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January 6 Anniversary

No sir, you misunderstood me.

I was saying that my reality is not nearly as exciting as the fantasy world you have constructed and decided to live inside.
Yup I was thinking you were saying reality is much more interesting than the echo chamber you have constructed and choose to live in with your blinders on. You find comfort there though and that makes sense. I hope you let ideas in once in a while though.
Yup I was thinking you were saying reality is much more interesting than the echo chamber you have constructed and choose to live in with your blinders on. You find comfort there though and that makes sense. I hope you let ideas in once in a while though.
And then there are those who instead chose to celebrate 1/6
Hey! Leave The Thriller alone. Sure it is weird that he waits all year for 1/6, gets up early to run downstairs to see what news media brought him, and pours over old pictures to reminisce with family and friends but we should celebrate our differences even if The Thriller is really different.

I wish Jan 6 was remembered
We know you do champ, we know. You created this thread and made the first three posts in it. No one will accuse you of not keeping the spirit alive. Did news media bring you something good for 1/6?
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I think it’s odd the media is so defensive of him. Do you think the sentence is too light? Have you heard and seen the things this guy has said on video on Jan 6th? Do you not think it’s odd he is not one of the people they would choose to make an example of with the justice system? Why not make an example of the guy like this dumbass?
I gave three reasons why the sentence was light, AFAICT. I understand he's on tape telling people to go in legally, and turned around when he saw laws being broken. Do you have any examples of people pleading guilty and getting a longer sentence, that also didn't go in nor help plan the insurrection? With whom are you comparing his sentence?

Sent from my U616AT using JazzFanz mobile app
I gave three reasons why the sentence was light, AFAICT. I understand he's on tape telling people to go in legally, and turned around when he saw laws being broken. Do you have any examples of people pleading guilty and getting a longer sentence, that also didn't go in nor help plan the insurrection? With whom are you comparing his sentence?

Sent from my U616AT using JazzFanz mobile app
It seems he thinks that people who planned the insurrection and were sentenced accordingly shouldn't have gotten as harsh a sentence. Maybe it's just that he doesn't understand the difference in severity in being swept up in a mob as a participant and being a person who orchestrated the mobs existence in the first place, even if that person wasn't in the mob at the time of the crime. But I'd guess it's more that he sees shadows and mysteries afoot and thinks those planners were setup patsies and the FBI planned the whole thing and had agents in the mob to get the ball rolling, you know, because he isn't no sheeple with his head in the sand.
I gave three reasons why the sentence was light, AFAICT. I understand he's on tape telling people to go in legally, and turned around when he saw laws being broken. Do you have any examples of people pleading guilty and getting a longer sentence, that also didn't go in nor help plan the insurrection? With whom are you comparing his sentence?

Sent from my U616AT using JazzFanz mobile app
Ya I mean the poor guy clearly wasn’t trying to incriminate himself too much. I can’t believe how rude people have been to this poor man. He might deserve to do some time for marching people to the capitol and texting that he “orchestrated” the events. Clearly that was poor judgment on the part of this poor man who meant no harm. I mean “most people were peaceful, like him” he says. Just not those people that he marched up to the capitol grounds. I mean can we give this poor man a break? The former leader of “the oathkeepers” that left them just as they were becoming “too radical”. I mean this guy deserves another chance he clearly just keeps getting in with the wrong crowds at the wrong times. This man means no harm to any one. We’ve all made silly mistakes in our 60’s and 70’s falling in with the wrong crowds.
Hey! Leave The Thriller alone. Sure it is weird that he waits all year for 1/6, gets up early to run downstairs to see what news media brought him, and pours over old pictures to reminisce with family and friends but we should celebrate our differences even if The Thriller is really different.

We know you do champ, we know. You created this thread and made the first three posts in it. No one will accuse you of not keeping the spirit alive. Did news media bring you something good for 1/6?

