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Folks, when will you all see that Kanter is NOT the path of the future, and we should not give up Jefferson, Millsap or Favors to keep him. Kanter is nothing more than another Kosta Kofous. Even with a years work, he still brings the ball down low EVERY TIME, and gets stripped more times than anyone I have ever seen. Kanter cannot hang onto the ball period. Listen, I know hes only 19 and a rookie, but I honestly do not see what all the fuss is. He had some good moments, just like Kosta did, but he just is not spectacular at all! I mean even players like McGee can handle the ball and not lose it, and lsts face it, McGee is a total moron who makes Kenyon Martin look like Stephen Hawking! I did not see ANY progress from Kanter, even when he was part of the regular rotation. I saw tons of times where Corbin, in his efforts to try and give Kanter time, waited too long, and lost games due to lost leads in the 4th quarter. I see this constant double-edged sword from Jazz fans, they want picks, but also want to win NOW! You can have one or the other, and that is pretty much it. If you are happy getting young talent, developing them, and losing them to the bigger teams, then fine, so be it. I for one have always seen a winning culture in Utah, win now, do our best, play hard and nasty. Kanter is afraid to even foul someone half the time. Personally I think we should move Kanter, and keep Favors, Jefferson and MIllsap. They are the "win now" group, heck even Alec Burkes, also a rookie, and a lower pick, has improved leaps and bounds compared to Kanter. Looking back now, there is no way Kanter should have been a #3 pick, period!

I for one don't want a decade of mediocrity, just to develop someone like Kanter into a servicable player, at the cost of every other person who actually wins you games. Jefferson and Millsap won us games, period, there is no disputing that. Kanter has not made us better, not one bit. His performance just leaves me "SMH" every night hes on the floor!

Apparently the **** not.

Yeah, L.A. should have traded Bynum when he sucked *** as a 19 yeard old kid with loads of talent.

Freaking pathetic reasoing, guy.
If Kanter is a "problem", then he's somewhere near the bottom of problems of any significance. Jefferson sits on the other end of that spectrum.
Kanter needs an offseason, but I've been impressed with his pick and roll D and post D.
I think he will be a decent player for many years. Is he ever going to reach the level of the many quality past #3 picks (Dwilliams, Carmello, Pau gasol, Baron Davis, Chauncey, J stackhouse, Hardaway, etc.)? my gut says no. Is he going to bust and become kosta? Odds again say no.

It would have been nice to pick up a star at 3 but by the looks of all the rookies this season, Kyrie and Rubio were the only ones dominating in their first campaigns. We are fortunate to gain a solid piece, and have suddenly become a huge team (what EVERYONE was clamoring for in the dwill/booz days)

now would i be against trading kanter for the right piece(s)? absolutely not. I cant see jeff or sap taking us over the top as much as i cant see kanter taking us over the top. as far as i'm concerned all 3 are fair game for the right suitor.
Folks, when will you all see that Kanter is NOT the path of the future, and we should not give up Jefferson, Millsap or Favors to keep him. Kanter is nothing more than another Kosta Kofous. Even with a years work, he still brings the ball down low EVERY TIME, and gets stripped more times than anyone I have ever seen. Kanter cannot hang onto the ball period. Listen, I know hes only 19 and a rookie, but I honestly do not see what all the fuss is. He had some good moments, just like Kosta did, but he just is not spectacular at all! I mean even players like McGee can handle the ball and not lose it, and lsts face it, McGee is a total moron who makes Kenyon Martin look like Stephen Hawking! I did not see ANY progress from Kanter, even when he was part of the regular rotation. I saw tons of times where Corbin, in his efforts to try and give Kanter time, waited too long, and lost games due to lost leads in the 4th quarter. I see this constant double-edged sword from Jazz fans, they want picks, but also want to win NOW! You can have one or the other, and that is pretty much it. If you are happy getting young talent, developing them, and losing them to the bigger teams, then fine, so be it. I for one have always seen a winning culture in Utah, win now, do our best, play hard and nasty. Kanter is afraid to even foul someone half the time. Personally I think we should move Kanter, and keep Favors, Jefferson and MIllsap. They are the "win now" group, heck even Alec Burkes, also a rookie, and a lower pick, has improved leaps and bounds compared to Kanter. Looking back now, there is no way Kanter should have been a #3 pick, period!

I for one don't want a decade of mediocrity, just to develop someone like Kanter into a servicable player, at the cost of every other person who actually wins you games. Jefferson and Millsap won us games, period, there is no disputing that. Kanter has not made us better, not one bit. His performance just leaves me "SMH" every night hes on the floor!

Congratulations on one of the stupidest posts/threads started on this board in awhile.
This is the dumbest thread and original post on the internet. It has to be.

Kanter is 19 and the last real competitive basketball he played was high school (against mediocre - at best- competition). He's got all the tools to be excellent. His natural strength is amazing. Anything he did well this season was a complete bonus for us.

No one expected him to be half of what he will be this year, or even in the next two. He'll get significantly better each season.

If you are a college basketball fan, you'd see how rare it is for true freshmen big men to make great impacts. There is a necessary adjustment to be made to the speed, physicality and it takes many high-level bigs a year or two for the game to slow down for them. Multiply that speed and physicality by 50 and that's the NBA. Anyone who expected Kanter to look good this season was irrational and misguided.
Here's a video about Nash and Nowitzki's development. Pretty cool and makes me all the more optimistic about Kanter's future.

Here's a video about Nash and Nowitzki's development. Pretty cool and makes me all the more optimistic about Kanter's future.

