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Made ya look/Circle game

Funny think is that I literally just sent this picture to my sister and brother in law via Snapchat and to a co worker via text a couple of days ago cause I knew it would make them laugh.

I don't think it's fair that a symbol used for years and years by millions of people can suddenly be changed into something racist in the last few years by a fringe part of society.

Can't play that game anymore apparently


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Though the dude was cheating cause it's supposed to only be shown below the waste. Everyone knows that

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I think intent should always be taken into consideration

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
This sounds only vaguely familiar. I thought this went back to ball gazing from That horrible Mike Meyers movie. The love Guru?
This sounds only vaguely familiar. I thought this went back to ball gazing from That horrible Mike Meyers movie. The love Guru?
Waiting was the name of the best ball gazing movie. Pretty hilarious. Ryan Reynolds and dane cook star.

You clowns still haven't caught onto what is going on. The left is so easily trolled.

You mean, that a small group decided to change the meaning of an innocent symbol into one with racist meaning, for laughs, and largely succeeded, ha ha. Yeah, we got it, thanks.
You mean, that a small group decided to change the meaning of an innocent symbol into one with racist meaning, for laughs, and largely succeeded, ha ha. Yeah, we got it, thanks.

In hackverse, it's always someone else's fault. He never causes anyone's problems, conservatives never do anything stupid, and if people treat him like ****, it's a reflection of them.

THE snowflake of Snowflakes.
You mean, that a small group decided to change the meaning of an innocent symbol into one with racist meaning, for laughs, and largely succeeded, ha ha. Yeah, we got it, thanks.

No. You still dont get it. These people did it not because they actually wanted to make it a racist symbol, but to show how easy it is to trigger you lefties, and to show how retarded you are. You people have gotten so out of hand that you cant even see how ridiculous it is that you now are banning the OK sign. Which I guarantee that even after they changed the meaning, more people will still use it to just say "ok" having no idea they are doing anything wrong. And thats the idea.

They are only proving how dumb the left is. They are just going to move on to the next thing to prove it again. It will be an endless game. They could say eating this XX type of food and you believe white power. Then the left will get triggered and start banning that food. How can you not see where this is going?

Welp, look at this Barrack Obama believes in white power.

No. You still dont get it. These people did it not because they actually wanted to make it a racist symbol, but to show how easy it is to trigger you lefties, and to show how retarded you are. You people have gotten so out of hand that you cant even see how ridiculous it is that you now are banning the OK sign. Which I guarantee that even after they changed the meaning, more people will still use it to just say "ok" having no idea they are doing anything wrong. And thats the idea.

They are only proving how dumb the left is. They are just going to move on to the next thing to prove it again. It will be an endless game. They could say eating this XX type of food and you believe white power. Then the left will get triggered and start banning that food. How can you not see where this is going?

Welp, look at this Barrack Obama believes in white power.

View attachment 7342
Speaking of triggered.
You should check the comments section of the article log posted about the yearbook being remade.

Over 4000 comments from righties triggered as **** lol

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
No. You still dont get it. These people did it not because they actually wanted to make it a racist symbol, but to show how easy it is to trigger you lefties, and to show how retarded you are. You people have gotten so out of hand that you cant even see how ridiculous it is that you now are banning the OK sign.

No, I see how ridiculous it is. It's kind of sad, too. The people behind this completely misunderstood human thinking, reactions, and emotional attachments. What actually happened is that racists, looking for a covert signal, latched onto this gesture, and ran with it. That took the joke and made it into a reality.

Which I guarantee that even after they changed the meaning, more people will still use it to just say "ok" having no idea they are doing anything wrong. And thats the idea.

See, here's an example of someone who doesn't know the difference between "wrong" and "offensive". You can't expect that people like this will understand that attaching a new, ugly meaning to an old symbol is easy, proves nothing, and leaves only destruction behind it.

They are only proving how dumb the left is. They are just going to move on to the next thing to prove it again. It will be an endless game. They could say eating this XX type of food and you believe white power. Then the left will get triggered and start banning that food. How can you not see where this is going?

The left won't get triggered until racists start eating that type of food to show their social power. When it gets featured in white power songs, rallies, and pictures as a symbol of white power, the lefties will distance themselves from that symbol unless it has some greater social relevance.

It's going nowhere, because the meaning of symbols changes all the time, and can mean different things in different places. A cross means something different when in a church, a graveyard, or in the ground of a black family when placed there by neighbors. The last usage hasn't stopped lefties from using crosses in the first two ways because the of social significance of the first two uses. The OK symbol had no similar cultural momentum behind it.

Welp, look at this Barrack Obama believes in white power.

As I said, symbols have different meanings at different times, and changing the meaning of a symbol can be fairly easy.
No, I see how ridiculous it is. It's kind of sad, too. The people behind this completely misunderstood human thinking, reactions, and emotional attachments. What actually happened is that racists, looking for a covert signal, latched onto this gesture, and ran with it. That took the joke and made it into a reality.

See, here's an example of someone who doesn't know the difference between "wrong" and "offensive". You can't expect that people like this will understand that attaching a new, ugly meaning to an old symbol is easy, proves nothing, and leaves only destruction behind it.

The left won't get triggered until racists start eating that type of food to show their social power. When it gets featured in white power songs, rallies, and pictures as a symbol of white power, the lefties will distance themselves from that symbol unless it has some greater social relevance.

It's going nowhere, because the meaning of symbols changes all the time, and can mean different things in different places. A cross means something different when in a church, a graveyard, or in the ground of a black family when placed there by neighbors. The last usage hasn't stopped lefties from using crosses in the first two ways because the of social significance of the first two uses. The OK symbol had no similar cultural momentum behind it.

As I said, symbols have different meanings at different times, and changing the meaning of a symbol can be fairly easy.
The symbol thing is spot on. For hundreds of years before the Nazis what is essentially the swastika was a symbol of peace and well-being. No one sees it that way now, in the Western world at least.