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Well, the plan is technically sound as it's really the CDC's plan regardless of administration:

1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

A plan only goes so far as everyone being onboard with the plan and with so many state and local municipalities doing their own thing, no wonder we're still a mess to a degree. Quin could draw up the greatest zone scheme ever, but if Conley/Mitchell say 'Screw it, I'm playing man and you can't stop me.', we should expect the L.

And it's not a red vs. blue thing. For all the handwringing pointing at DeSantis and his mismanagement of Florida as of late, you can just as easily look westward at California and Newsom's incompetence in only seeming to follow the science insofar as it affects his confidence that he's not going to get recalled. Standard politicians doing politicians thing and being a purveyor of not liking politicians generally, they're all inclusive in our inability to progress faster.

The good news is much of our vulnerable population is vaccinated - deaths and hospitalizations are much lower thanks to the heroic efforts of our medical community and remain that way for the foreseeable future. It's also irrefutable that the vaccines have kept these numbers low which show that they work - yes, we don't know the long-term effects, but the plan is working in a kind-of/sort-of way, but one also gets the sense that we're simply biding time right now barreling to a sketchy future.
How is shutting down, new mandates, vaccine passports, 151,000 cases per day, the most since January, considered "working". We are literally back at state 1 as far as infections and the virus spreading. You're right the vaccine, Trump's vaccine, is astronomically helping the severity but Bidens plan has done absolutely nothing to stop or "control the virus".

We are literally nowhere as far as beating this thing. Absolutely nowhere.
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How is shutting down, new mandates, vaccine passports, 151,000 cases per day, the most since January, considered "working". We are literally back at state 1 as far as infections and the virus spreading. You're right the vaccine, Trump's vaccine, is astronomically helping the severity but Bidens plan has done absolutely nothing to stop or "control the virus".

We are literally nowhere as far as beating this thing. Absolutely nowhere.
I haven't seen anything saying we're shutting down (and not effective anyway IMO). Mandates to wear masks can help slow the spread and nowhere is requiring a vaccine passport. Mine has been sitting vacant in a lockbox for four months now.

I don't think we're back to square one as hospitalizations and deaths are largely lower now that we have better mechanisms to treat illnesses and a healthy dose of the population that's been vaccinated to reduce the risk of hitting those statistics. How do we curtail the spread? Well, goes back to the basics:

1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

So if we want to get out of the current state, we need to do the above. If civilians don't want to do the above, how do we expect things to get better? No amount of prayer or wishing upon stars is going to replace actual work by us as a collective group.

And the vaccine belongs to no politician but rather the medical community - government writes checks, others create. Any politician that wants to take credit for the vaccine is disingenuous regardless of the letter by their name.
I haven't seen anything saying we're shutting down (and not effective anyway IMO). Mandates to wear masks can help slow the spread and nowhere is requiring a vaccine passport. Mine has been sitting vacant in a lockbox for four months now.

I don't think we're back to square one as hospitalizations and deaths are largely lower now that we have better mechanisms to treat illnesses and a healthy dose of the population that's been vaccinated to reduce the risk of hitting those statistics. How do we curtail the spread? Well, goes back to the basics:

1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

So if we want to get out of the current state, we need to do the above. If civilians don't want to do the above, how do we expect things to get better? No amount of prayer or wishing upon stars is going to replace actual work by us as a collective group.

And the vaccine belongs to no politician but rather the medical community - government writes checks, others create. Any politician that wants to take credit for the vaccine is disingenuous regardless of the letter by their name.
More people have gotten the vaccine and there have been more cases. The vaccine is not stopping the spread. It's not.

1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

None of these have worked to stop the spread... Not one of them. We've tried this before and all we got was another variant. Now you're being told to get a booster, your third poke in less than 8 months. When a new variant arrives, which they're already predicting, it'll show that
1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

Are not stopping the virus... They simply have failed.
Mandates to wear masks can help slow the spread and nowhere is requiring a vaccine passport. Mine has been sitting vacant in a lockbox for four months now.

Avery you're one of the better posters but you're being intentionally naive here. Biden even wants to make it to where you can't drive on the interstate without a passport (proof of vaccinate)

In the past two weeks, Biden has forced millions of federal workers to attest to their vaccination status or face onerous new requirements. He’s met with business leaders at the White House to press them to do the same.

Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.

Speaking of "nowhere is requiring passports" ... What law is being broken here? Blaze is a meh source but the point is there

So I got Covid. It’s been a rough 2 weeks.
I had the Pfizer vaccine, I am officially a breakthrough case.
I am 100% convinced that if I hadn’t had the vaccine to mitigate some of the harsher effects of Covid, I would be dead right now.

Yikes, be well.

Any idea how you caught it?
Avery you're one of the better posters but you're being intentionally naive here. Biden even wants to make it to where you can't drive on the interstate without a passport (proof of vaccinate)

In the past two weeks, Biden has forced millions of federal workers to attest to their vaccination status or face onerous new requirements. He’s met with business leaders at the White House to press them to do the same.

Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.