Wait........you mean that Dirk and Nash weren't MVP candidates when they were 19? Dirk means "bring the ball down" in German.
This thread is unbelievably premature, and a few of you will look like flaming idiots, especially the OP, as soon as late next season. Better to remain silent and thought of as a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I think Kanter should lose weight and become a PF rather then the opposite and become a center. He is already slow as it is!

he's been noted at about having 5% body fat. heavy muscle makes movement a little slower, and makes him get exhausted a little earlier. his strength and thickness seems to be natural. still, I think he can become a pf with an accurate mid-range and even 3 pt'ers, he always said he wants it more than being a center, but there's still time for that. time to gain self-confidence. I thought of him as a selfish player who can't learn ****, is what it is, but he proved me wrong in a great deal. the worst talent of him was defense, he hated to play, and now after a rook season, he plays decent p&r defense. and the most important thing about the kid is, he's obsessive about winning the game. just watch his face when the jazz is on garbage time. that's what a team needs. let's just wait and see.
Congratulations on one of the stupidest posts/threads started on this board in awhile.

oh you jazzfanz. a predictably dismissive response to someone's differing point of view.
we have about 2 dozen 'jefferson sucks' threads running concurrently but as soon as someone posits an alternate point of view they get torn to shreds.

for the record, i don't agree with all of the OP. kanter wil take some time (so did koufos) but should become a serviceable big man.
still, it's not that far out to suggest that jefferson, millsap and favours are the guys we can better build around.

like it or not, as of right now al wins us more games than kanter. sure we could trade al, develop kanter some more and pick up some better draft picks in the meantime.

someone said: "I'm pretty much convinced in a year or two Kanter will be a low end double double big who brings solid, smart post defense every night. Right now there might be a 15 guys in the NBA like that."

um... if you have a look at al's skill set and numbers, there is probably less than 5 guys in the nba like that.

he's no superstar but i honestly think most of the time he just gets criticised for being the best option we have.

i'm not saying this is the answer, but if we DID trade kanter, picks etc to pick up a legit scoring option at the wing, al would probably benefit from not carrying so much of the load.
oh you jazzfanz. a predictably dismissive response to someone's differing point of view.
we have about 2 dozen 'jefferson sucks' threads running concurrently but as soon as someone posits an alternate point of view they get torn to shreds.

for the record, i don't agree with all of the OP. kanter wil take some time (so did koufos) but should become a serviceable big man.
still, it's not that far out to suggest that jefferson, millsap and favours are the guys we can better build around.

like it or not, as of right now al wins us more games than kanter. sure we could trade al, develop kanter some more and pick up some better draft picks in the meantime.

someone said: "I'm pretty much convinced in a year or two Kanter will be a low end double double big who brings solid, smart post defense every night. Right now there might be a 15 guys in the NBA like that."

um... if you have a look at al's skill set and numbers, there is probably less than 5 guys in the nba like that.

he's no superstar but i honestly think most of the time he just gets criticised for being the best option we have.

i'm not saying this is the answer, but if we DID trade kanter, picks etc to pick up a legit scoring option at the wing, al would probably benefit from not carrying so much of the load.

Al gets criticized for not playing defense well enough and not passing out of double (and triple) teams. He slows down the offense. He is great at what he does, post moves and scoring. Sometimes you need someone that helps make the other players better and doesn't leave holes in Defense. We may lose something on offense by losing him, but all the players have the ability to fill that in, including Favors, Millsap, and hopefully Kanter. Also with Jefferson leaving, Favors gets more time.

Kanter is not as good as Jefferson now, but losing Jefferson is addition by subtraction in so many areas including: more time for Favors, better team defense, hopefully more movement on offense. Kanter has the ability to a very good player (and he can come off the bench for a few years, Al won't do that) so most of us don't see the need to keep Jefferson around, and most like Millsap a lot more.

As far as OP ripping on Kanter, thats just idiotic to judge any rookie so harshly, much less a 19 year old who didn't play last year with no summer league, minimal preseason and training camp, and limited time on the floor.

I don't think anyone was dismissing his post, they just completely disagreed with it. He gave his opinion on Kanter, so they gave theirs and what they thought was wrong about his opinion. I think Jefferson needs to be moved more for Favors to continue to progress, but Kanter needs minutes too for us to find out what he is made of. Another reason some (myself included) want AJ moved, is because he can bring some value in a trade right now, and we don't want to lose him for nothing next year or resign him for 15 million a year...
Horrible post. I am still thinking we drafted based on the thought that we would not have a season this year. We were thinking who is the best option 2-3 years down the road. We drafted Kanter on potential. Was there a rookie center who did better then him? In 15 minutes a game I think he did as well/better then half the centers in league. He played in more games this year then his whole life prior. Anyone dumb enough to dump him for less then a the top 3 draft pick and value is insane.
I don't think anyone was dismissing his post, they just completely disagreed with it. He gave his opinion on Kanter, so they gave theirs and what they thought was wrong about his opinion.

if you say so.
there's a respectful way to do that and congratulating someone for one of the stupidest threads ever started is another way to do that.
you just kinda end up sounding like a jerk that way.
Kanter rebounds at a very high rate and has rather impressive post moves for being only 19 years old, you sir are incorrect. KANTER IS THE MAN!
I agree with keeping him for sure. However, I will give you another weakness of his. Incredibly slow.

Kanter is frolicking fast YO! Don't get it twisted.

He was the only big man to finish the treadmill drill at the combine... the dude can RUN!