help on something he somehow thinks will work better. He doesn't care about the Constitution, but he'll try to placate those who talk about it just enough to get them on board with some practical plan to make stuff work better. Clearly, he thinks Obama and Hillary are alright people, just too stupid to see good solutions to practical problems. That's his only beef with anyone.

When he's done his term(s), he'll look back and point to stuff he did that made a difference, but he'll go back to building other stuff. He really doesn't care about the Presidency. He doesn't care to fight "globalism" except to make better deals for America. He's no more complicated than that.

Hey babe. I've just got too much respect for rational thought to ever be a "wild eyed conspiracy theorist" and I don't think believing Trump uses nationalistic emotions to help control his base is a "wild eyed" interpretation of what's he's doing at all. Obviously you and I interpret the guy in radically different ways, but that's been at the crux of our differences right from the start. That's not going to change, but it's certainly no big deal on a personal level. It's of no consequence in the grand scheme of things. Thanks for taking the time.
Well, it had been a few weeks so clearly we were due for another mass shooting. 24 dead in a shooting in a church in Texas. Thoughts and prayers, this isn’t the time to talk about gun control, sweep the issue under the rug, and here in a few weeks we’ll be talking about another mass shooting in a School, church, theater, or concert.

But it wasn’t terrorism, unlike the New York thing, cuz the shooter was white and didn’t have a funny name.

It sure as hell isnt getting any better.

The division and attacking of other people feels like it's at an all time high. You're either a liberal commie/hippie/moron or a deplorable racist. There's no in-between.

I just don't understand it. I certainly don't understand how you could kill 50 people. I don't understand pointing a gun at another person. I just don't understand this, and that terrifies me. Who are these people? What kind of monsters are we?

One more question you should ask—- why isn’t this happening outside of America in the developed world?
25 now reporter to be dead. Which means 3/5 or the most deadliest mass shootings in our nation’s history have happened in the past year. 2/5 of the deadliest in just the past month.

But ya know, neither was a terrorist cuz white.

And there’s zero we can do to combat this provlem cuz the NRA owns the GOP.

Besides, 2nd amendment is omnipotent and like gun control doesn’t work. Cuz that’s why every other industrialized nation is suffering from like tons more mass shootings. Cuz gun control doesn’t work and the solution is to always have more guns.

Thoughts and prayers! Until we have another mass shooting here in a few Weeks. My money is on either a school or a Theater. It’s been a while since one of those have been shot up all to hell. Nothing will change until 2018 and we get rid of the trash in dc and get people interested In actually governing.
25 now reporter to be dead. Which means 3/5 or the most deadliest mass shootings in our nation’s history have happened in the past year. 2/5 of the deadliest in just the past month.

But ya know, neither was a terrorist cuz white.

And there’s zero we can do to combat this provlem cuz the NRA owns the GOP.

Besides, 2nd amendment is omnipotent and like gun control doesn’t work. Cuz that’s why every other industrialized nation is suffering from like tons more mass shootings. Cuz gun control doesn’t work and the solution is to always have more guns.

Thoughts and prayers! Until we have another mass shooting here in a few Weeks. My money is on either a school or a Theater. It’s been a while since one of those have been shot up all to hell. Nothing will change until 2018 and we get rid of the trash in dc and get people interested In actually governing.

I have to hand it to you. You at least made one post before you politicized it.
I have to hand it to you. You at least made one post before you politicized it.

Why shouldn’t this be political? We need to stop these from happening. One political party is so damn beholden to the NRA that it has become a running joke. For the next 48 Hours the gop will claim that “now isn’t the time to discusss gun regulation.” Then they won’t do anything to resolve this problem. And then after 2-3 weeks we’ll move onto the next mass shooting. They’ll repeat the same script.

It’s a joke.

The whole point of government is to fix or at least mediate these problems in society. Gun regulation found in most other industrialized nations would prevent lives from being lost. An ultimate positive for society.

Unfortunately, one party refuses to even attempt to fix this issue because they’re so bought off by the NRA.

How can these mass shootings not be political?

What did we do to prevent another Las Vegas? Have bump stocks been banned yet? Why should they be legal?
25 now reporter to be dead. Which means 3/5 or the most deadliest mass shootings in our nation’s history have happened in the past year. 2/5 of the deadliest in just the past month.

But ya know, neither was a terrorist cuz white.

And there’s zero we can do to combat this provlem cuz the NRA owns the GOP.

Besides, 2nd amendment is omnipotent and like gun control doesn’t work. Cuz that’s why every other industrialized nation is suffering from like tons more mass shootings. Cuz gun control doesn’t work and the solution is to always have more guns.

Thoughts and prayers! Until we have another mass shooting here in a few Weeks. My money is on either a school or a Theater. It’s been a while since one of those have been shot up all to hell. Nothing will change until 2018 and we get rid of the trash in dc and get people interested In actually governing.

Terrorism is generally defined as violence made to further a political or religious agenda, so yeah, I don't think you can call the Las Vegas shooting or this one terrorism. You have to know the motive to call something terrorism. Maybe some motive was found out for the LV shooting, but I never heard one. And it's too early to know anything on the most recent shooting.
If you're more worried about someone being labeled, by the media or people, as a terrorist or not a terrorist, Muslim, white, brown, etc in this situation or any like it, more than the person being a murderous, coward, life taking POS then you, my friend, are a simpleton.
If you're more worried about someone being labeled, by the media or people, as a terrorist or not a terrorist, Muslim, white, brown, etc in this situation or any like it, more than the person being a murderous, coward, life taking POS then you, my friend, are a simpleton.

Clearly, my #1 problem with this issue as indicated by my posts today and the numerous posts on this subject matter throughout this thread is the lack of action taken from a political party in congress too bought off by the NRA to take obvious actions and donwhat is logically and morally right.

If you can’t see that and want to emphasize a sidenote I made about what qualifies as racism as the #1 beef you have with this, then maybe you’re not as happy or successful as you think you are.

Stop posting unless you can add to the conversation. So tired of the drive by insult added by those too intellectually deficient to add to political dialogue.
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Terrorism is generally defined as violence made to further a political or religious agenda, so yeah, I don't think you can call the Las Vegas shooting or this one terrorism. You have to know the motive to call something terrorism. Maybe some motive was found out for the LV shooting, but I never heard one. And it's too early to know anything on the most recent shooting.

it was only "generally defined" like that by folks who have a political/religious agenda of their own.
objectively, terrorism is anything that causes terror. period.
If you're more worried about someone being labeled, by the media or people, as a terrorist or not a terrorist, Muslim, white, brown, etc in this situation or any like it, more than the person being a murderous, coward, life taking POS then you, my friend, are a simpleton.

it seems fair to say this perspective is more easily held when one isn't frequently the target of aforementioned labeling.

this is why certain issues for one side of the political aisle are considered to be 'boutique' secondary issues, 2nd to the main issue of jobs and the economy.

meanwhile for those on a different spectrum, those same exact issues are their livelihood.

This can apply to something as small as where one sits on a bus, to how often they are screened at an airport, to how one self-frames an entire war - and see it as a war for the boutique issue of slavery or the actual, main issue of state rights.

Of course, for some (especially those subjected to slavery), the war and those two issues are viewed in the exact opposite way.
But maybe they're just simpletons.