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Dame Time

I also think Miami and Portland will wait about 25 days (or whenever the Jacquez 30 days is up) to do the trade. It will be continual news and posturing until then unless someone has a reason to blink.
I owned it... I generally own my own ********. I may not be the smartest guy but I'm smart enough to know when I'm wrong. Excuse me for taking a minute to verify.

No, you absolutely don’t. You dig your heels in. Even now you can’t admit that you were passing gas. You’re only admitting that you *might* have gotten conversations confused after nearly 2 pages of MT bashing your head in.
I also think Miami and Portland will wait about 25 days (or whenever the Jacquez 30 days is up) to do the trade. It will be continual news and posturing until then unless someone has a reason to blink.

I think it’s July 31st not entirely sure though.
Also go ahead and put me on ignore. You can check the side of the my profile if you want to see what most people think of me around here lol.
Why would I do that when watching you getting owned and still refusing to own it is far more entertaining?

To be fair, you have a lot of good takes. I enjoy reading most of your posts. They’re solid for a fan. But there are times when you go completely overboard and lash out emotionally, like what you did with MT. Rather than just backtracking and admitting that you were wrong. You ALWAYS (not sometimes) dig your heels in. It’s literally after two pages of MT kicking your skull in that you finally got around to even the idea that you *might* have gotten two conversations confused.

The fact that you hang onto conversations from 3+ years ago further supports my point. You really don’t have to take sports takes seriously. Most of us are wrong most of the time. It’s crazy, but I think professional scouts and GMs might actually be better at their jobs than fans. What a concept! So it’s helpful to perhaps post opinions about players with a healthy dose of skepticism rather than attack anyone personally who has a different opinion than you. Especially when the evidence for your attack is nonexistent.
I think it’s July 31st not entirely sure though.
Sounds close enough… they could agree before then and wait… but there are reasons to believe this drags out a bit (unless a Herro auction gets going).

I just have a hard time with the double standard here... teams sign guys to contracts to play for their teams... and then change their minds and trade them wherever they want. Both parties signed a contract. Neither party is really in the "wrong" here for operating with their own self interest in mind.

Not the best look for Dame here but ain't like he's out drowning puppies or something.
I think if Danny were to trade for Dame, he'd also need to have another move or two lined up that would "make Dame happy to come to Utah." Again, think of Boston acquiring Ray Allen before KG agreed to be traded to Boston back in the day. Seems like the Jazz would need a high-caliber wing from somewhere.
I think Cronin and Ainge could get together to **** Riley. If there is any other place Dame wouldn’t mind playing I’m sure it’s Utah where he literally said he would like to play for before and called home.
The reason Dame's agent is being so adamant is because he knows there are GMs like DA that don't care and will do it anyway. Amin was on a pod saying that 8/10 GMs would still do a good Dame deal and think they could get him to chill on his preferences.

If Miami is hesitating on things they could include then I can see another offer coming in that is reasonable and a team taking a chance. Say the price is 3 firsts and neutral salary... I can see DA going eff it... I'll make it work.

Dame won't get the Rudy/Don/KD return... he just won't... whether he's cool with 1 team or 10.
I just have a hard time with the double standard here... teams sign guys to contracts to play for their teams... and then change their minds and trade them wherever they want. Both parties signed a contract. Neither party is really in the "wrong" here for operating with their own self interest in mind.

Not the best look for Dame here but ain't like he's out drowning puppies or something.
The difference is one is within the rights of the teams stipulated by the CBA - to trade players, to cut players, etc. with all of the ensuing repercusions for it. The other is NOT. In fact, if I'm not mistaken the NBA actually has a rule AGAINST players asking for trades and there are fines within the CBA for such behavior(at least this was in the previous CBA). When a player signs with a team they do it with the express understanding that they can be traded within the rules of the CBA, unless they have a no trade clause, which Dame does NOT have.