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Authoritarians wouldn’t shut down Facebook. They would “suggest” that Facebook erase speech not approved by the government.
So, no government force or coercion was used. Which policies did Facebook change in response? IIRC, their answer was that they were already doing what the Biden administration suggested.

There seems to be a lot of acceptance. It is just "misinformation" and we're in an emergency, right?
So, you advocate allowing people to yell "fire" in a crowded location, even when there is no fire?
So, no government force or coercion was used.
When the government threatens to "review" the law preventing your company from being sued into oblivion, makes a statement that it believes your company is responsible for murder on a mass scale, and introduces legislation to hold your company accountable for that mass murder, I'd call that coercion.
It had more to do with actions beyond just wearing a mask. Social distancing, frequent hand washing, sanitizing and isolation all played a role. That said, we have suppressed our immune systems to the point where a simple cold is more severe than normal. Makes one wonder what flu season will be like once it kicks back in. Might be pretty bad.

If only we had a vaccine for the flu. Dammit! We’re so ****ed!
It had more to do with actions beyond just wearing a mask. Social distancing, frequent hand washing, sanitizing and isolation all played a role. That said, we have suppressed our immune systems to the point where a simple cold is more severe than normal. Makes one wonder what flu season will be like once it kicks back in. Might be pretty bad.

I agree it was more than just masks.
Masks do nothing is an incorrect statment however.

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Just curious, how far away are we from herd immunity? I’m seeing cases drop in the UK. Could they possibly have reached herd immunity with natural infections and vaccinations combined?

Utah is currently at 63 percent fully vaccinated for ages 12+. We’re 7ish percentage points shy of herd immunity for ages 12+. In order to reach 70 percent, we’d need an additional 220,000 vaccinations. However, we had over 440,000 cases. If just half of those cases were in that 12+ age group, then we will have achieved 70 percent herd immunity for ages 12+, right?

@One Brow @infection thoughts?
Just curious, how far away are we from herd immunity? I’m seeing cases drop in the UK. Could they possibly have reached herd immunity with natural infections and vaccinations combined?

Utah is currently at 63 percent fully vaccinated for ages 12+. We’re 7ish percentage points shy of herd immunity for ages 12+. In order to reach 70 percent, we’d need an additional 220,000 vaccinations. However, we had over 440,000 cases. If just half of those cases were in that 12+ age group, then we will have achieved 70 percent herd immunity for ages 12+, right?

@One Brow @infection thoughts?
The short answer is 85% of all people in an area must have been vaccinated and/or recovered from infection.

The longer answer is that it can’t be answered definitively because it depends on many things that are not yet known so don't count on 85% being the answer. The single largest question mark right now is variant transmissibility. The delta variant is not more deadly than the original wild type SARS-CoV-2, but it is more transmissible. Some estimates put it at twice as infectious as wild type.

Being that the curve is determined by transmissibility (R0) and rate of interaction between potentially infectable hosts, that R0 value needs to be known to determine herd immunity. We only have it somewhere in a range between 4 and 6 for the delta variant, and we don’t have it at all for whatever future variants will pop up. There is also an age component to herd immunity due to infection risk being highly age affected. It is very complex problem and no one knows where the finish line is.
The short answer is 85% of all people in an area must have been vaccinated and/or recovered from infection.

The longer answer is that it can’t be answered definitively because it depends on many things that are not yet known so don't count on 85% being the answer. The single largest question mark right now is variant transmissibility. The delta variant is not more deadly than the original wild type SARS-CoV-2, but it is more transmissible. Some estimates put it at twice as infectious as wild type.

Being that the curve is determined by transmissibility (R0) and rate of interaction between potentially infectable hosts, that R0 value needs to be known to determine herd immunity. We only have it somewhere in a range between 4 and 6 for the delta variant, and we don’t have it at all for whatever future variants will pop up. There is also an age component to herd immunity due to infection risk being highly age affected. It is very complex problem and no one knows where the finish line is.
I'd add that herd immunity is also a high hill to climb as children under 12 are a large chunk of the population and would also need to be inoculated. Provided emergency approval goes ahead, that would also help the bottom line.

I'm not confident we'll ever reach a true herd immunity.
When the government threatens to "review" the law preventing your company from being sued into oblivion, makes a statement that it believes your company is responsible for murder on a mass scale, and introduces legislation to hold your company accountable for that mass murder, I'd call that coercion.
You don't believe in holding companies responsible for the results of their actions and policies?

I've never thought of "if you do the crime, you do the time" as coercion.
Just curious, how far away are we from herd immunity? I’m seeing cases drop in the UK. Could they possibly have reached herd immunity with natural infections and vaccinations combined?