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Ya I mean the poor guy clearly wasn’t trying to incriminate himself too much. I can’t believe how rude people have been to this poor man. He might deserve to do some time for marching people to the capitol and texting that he “orchestrated” the events. Clearly that was poor judgment on the part of this poor man who meant no harm. I mean “most people were peaceful, like him” he says. Just not those people that he marched up to the capitol grounds. I mean can we give this poor man a break? The former leader of “the oathkeepers” that left them just as they were becoming “too radical”. I mean this guy deserves another chance he clearly just keeps getting in with the wrong crowds at the wrong times. This man means no harm to any one. We’ve all made silly mistakes in our 60’s and 70’s falling in with the wrong crowds.
So weird

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
You can tell the low info cultists here are getting desperate. They don’t even try to refute any of the facts surrounding Jan 6. They merely try and spew conspiracy. It’s nonsensical. It’s like they’re speaking in a foreign language. They think that screaming loudest will win them the arguments.
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You can tell the low info cultists here are getting desperate. They don’t even try to refute any of the facts surrounding Jan 6. They merely try and spew conspiracy. It’s nonsensical. It’s like they’re speaking in a foreign language. They think that screaming loudest will win them the arguments.
They are a cabal of trolls. Pretty simple. Pretty successful trolls at that.
So weird

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Does it not even at the very least make you wonder why the media gives a care enough to tell you why you should feel sorry for this dumbass? Why is he the only trump supporter I’m supposed to feel sorry for? This idiot that did all the dumb **** on camera is really a good wholesome guy! Thanks 60 minutes and CNN for letting me know this stupid *** is someone I should feel sorry for.
Does it not even at the very least make you wonder why the media gives a care enough to tell you why you should feel sorry for this dumbass? Why is he the only trump supporter I’m supposed to feel sorry for? This idiot that did all the dumb **** on camera is really a good wholesome guy! Thanks 60 minutes and CNN for letting me know this stupid *** is someone I should feel sorry for.
Just so weird.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
haha! this POS doesn't even get any jail time. He gets 1 year probation for guiding folks into the capitol building, breaching a barricade on jan 6th, and is on video telling people to go into the building. He claimed credit for orchestrating the events and is now not serving any time for this. Plenty of evidence against this dumbass.

haha! this POS doesn't even get any jail time. He gets 1 year probation for guiding folks into the capitol building, breaching a barricade on jan 6th, and is on video telling people to go into the building. He claimed credit for orchestrating the events and is now not serving any time for this. Plenty of evidence against this dumbass.

So weird that I never see you get upset about trump not being held more accountable. How many days has trump spent in jail? If not for trump then J6 never happens. You dont seem to care though. Wonder why that is.
So weird that I never see you get upset about trump not being held more accountable. How many days has trump spent in jail? If not for trump then J6 never happens. You dont seem to care though. Wonder why that is.
I realize in your world everything comes back to trump and whatabouts trump.... Presidents historically haven't been held to account for anything. From lying about WMD's, to the war on terror, to drone strikes, war crimes, having visited pedo island and flying with a known sex offender and human trafficker 27 times. In my opinion there is already a dangerous double standard. I already know that you think what trump did on jan 6th was way worse than anything anyone has ever done in the history of the world so you can whatabouts to your heart content. Blue maga folks with blinders on and with their head up thier asses, wont see anything here, but maybe someone else would be willing to recognize and admit to the obvious hypocrisy here. Why would the corporate news media give a crap about this dumbass? Why are they trying to protect and clear the name of this one trump supporter? Hes the only trump supporter worthy of any sympathy... why???
I realize in your world everything comes back to trump and whatabouts trump.... Presidents historically haven't been held to account for anything. From lying about WMD's, to the war on terror, to drone strikes, war crimes, having visited pedo island and flying with a known sex offender and human trafficker 27 times. In my opinion there is already a dangerous double standard. I already know that you think what trump did on jan 6th was way worse than anything anyone has ever done in the history of the world so you can whatabouts to your heart content. Blue maga folks with blinders on and with their head up thier asses, wont see anything here, but maybe someone else would be willing to recognize and admit to the obvious hypocrisy here. Why would the corporate news media give a crap about this dumbass? Why are they trying to protect and clear the name of this one trump supporter? Hes the only trump supporter worthy of any sympathy... why???
Well j6 comes back to trump in anyone's world that is living in reality.
I'm mean duh.
Just weird how much you focus on this dude rather than the reason j6 even happened. The dude who is a daily disaster. The dude who is currently the frontrunner to be the Republican candidate in this years election. The dude who actually matters.
You are very forgiving when it comes to the guy who literally caused j6 and who actually matters. But want the book thrown at this dude.
Weird stuff

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Well j6 comes back to trump in anyone's world that is living in reality.
I'm mean duh.
Just weird how much you focus on this dude rather than the reason j6 even happened. The dude who is a daily disaster. The dude who is currently the frontrunner to be the Republican candidate in this years election. The dude who actually matters.
You are very forgiving when it comes to the guy who literally caused j6 and who actually matters. But want the book thrown at this dude.
Weird stuff

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
He's addicted to conspiracies.