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Jazz Free Agency Summer of 2018

I’ll give you Bagley and Fox. . . but Bogdonovic is one dimensional, Lavine will be massively ovpaid and Giles has major healt concerns.

Where you see “young and exciting” I see “the Kings still doing Kings things.”

Lavine is NOT a near max guy. That contract is insane. There’s no way I’d match that.

Lavine was really good offensively before the injury. Swap Giles with Cauley-Stein if you wish. Bogdonovic was SOLID last year in this first year in the NBA.
Twitter is split 50/50 at the moment as whether to match or not.
I am not a fan of his but Chicago traded for him and does not have much talent or salary on their team. They have no reason not to match. They are rebuilding and probably going to tank for a couple years. If he pans out and is really good, great. If he ends up sucking, NBD. His salary wont hurt them.
Kings are trying to play uptempo, they desperately need a player who can get his own shot quickly off the dribble and he can run and finish and shoot 3's.

Plus they have 45mil expiring next offseason, players like Shumpert and Temple will expire and it's what LaVine will cost moving forward. Hield and Bogdanovic are cheap for 2 more seasons. Mason 3rd string PG is cheap too and De'Aaron Fox 3 more years rookie scale. Their guards are cheap.

This is agreat signing for them if they can pull it off.
Kings are trying to play uptempo, they desperately need a player who can get his own shot quickly off the dribble and he can run and finish and shoot 3's.

Plus they have 45mil expiring next offseason, players like Shumpert and Temple will expire and it's what LaVine will cost moving forward. Hield and Bogdanovic are cheap for 2 more seasons. Mason 3rd string PG is cheap too and De'Aaron Fox 3 more years rookie scale. Their guards are cheap.

This is agreat signing for them if they can pull it off.

That's what I think too. It's looking like the Bulls will match though so if anything, I would have gone a bit more, like $22m per year (if that's possible), just so the Bulls don't match.
I really like Lavine. Id definitely match that. Ive been saying for years that he is better than Wiggins. Look at what Wiggins got.

Y'all are happy with what we got Exum for and you wouldn't pay Lavine that? Exum hasnt even shown that he can even be a reliable backup. Its all hopes and promises with him. Lavine can virtually guarantee you that he can average 20+ ppg. He is really good shooter, super athletic, can pass, great handles. Pretty much the entire offensive package. Its only his defense that is questionable. But he is just 23 years old. Barely. He has proven that his knee is fine too.

I dont get where all the Lavine hate comes from around here. Feels like a CarolinaJazz antihopper opinion tbh. No real basis. Just nonsense opinions.

If you look at all the 20+ ppg game scorers in the league they all command at least 20 mil per game. But for some reason Zach Lavine who is still super young and could conceivably get even better, isnt worth it? Makes a lot of sense.

Ive never said he was gonna be a great player, but the dude is a good player. The opinions of him around here are quite frankly stupid and it forces me to make arguments for him that make it sound like I think he is great.
Great move by the Bulls BTW - let the market set the price then quickly match. You don't string it along and ruin the relationship with your star player.

We'll see how well it works out. Lavine sounded like he wanted out from his comments.

On a side note, Smart's is going slowly kill his agent.
We'll see how well it works out. Lavine sounded like he wanted out from his comments.

On a side note, Smart's is going slowly kill his agent.

I dunno, what position does he play? PG? Can he be a starting PG for an NBA team? Or maybe SG? But can he shoot it consistently?

Never really liked him much as a player. It's a shooter's league...
Kings being the Kings. No way do I match that ridiculous offer for Lavine.

I just wish someone would give Smart a stupid offer (see what I did there?). I'd like to see Boston pushed into a high tax bracket to keep him.