For more infections diseases like measles, herd immunity is in the 90% vaccinated range. I'm not sure if that would apply to covid19, but I would think 70% is too low for almost any contagious disease.
Interesting read.
This is completely unsurprising. The west and south St. Louis suburbs are largely a creation of white flight after school integration measures, and these people have learned from their parents or sought refuge with like-minded neighbors.
This is completely unsurprising. The west and south St. Louis suburbs are largely a creation of white flight after school integration measures, and these people have learned from their parents or sought refuge with like-minded neighbors.
This was a public forum. The council had set up cameras. The news media had set up camera. The members of the public in attendance had cameras, and yet there is no video footage from any of all those cameras showing the claimed racism directed at this mayonnaise complected “person of color”.


What the footage shows is a raucous forum with passionate supporters. Dr. Khan presented his input and was booed. The vote of the council went against his recommendation which prompted some members of the public to jeer Dr. Khan who responded by flipping the bird. When news media went to confront Dr. Khan for his unprofessional display he spouted this story of racism, racism everywhere.

Obviously I wasn’t there and it is possible there may be damning footage I haven’t seen but being that I have seen video including from outlets who would absolutely show this display of racism if they had it, I’m skeptical.
This was a public forum. The council had set up cameras. The news media had set up camera. The members of the public in attendance had cameras, and yet there is no video footage from any of all those cameras showing the claimed racism directed at this mayonnaise complected “person of color”.
I am really curious at the source of your claim, especially for the claim on non-existence. How hard do you think I had to look?

I heard the dog-whistle clear as day. I heard four interruptions in the first 20 minutes of Dr. Khan's talk, two or three of which were gaveled down by the chair. So, whatever sources you used, they lied to you, and in a manner that couldn't survive the mildest of inspection, and you swallowed up that lie eagerly. Is that who you want to be?

Extra kudos for pretending being light-skinned would mean Dr. Khan would not be subject to racism. Are you really that ignorant? You never heard of, for example, the "one drop" standard?

By the way, listen to the next speaker. It would be hilarious, if not so sad.

What the footage shows is a raucous forum with passionate supporters. Dr. Khan presented his input and was booed. The vote of the council went against his recommendation which prompted some members of the public to jeer Dr. Khan who responded by flipping the bird. When news media went to confront Dr. Khan for his unprofessional display he spouted this story of racism, racism everywhere.
Dr. Kahn left the room right after his talk, it's quite clear on the video.

Obviously I wasn’t there and it is possible there may be damning footage I haven’t seen but being that I have seen video including from outlets who would absolutely show this display of racism if they had it, I’m skeptical.
Yet, you didn't bother to offer links to this video. I wonder if it shows what you claim.
You never heard of, for example, the "one drop" standard?
Of course I've heard of the "one drop" standard that was used by racists but it has long been a laughing stock now that DNA shows that nearly everyone, even Elizabeth Warren, has "one drop". These days the only people I hear use it are light complected multiracial people who desperately want some sort of status. I never hear it the other way around but I don't run in those circles so I guess it is possible.
... but it has long been a laughing stock ...
It was always a laughing stock in terms of natural philosophy/science; racism doesn't play by those rules. I'm old enough to remember when the Sicilians on the The Hill (a St. Louis neighborhood) weren't considered white by the Lombardians/Tuscans.

It's quite possible for people to be using standards they don't explicitly articulate.
So Biden is literally releasing Covid infected immigrants into our communities... He's responsible for the spread more than any single other person out there.

Democrats have absolutely no ground to stand on with their flat out idiocy and hypocrisy. How could you possibly be serious about covid, speeding hate like you do, while staying silent about this?

You're hypocrites. Sheep.
Seriously thought you hypocrites.

Covid was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees. Hundreds of children contracted Covid in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced," the whistleblowers, Arthur Pearlstein and Lauren Reinhold, said in a federal whistleblower complaint filed Wednesday

Just food for thought the next time you two faced hypocrites think about pointing your finger at others.
It was always a laughing stock in terms of natural philosophy/science; racism doesn't play by those rules. I'm old enough to remember when the Sicilians on the The Hill (a St. Louis neighborhood) weren't considered white by the Lombardians/Tuscans.

It's quite possible for people to be using standards they don't explicitly articulate.
My father-in-law is 2nd generation American but ethnically Portuguese with olive skin that gets pretty dark in summer. He tells a story of being young in Texas on a work project where they slept on site and he was forced to bunk with the Spanish speaking Mexican laborers despite not knowing a word of Spanish simply because of the color of his skin. I recognize that places are different and times do changes things, but I don’t get the logic of any of it.
This… doesn’t seem helpful.

Pretty obvious to me that one political party is actively trying to prolong this pandemic to hurt the economy, force restrictive mitigation efforts (and then whine about them), and hurt the Biden admin.