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Stars Season Opener Game Thread: 8PM Mountain Time

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=lqyEH-yam48nTQmN&t=243

Hendricks first shot attempt. What in the actual **** is this?

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=x5WYrMIM2my6-LOZ&t=318

This is why we drafted Hendricks more or less.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=_2nTfJFBiVK3omlr&t=410

Misses a wide open Brice to barrel into a clearly set defender. Zero skill off the dribble

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=J1m2TdkY7An0yOws&t=484

Shows what an overrated athlete he is. Has to take extremely slow gather steps to launch off two feet and gets his dunk blocked when it should have been an easy finish

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=PkawXhXibECxkf88&t=536

Ill give him credit here for being controlled in transition (though he is getting 0 pressure) and finding the right pass. Good play.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=p7K14-0-KYNMDwkK&t=722

Missed 3. Looks like he isnt fully comfortable shooting behind NBA range yet. Can tell the shot is a bit forced at the end.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=lJTeayABBBoH8wdQ&t=1193

This is the play that makes the bust alarm in my head ring, on a made basket too lmao.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=49WyenR1wBAEkgoV&t=1312

Great quick shot and gets fouled by an overeager contest

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=eRo1Di751GsZR1x_&t=1895

His highlight of the game.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=lqyEH-yam48nTQmN&t=243

Hendricks first shot attempt. What in the actual **** is this?

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=x5WYrMIM2my6-LOZ&t=318

This is why we drafted Hendricks more or less.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=_2nTfJFBiVK3omlr&t=410

Misses a wide open Brice to barrel into a clearly set defender. Zero skill off the dribble

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=J1m2TdkY7An0yOws&t=484

Shows what an overrated athlete he is. Has to take extremely slow gather steps to launch off two feet and gets his dunk blocked when it should have been an easy finish

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/Et0TYPdMn2U?si=PkawXhXibECxkf88&t=536

Ill give him credit here for being controlled in transition (though he is getting 0 pressure) and finding the right pass. Good play.

Ive never seen you put this much research effort on anything you post, and now you put it just to piss on a young player playing his first G-League game.

What on earth is wrong with you?
Ive never seen you put this much research effort on anything you post, and now you put it just to piss on a young player playing his first G-League game.

What on earth is wrong with you?
Yeah, stop being a dishonest moron. I put a lot of time in the draft thread watching games and talking about them. You're just mad because Im revealing some hard truths that make the Jazz look bad.

And it wasnt much time. The plays are time stamped on the play by play and their is a youtube video. IT's very fast, especially when Hendricks was only involved in like 10 plays.
I think the most frustrating part about the Hendricks pick is it was the safest pick we could have made. 9th player on our board with the 9th pick. Why didn’t we move up and get someone we really wanted? Cost couldn’t have been that much.
The sad thing is that it wasnt even safe. Taking a guy without ball skills who played at UCF for a single season should be considered a big risk. Hendricks game is such a theoretical modern fit though people tricked themselves into it being safe.

If I'm drafting in the top 10 I need a guy who knows how to play basketball or someone with an elite talent/length (like Bilal's defense)
The sad thing is that it wasnt even safe. Taking a guy without ball skills who played at UCF for a single season should be considered a big risk. Hendricks game is such a theoretical modern fit though people tricked themselves into it being safe.

If I'm drafting in the top 10 I need a guy who knows how to play basketball or someone with an elite talent/length (like Bilal's defense)

I don't disagree with you, but you're being overly confident. Let's see what he looks like once he gets used to the speed of the game.
Cy’s smear campaign against Hendricks is tiresome nonsense
It's telling that yall cant take the clips I posted and refute what I said, you're just mad that I said it.

I get it, critiquing rookies is equal to first degree murder. hopefully the front office realizes their mistakes and moves on from him if any other team shows interest in valuing him.
It's telling that yall cant take the clips I posted and refute what I said, you're just mad that I said it.

I get it, critiquing rookies is equal to first degree murder. hopefully the front office realizes their mistakes and moves on from him if any other team shows interest in valuing him.
LOL, not very likely.

I mean Ainge can't get a free pass for drafting this guy, can he?
We don't know on the bad looking stuff if he was following coach's orders to do X and not Y. His college coach was Johnny Dawkins ex NBA player and Stanford head coach. Dawkins should have imparted some basketball wisdom upon him.
Major kudos to the Jazz FO, Sensabaugh and Christopher are plug and play whenever we’re able and willing to move off from some big money in our existing guard corps. Hendricks is obviously a project but not without major potential and the Jazz obviously anticipated as much by signing John Collins which has been a grand slam so far imo. Would you preferred we took Grady Dick at that slot? Hendricks will be fine even if he’s just a long term backup to our still young frontcourt.

Nobody has even mentioned the elephant in the room which is that this is the first time in his young career that he’s done anything without twin brother Tyler. Get him out here on the Stars if we have to. No big deal and Taylor will be fine - it’s a transition period.
Crazy how if you dont participate in group think you get called a douche.

Again, would anyone draft Hendricks in a redraft based off what we have seen thus far?
You cannot be serious? What group think?

Everyone in here has been disappointed with what they've seen from him but you act like you are the only one "seeing the truth". Get real.

You are being called out for beating a weeks old corpse of a dead horse.
You cannot be serious? What group think?

Everyone in here has been disappointed with what they've seen from him but you act like you are the only one "seeing the truth". Get real.

You are being called out for beating a weeks old corpse of a dead horse.
Reacting to the game that just happened is beating a weeks old corpse?

Like, how can you get mad over someone talking basketball on a basketball forum?
Reacting to the game that just happened is beating a weeks old corpse?

Like, how can you get mad over someone talking basketball on a basketball forum?
Why didnt you highlight Brice, who according to you looked great? First good signs from him actually.

You chose Hendricks lowlights instead, when everyone here has known a while that he isnt NBA player right now.

The sadest thing is everyone here sees through you and you dont even realize it.
Why didnt you highlight Brice, who according to you looked great? First good signs from him actually.

You chose Hendricks lowlights instead, when everyone here has known a while that he isnt NBA player right now.

The sadest thing is everyone here sees through you and you dont even realize it.
lmao, again this is the weirdest thing. I dont get what is sad about analyzing our 9th pick. It's hilarious when people on a basketball forum get upset at you for analyzing basketball.

I said Brice looked good and there was a highlight video posted of him. He was also involved in a ton of plays, so going through all of his would be insanely long.

Hendricks barely did anything on the court, so it was like a 3 minutes process to go through al his plays. And I didnt just point out the bad, I pointed out the good too.
His only made basket was one of the uglier moves I have ever seen.

It was pretty ugly, lol, but again the offense doesn't need to be more than catch and shoot corner 3s for now. Once he gets to about 50 3pt fga, and if he isn't starting to hit those, then I'll start worrying about his offense.

Mostly I just want to see him start to feel comfortable and get great at defense. It unfortunately looks like it is going to take some time.
Again, would anyone draft Hendricks in a redraft based off what we have seen thus far?

I think I still would, but would agree it's getting harder to feel that way. I also try not to overreact to small sample sizes. He still looks big and long and fast and his shooting stroke looks nice. Most of this things you can't teach. A lot of the things he struggles with can be taught and also find with time.