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How does this make you feel?

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But you didn't respond to my point. A point to which you were guilty of in the conference thread.

I have responded to that point in the other thread. This protest is not against the LDS church. It is for the youth who feel hopeless when they hear words like those spoken by Packer. I have said many times that I feel his words are harmful. That is the whole reason his talk has drawn so much critical response. There is a crisis of LGBT youth committing suicide due to being bullied. Words like those from Packer add fuel to the fire used by bullies. It's time people are held accountable for what they say.
The LDS Church simple believes marriage is between a man and woman and that's God's plan.

Right. So, was contributing money to a political fund to prevent gays from getting married all part of the plan, too? Because as I remember it, it's illegal. Although, we shouldn't get into legalities relating to the LDS church.. they NEVER did anything illegal, ever.

There's one thing when you're defending your church, and another when you don't know what you're talking about. They don't "simply believe" things, they go out of their way to ensure they are enforced.
Right. So, was contributing money to a political fund to prevent gays from getting married all part of the plan, too? Because as I remember it, it's illegal. Although, we shouldn't get into legalities relating to the LDS church.. they NEVER did anything illegal, ever.

There's one thing when you're defending your church, and another when you don't know what you're talking about. They don't "simply believe" things, they go out of their way to ensure they are enforced.

Yea, damn anyone that makes political contributions based on their beliefs. ****ers.
I have responded to that point in the other thread. This protest is not against the LDS church. It is for the youth who feel hopeless when they hear words like those spoken by Packer. I have said many times that I feel his words are harmful. That is the whole reason his talk has drawn so much critical response. There is a crisis of LGBT youth committing suicide due to being bullied. Words like those from Packer add fuel to the fire used by bullies.

So why do you post links of websites with agendas of clearly bad-mouthing the LDS Church and lies about Packer's talk being a "hate" speech? If you think this protest isn't against the LDS Church, you were given the wrong information.

It's time people are held accountable for what they say.

What does this even mean? Is this some sort of threat?
Right. So, was contributing money to a political fund to prevent gays from getting married all part of the plan, too? Because as I remember it, it's illegal. Although, we shouldn't get into legalities relating to the LDS church.. they NEVER did anything illegal, ever.

There's one thing when you're defending your church, and another when you don't know what you're talking about. They don't "simply believe" things, they go out of their way to ensure they are enforced.

That had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
So why do you post links of websites with agendas of clearly bad-mouthing the LDS Church and lies about Packer's talk being a "hate" speech? If you think this protest isn't against the LDS Church, you were given the wrong information.

What does this even mean? Is this some sort of threat?

You don't seem to be understanding what I've said multiple times. There has been a recent rise in the reports of gay youth who killed themselves. It is MY belief that what Packer said contributes to the bullying these youth receive. Not only that, but it makes a young gay mormon hate themselves, and see themselves as an abomination. We are holding him accountable by protesting what he said in support of all the gay youth who may be affected by it. Why is this so hard to understand? Anyway I'm leaving to head up to the protest now. I may post a report of how it went when I get back.
You don't seem to be understanding what I've said multiple times. There has been a recent rise in the reports of gay youth who killed themselves. It is MY belief that what Packer said contributes to the bullying these youth receive. Not only that, but it makes a young gay mormon hate themselves, and see themselves as an abomination. We are holding him accountable by protesting what he said in support of all the gay youth who may be affected by it. Why is this so hard to understand? Anyway I'm leaving to head up to the protest now. I may post a report of how it went when I get back.

I understand that, but you too are probably contributing as well. I mean, you, and that website post a bunch of propaganda about "hate towards gays from the Mormon church". You and the gay community are making these kids feel like they are "hated" by the LDS Church, which they are not by any means. You, yourself, didn't even read or hear Packer's talk before you were posting stuff on jazzfanz pointing fingers and calling Packer out for being "hateful". Why? Because you read about it from the gay community online.

Gay kid at school: I'm going to the protest tonight. Are you?
Other gay kid: What protest?
Gay kid: The one protesting the LDS Church and their "hate" speech.
Other gay kid: Wait, what? Where did you hear about this?
Gay kid: I read about it on the Utah Pride website. They said that Packer gave a hate talk about gays and how they should be cured. They're intolerant of us and hate us.
Other gay kid: Wow, I can't stand the LDS Church. They make me feel really bad with all their hate. What's their problem? I mean, why do they hate us so much?
Gay kid: They're hateful bigots. Let's go protest.
I think you should understand that you're being socially irresponsible. You're actions have consequences. There are going to be poor LDS children all across the nation, who already experience extreme criticism at times just for believing the way they do, that are going to be treated terribly following these demonstrations. How many are going to commit suicide thanks to your actions? You're dealing with people's lives here.

Since the answer to your question is most likely "not one child", and you probably know that, you're either engaging in silly hyperbole or made an attempt at sarcasm that was in *very* poor taste.

That's a terrible argument. Science once said the earth was flat. Or is it?

When people believed the earth was flat, there was no difference between science, philosophy, and religion. There were just "natrual philosophers". so, you can't really says "science" had any opinion on the subject.

Yea, damn anyone that makes political contributions based on their beliefs. ****ers.

If there had only been the effort of millions of individual mormons, and no involvement by the church heirarchy itself, I think KatieMCR would not be raising that particular point.
They don't "simply believe" things, they go out of their way to ensure they are enforced.

This is what bothers me. EVERYONE knows where the church stands on homosexuality. This is not breaking news. I have NO PROBLEM with people opposing that. That's their right. God bless the first amendment (oops - sorry). But suggesting that the church is wrong for pushing its agenda is asinine. In regards to prop 8, they acted well within their rights. Just like all those that opposed it, who also spent more money doing so.

The church is not a legislative or judicial entity - they cannot ENFORCE anything. They can exercise influence, which is exactly what they did. Ultimately, the church had NO vote. That measure was decided by the people who cared enough to cast their ballot.

I understand that frustration (and the gay community has plenty of reason to be frustrated) creates a need for an outlet, but the church is just an easy target. Got an issue? Must be their fault.
Gay kid at school: I'm going to the protest tonight. Are you?
Other gay kid: What protest?
Gay kid: The one protesting the LDS Church and their "hate" speech.
Other gay kid: Wait, what? Where did you hear about this?
Gay kid: I read about it on the Utah Pride website. They said that Packer gave a hate talk about gays and how they should be cured. They're intolerant of us and hate us.
Other gay kid: Wow, I can't stand the LDS Church. They make me feel really bad with all their hate. What's their problem? I mean, why do they hate us so much?
Gay kid: They're hateful bigots. Let's go protest.

Damn I didnt realize anyone was close enough to hear us.
The church is not a legislative or judicial entity - they cannot ENFORCE anything. They can exercise influence, which is exactly what they did. Ultimately, the church had NO vote. That measure was decided by the people who cared enough to cast their ballot.

Do you realize part of the rationalization for not taxing religions is the separation of church and state? When you start getting the churches involved in politics, you open them up to that. Would you like to the the LDS taxed so they can exercise their influence?
When people believed the earth was flat, there was no difference between science, philosophy, and religion. There were just "natrual philosophers". so, you can't really says "science" had any opinion on the subject.

The point is modern science isn't always right. And in this case there is nothing that has really been proven. One person's beliefs are just as valid as another's. I'm not even religious but it's ****ing annoying when the people bitching about intolerance are the most intolerant themselves.
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