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People have lost their damn minds

Genesis 1:26. The biggest BS ever conceived. I'd bet those here defending the torture/killing of animals are God believers.

I believe you are the only person to bet on my being religious.

One less anthropocentric idiot on the planet is a good thing.

Limited forms of anthropocentrism are entirely defensible, i.e. it is not per se incorrect to assert that all forms of life are not inherently equal to one another. Although the fact that you presume all those who are anthropocentric are automatically idiots is telling.

I'm guessing Sirkickyass and the rest of you idiots who condone animal abuse also refuse to recycle,

No. I believe recycling is sort of misguided and recycling programs are probably net negative due to the environmental costs of running the programs. However, because those costs are sunk since the program already exists I at least attempt to capture the benefit.

think global warming is BS


and believe God will take care of the earth for us. Pathetic.

Wrong again.

And for the record, Donnie Darko is overrated.
Genesis 1:26. The biggest BS ever conceived. I'd bet those here defending the torture/killing of animals are God believers.

And for the record (and I'm not lying), I would kill Sirkickyass 1,000 times to save one cat. One less anthropocentric idiot on the planet is a good thing. I'm guessing Sirkickyass and the rest of you idiots who condone animal abuse also refuse to recycle, think global warming is BS, and believe God will take care of the earth for us. Pathetic.

To say that humans are no more valuable than any other animal on the planet is to completely devalue intelligence. I think it is overwhelming obvious that intelligence is the most valuable feature a species can have.

Have any other animals made advances in science and math? Have any other animals built hospitals or developed medicines? Have any other animals created an educations system? Have any other animals explored space? Have any other animals contributed to philosophy?

No, they haven't.

Accomplishment means something, and humans are accomplishing much much more than any animal.

Typically when I hear the argument that people are no more valuable than animals it is from a person who is disgusted with humanity. Someone who thinks that most of what we've done is bad and that everything would be better if we had continued living in caves. I strongly disagree with that notion.

I don't think God is going to get us out of anything. I think continued scientific, social, philosophical advancement will. I'm an atheist.
Genesis 1:26. The biggest BS ever conceived. I'd bet those here defending the torture/killing of animals are God believers.

And for the record (and I'm not lying), I would kill Sirkickyass 1,000 times to save one cat....

That'd be quite a trick. I guess that makes kicky equivalent to 111 cats. That's a lot of kitty litter.

though perhaps my math is off? One Brow, can you help?
Well, it depends on whther the cat in question has died before. If the cat has already died 7 times, sirkickyass would be the equivalent of 500 cats.
then again, we don't really know which life kicky is in, either?

edit: but perhaps that doesn't matter in this analysis, it just would mean that JazzSin wouldn't get in a full allotment of 1,000 kicky kills
I guess really it means that kicky could be the equivalent of any number of cats between 111 and 1,000!

WOW KICKY! I'm impressed.
I've heard farmers talk about the importance of keeping their animals comfortable (and in the case of pigs, intellectually occupied). By contrast, dog fighter deliberately raise their dogs to be angry and fearful, and to inflict and endure pain. I see a difference, and I'm not sure why you don't.

Wait a second, which farmers are you talking about when you basically say they give a damn about pig welfare? Because the last time I checked, something like 95% of the farm animals consumed in this country come from FACTORY FARMS, you know, those industrialized warehouses where animals are deprived of sunlight, soil, and even MOVEMENT. "Intellectually occupied" is a joke. There is evidence to suggest that the pigs go literally insane due to their intensive confinement. I don't see much difference between what Vick did to a few dogs and what essentially goes IGNORED behind the doors of profit-driven corporate farms by the MILLIONS per year.
For someone who thinks they're so intelligent, you sound like a backwards idiot to me. I sense either redneck blood or a conservative outlook.
jazzsin sounds like the type of person who thinks america would be perfect if only jon stewart was runnign things...

JazzSin's opinion is worth less than Beantown's opinion on gay marriage... and that's saying something!!

Interpreted... everything > JazzSin
Wait a second, which farmers are you talking about when you basically say they give a damn about pig welfare? Because the last time I checked, something like 95% of the farm animals consumed in this country come from FACTORY FARMS, you know, those industrialized warehouses where animals are deprived of sunlight, soil, and even MOVEMENT.

I'm not sure you can raise pigs/cows to adulthood that way, like you can chickens. At any rate, it was not a facotry farmer.

For someone who thinks they're so intelligent, you sound like a backwards idiot to me. I sense either redneck blood or a conservative outlook.

To whom was that intended?

jazzsin sounds like the type of person who thinks america would be perfect if only jon stewart was runnign things...

I don't think Jon Stewart is a PETA fan.
problem i find with dogfighting being illegal. maybe its been posted before

but dogfighting is illegal(african americ ans do it)
cockfighting(mexican american do it, its a cultural thing for them) is also illegal

but the rodeo is legal hmm that seem to be a white mans thing. and in my eyes its all cruelty to animals. so outlaw them all or not
Wait a second, which farmers are you talking about when you basically say they give a damn about pig welfare? Because the last time I checked, something like 95% of the farm animals consumed in this country come from FACTORY FARMS, you know, those industrialized warehouses where animals are deprived of sunlight, soil, and even MOVEMENT. "Intellectually occupied" is a joke. There is evidence to suggest that the pigs go literally insane due to their intensive confinement. I don't see much difference between what Vick did to a few dogs and what essentially goes IGNORED behind the doors of profit-driven corporate farms by the MILLIONS per year.

You must be REALLY dumb.