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NBA Playoffs thread.


I definitely want the bulls to win the east. I can't stand the big three egos of miami. I wouldn't know who to root for in the finals. It would be sickening to see Boozer, korver, and Brewer get a ring, but I love Rose. Not only does Rose have some badass skills, he has great character as well. I don't think he's as snotty and arrogant as lebron WHO WILL NEVER DESERVE A RING. I like the Thunder but I would be very jealous to see them win a final. The mavs are nothing special, but i'd rather have them win a final so I don't feel so depressed about our Jazz situation.

Bulls wrecked the heat 1st game and i'm LOVING IT.
Chi-Miami game 2: ugly, ugly basketball. Pat Riley-ball is back. Just letting them play = just letting them foul. The NBA needs to correct this, stop changing the rules and ruining the game in the post season. I want to see people trade nice baskets, not shot clock violations.

Yeah seriously, why don't Kobe, Lebron, Rose all come off the bench. BTW Odom doesn't start because Pau Gasol is better. Thanks for making my argument for me. LMFAO

And by the way, Ginobili always played more minutes than the player who started at his position, much like Gibson DOESN'T.

Thriller, always so easy to own.

Yeah, you left the board a week or so ago. Remember? There was even a thread calling you out. You obviously didn't feel like posting again until the Bulls were through with the Hawks.

Great game from Booz last night. 7 points.

You've been dominated (again).
No doubt in my mind that Westbrook oftentimes is hurting his team just as much as helping.

He's the superior athlete to Maynor.

Unfortunately, Westbrook doesn't get the ball to where it needs to go.

He has the Allen Iverson/Monta Ellis effect. Yes, he can get onto sportscenter easily. Yes, he's fun to watch go one on one. But he just kills his team's offensive flow with his ballhogging, shot selection, and turnovers.

Major props to Scott Brooks for sitting his butt down the entire 4th quarter.

Westbrook can be an incredible PG (as shown in game 7 against Mem). Unfortunately, he's usually too concerned with getting his own points and ignoring his teammates than getting them involved and winning.

Either he's going to respond positively and play like a true PG or Scott Brooks has gotta up Maynor's minutes bigtime if OKC hopes to advance.
Either he's going to respond positively and play like a true PG or Scott Brooks has gotta up Maynor's minutes bigtime if OKC hopes to advance.

...Westbrook will NEVER, EVER, play like a true point guard! He's a shoot first.................. pass second guy. It's in his blood! Too much hopper ball imbedded into his gene pool!
For being such a great defensive head coach, Thibodeaux can't teach offense worth ****. Everyone just stands around and waits for Rose to do something. If Sloan and Thibodeaux had a baby it would be the greatest coach ever.
Chicago finding out all too late what we found out...

By playing Korver, you add a guy that can shoot and do nothing else.
By playing Brewer, you add a guy that can play some defense, make some nice cuts, and dunk. Yet, he cannot shoot worth a damn and his defender will often leave him to help cheat on defense.
By playing Boozer, you play a guy who's probably the worst defender in the league, is soft, and cannot score against long/aggressive/athletic defenders.

All have some nice values, shooting, dunking, and yelling. Yet all have some nasty defects.

Thank goodness KOC didn't fall into the temptation of (overpaying) to keep those guys. We were headed towards rebuilding. Jerry's departure and Duron's trade just sped things up.
Dirk and LeBron are showing Rose(who has been awfully quiet in the Eastern Finals crunch time) who should have been MVP.

Rose really should have been about 4th or so

Howard, LeBron, & Dirk are all more valuable this season than Rose.
Rose deserved the MVP. MVP is for the regular season. Two subpar games in the conference finals does not change that.
Dirk and LeBron are showing Rose(who has been awfully quiet in the Eastern Finals crunch time) who should have been MVP.

Rose really should have been about 4th or so

Howard, LeBron, & Dirk are all more valuable this season than Rose.

Who does Rose have?

Now that Miami has geared their entire defense to stopping him, who does he have? One dimensional Korver? Softie boozer?

Folks, stop acting like Rose is playing with a bunch of 3 point shooters/amazing dunkers. He's playing with guys that would normally be considered 3rd or 4th wheels. And the competition he's going up against? 3 guys that have all been considered MVPs or franchise players at one point in their careers.
The Heat are the one team that has the wings and mobile bigs to actually trap Rose on pick-and-roll w/out him splitting it as well as cut off alot of his driving lanes. We saw on consecutive plays in the 4th he turned it over and gave LeBron 1-on-1 fastbreak opportunities.

Also there isn't enough movement in Chicago's offense to make them pay for their constant help. Perfect example was Boozer posting up in the first-half. Thibbs implemented a new set similar to Jazzbasketball, where they backscreen Anthony, lift the SF and post Boozer on the left block. In the 1st-qtr, Deng fed him and stood at the 3pt line. LeBron came down and doubled, Boozer kicked it out, reposted and got it back, and LeBron came back again and doubled while Deng remained at the 3pt line.

In the 2nd-qtr when Boozer got going, same set and Korver fed him in the post - only this time Korver cut through (a staple of Jazzbasketball) clearing the perimeter for Boozer to take his time - and he backed down Anthony and scored.

When Rose is trapped in high screen-roll, the spacing was poor and the Bulls had to resort to throwing the ball to Deng in the far corner and nobody can cover ground faster in recovering than LeBron. I would get the ball to Rose more on the wing because in the middle of the court the Heat can really build their wall at the FT line.
I agree with ChadFeld, at least when it comes to Lebron and Dirk. Rose is a terrific player, but not the MVP IMO.
Not sure you could say Duncun was MVP of his own team, or that LeBron is the MVP of the Heat.
I think Dirk has got a better supporting squad than Rose, although that is debateable.
Clearly Rose was the MVP of the Bulls.
The issue is not that important to me, and I admit I didn't see a lot of the regular season games.
All I am saying is to go by the regular season, not the playoffs.
Anyone see Haywood's foul on Durant at the 8:37 mark of the 4th qtr that was ruled a flagarant? The wussification of the NBA continues to reach absurd levels.