Appreciate the mostly kind words - most mandating for vaccines that I've seen as part of workplaces are not actually asking people to send a copy of their vax card, but rather asking people to self-declare and electronically sign. Vaccine passports for traveling on an interstate is a non-starter and isn't feasible at many levels. Though there's always going to be a few exceptions, >99% of what you can publicly do right now doesn't involve showing any vaccination.

The people in the article you referenced are unfortunately idiots and got caught. Can't fault anybody but themselves - it's Hawaii's rules, should have cancelled the trip or got the shot. Lots of beautiful beaches out there with less documentation needed if they want a vacation.

And I would challenge that doing the below doesn't work - it did work to slow the spread as we saw through our overall numbers, but the problem is we stopped doing essentially all of the first four and the fifth has lagged for the past few months. It's no wonder things are precarious again when we stopped doing the very things that got us there. And quite honestly, we've never fully done all five of these things as best as we could - I saw many an individual last winter not practicing anything in public spaces (I'd estimate 20% - 30% of people never were onboard).

1. Socially distance
2. Wear masks
3. Practice good hygiene
4. Contact trace
5. Get the vaccine

In a different world, if you were in charge of this pandemic facing the situation our leaders are right now, what would your plan be?
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Yikes, be well.

Any idea how you caught it?
Being fully vaccinated along with most of our company, we had an annual conference in San Diego. I attended.
It ended up being a “minor spreader” event. 4 people vaccinated (including me) got it. 5 others that weren’t vaccinated got it.
This was a conference with more than 1,000 people in attendance, so… not bad. But still.
If you believe that (post #5136), we have nothing to talk about.

Welcome to ignore. Message me when you grow up.

You are really out of it. Here's some info you should check out.


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Being fully vaccinated along with most of our company, we had an annual conference in San Diego. I attended.
It ended up being a “minor spreader” event. 4 people vaccinated (including me) got it. 5 others that weren’t vaccinated got it.
This was a conference with more than 1,000 people in attendance, so… not bad. But still.
I'm glad you're alive!

I don't know exacts on testing policy. Did they tell you which variant you had? Was it just a Y/N?
Being fully vaccinated along with most of our company, we had an annual conference in San Diego. I attended.
It ended up being a “minor spreader” event. 4 people vaccinated (including me) got it. 5 others that weren’t vaccinated got it.
This was a conference with more than 1,000 people in attendance, so… not bad. But still.
dayumm man, glad you got through it
So I got Covid. It’s been a rough 2 weeks.
I had the Pfizer vaccine, I am officially a breakthrough case.
I am 100% convinced that if I hadn’t had the vaccine to mitigate some of the harsher effects of Covid, I would be dead right now.

sorry to hear dude, glad you've pulled through. As someone in your position, curious as to your thoughts re vaccine passports / workplace vaccine mandates ?
Being fully vaccinated along with most of our company, we had an annual conference in San Diego. I attended.
It ended up being a “minor spreader” event. 4 people vaccinated (including me) got it. 5 others that weren’t vaccinated got it.
This was a conference with more than 1,000 people in attendance, so… not bad. But still.
10 out of 1000 is about 1% (probably a few more caught it and were either asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic).
So I got Covid. It’s been a rough 2 weeks.
I had the Pfizer vaccine, I am officially a breakthrough case.
I am 100% convinced that if I hadn’t had the vaccine to mitigate some of the harsher effects of Covid, I would be dead right now.
So it’s not just a democrat hoax Fauci plandemic? Weird.
Being fully vaccinated along with most of our company, we had an annual conference in San Diego. I attended.
It ended up being a “minor spreader” event. 4 people vaccinated (including me) got it. 5 others that weren’t vaccinated got it.
This was a conference with more than 1,000 people in attendance, so… not bad. But still.
That really isn't bad all things considered. But that doesn't mean much when it's you that get it.

When I was diagnosed with cancer my doctor looked into the literature for similar cases to mine and found less than 10 cases worldwide in the 10 years before my diagnosis. That was little consolation, especially considering they gave me <15% chance of beating it.
@Red the Propaganda Machine Made of Tabloid... See. Just yesterday I called out your propaganda, tabloid, technology using butt out and today I'm proven right...again.

The Co-Founder Of Snopes Wrote Dozens Of Plagiarized Articles For The Fact-Checking​


Let it be known. If I personally ever use a source that says "fact checker" on it I would like you to completely dismiss my point as false and call me an idiot. You have my permission. I might as well use tabloids and computer parts magazines ffs.
It's insanely grotesque that you on this board pretend to care but really you just are using covid as a means to strengthen your Marxist Agenda... If you really cared, you don't, then this would be a topic of conversation but you don't really care. Unless...it fits your evil agenda

18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says​

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

So let's say Biden has released 500,000 illegals which is a low predicament since there's been over 1.3 millions apprehended. That's a low of 90 THOUSAND cases he's let into the us. This should be an impeachable offense... But this doesn't help you control the entire world with your hypocritical Communist mask with vaccine idiocy(no science), your control of the media, your dismantling of the middle class.

Wonder where the medical professionals are on this? Hm...
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