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How does this make you feel?

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You should probably make this topic when you don't go to one of these things. I think everybody here just assumes you attend any rally that is anti-morals. You used to sport a ****ing NAMBLA sig for Gay Buddha's sakes.
You should probably make this topic when you don't go to one of these things. I think everybody here just assumes you attend any rally that is anti-morals. You used to sport a ****ing NAMBLA sig for Gay Buddha's sakes.

It's good for the boy, and fun for you.

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Yea, damn anyone that makes political contributions based on their beliefs. ****ers.

You know it's illegal for a church to give money to a political cause, right? That's the basis behind "separating church and state". I mean, I thought this **** was pretty obvious but I guess I need to spell it out.

I'm feeling a "oh yeah? Well this is what it really is" pissing match coming on, so to clarify, it's illegal to donate money to a political cause as a non-profit without also paying taxes on it. That's what the church did. It's not technically "illegal", but it is highly frowned upon as our government operates (seemingly) by people being able to give their own opinions and decide what happens with law, as opposed to big organizations taking control of it and pushing their own agenda.

I'm sure the actual legalities are a pointless web of information that I'd rather not get into. But, nonetheless, they did something illegal and got penalized for it. The whole "church and state" thing was a theology from the founding fathers that pretty much still stands today, but with no actual laws behind it. The worst it is, is unethical. But the LDS church doing something unethical and illegal at the same time looks pretty bad.
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I understand that frustration (and the gay community has plenty of reason to be frustrated) creates a need for an outlet, but the church is just an easy target. Got an issue? Must be their fault.

So, them getting fined for donating money to a political cause was just for fun, right? Why else would they get fined if they didn't do anything illegal?

Exercising influence by talking is one thing, but exercising it financially is totally different. To see a church go out of their way just to prevent you from doing something you want to do (that doesn't hurt the church) has to be pretty ****ing annoying, don't you think? Besides, aren't churches supposed to be teaching forgiveness and acceptance? Fail.

I'd be pretty pissed off at the church if I was a gay person living in California, too. It's not like they are getting the backlash for no reason, and it goes far beyond simply their stance or opinion. I can say I love the Jazz all I want but it doesn't mean anything until I put my money where my mouth is. The church did.

They should learn their place and stay out of political affairs... worry about themselves and what they are trying to promote instead of getting in everyone's way, preventing them from what they want to do. Unless, in fact, what they are promoting is something that ultimately stirs up society creating more problems than it solves.. which it does.. you'd think they would have a better sense of judgment and keep their opinions to themselves just so it doesn't cause so many problems among society. Seems like the church's intentions of improving society are outweighed by their intentions of making their members feel like they're better than everyone else in society. The irony here really is hilarious.

Besides, isn't this the modern day civil rights movement? The exact same story unfolded concerning black people in the US finally gaining rights equal to any non-black person. How long until it's finally integrated and the church changes their tune (again), making them look like jackasses again? You know it's going to happen, and you'd be ignorant to think this situation and the civil rights movements of the 70's aren't exact copies of one another.
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You don't seem to be understanding what I've said multiple times. There has been a recent rise in the reports of gay youth who killed themselves. It is MY belief that what Packer said contributes to the bullying these youth receive. Not only that, but it makes a young gay mormon hate themselves, and see themselves as an abomination. We are holding him accountable by protesting what he said in support of all the gay youth who may be affected by it. Why is this so hard to understand? Anyway I'm leaving to head up to the protest now. I may post a report of how it went when I get back.

Even though you've said this multiple times, it's still nothing more than a ******** argument seeking to silence freedom of speech. Just say what you mean and move on. You want to silence all speech that doesn't agree with your agenda. Nothing more.

Since the answer to your question is most likely "not one child", and you probably know that, you're either engaging in silly hyperbole or made an attempt at sarcasm that was in *very* poor taste.

Are you really suggesting that Mormon children in, say, California are not harrassed and treated poorly because of their beliefs? That's pretty damn silly. If you aren't then are you arguing they won't commit suicide for being treated as social outcasts [because of their beliefs]? That's pretty damn silly. [

Do you realize part of the rationalization for not taxing religions is the separation of church and state? When you start getting the churches involved in politics, you open them up to that. Would you like to the the LDS taxed so they can exercise their influence?

I'm generally against every tax proposal, but this sounds fair enough. Churches should pay for the services they recieve. That goes for most non-profit orgy's too.
So, them getting fined for donating money to a political cause was just for fun, right? Why else would they get fined if they didn't do anything illegal?

Exercising influence by talking is one thing, but exercising it financially is totally different. To see a church go out of their way just to prevent you from doing something you want to do (that doesn't hurt the church) has to be pretty ****ing annoying, don't you think? Besides, aren't churches supposed to be teaching forgiveness and acceptance? Fail.

I'd be pretty pissed off at the church if I was a gay person living in California, too. It's not like they are getting the backlash for no reason, and it goes far beyond simply their stance or opinion. I can say I love the Jazz all I want but it doesn't mean anything until I put my money where my mouth is. The church did.

They should learn their place and stay out of political affairs... worry about themselves and what they are trying to promote instead of getting in everyone's way, preventing them from what they want to do. Unless, in fact, what they are promoting is something that ultimately stirs up society creating more problems than it solves.. which it does.. you'd think they would have a better sense of judgment and keep their opinions to themselves just so it doesn't cause so many problems among society. Seems like the church's intentions of improving society are outweighed by their intentions of making their members feel like they're better than everyone else in society. The irony here really is hilarious.

Besides, isn't this the modern day civil rights movement? The exact same story unfolded concerning black people in the US finally gaining rights equal to any non-black person. How long until it's finally integrated and the church changes their tune (again), making them look like jackasses again? You know it's going to happen, and you'd be ignorant to think this situation and the civil rights movements of the 70's aren't exact copies of one another.

Just FYI, I am not interested in your tangents. You choose to completely ignore my point, and I am not going to sit here and draw you a picture. So I choose end our personal discussion at this point. You will, no doubt, declare yourself victorious - obviously I would only discontinue this argument because I am whamboozled by your crisp and infallible (not to mention objective) logic. So allow me to extend my congratulations in advance. You win an internet debate!

So you go ahead and keep rambling about prop 8.
Do you realize part of the rationalization for not taxing religions is the separation of church and state? When you start getting the churches involved in politics, you open them up to that. Would you like to the the LDS taxed so they can exercise their influence?

We should extend that logic and make religion illegal across the board. Then people who vote won't be influenced, and we'll all be better off.
Pride was the other major factor that the brethren talked about. I think that in humility, anything is possible, but definitely not in pride. For us to get over any of our vices, problems, and pestilences we cannot go into the recovery process like an innocent prisoner going to Alkatraz. We all sin, that's something straight people and gay people have in common. And for any of us to get over sin and live a righteous life, it's not going to be through a "there I did it, can I go now" attitude.
Just FYI, I am not interested in your tangents. You choose to completely ignore my point, and I am not going to sit here and draw you a picture. So I choose end our personal discussion at this point. You will, no doubt, declare yourself victorious - obviously I would only discontinue this argument because I am whamboozled by your crisp and infallible (not to mention objective) logic. So allow me to extend my congratulations in advance. You win an internet debate!

So you go ahead and keep rambling about prop 8.

Wait, what the hell is up your ***? Here's a synopsis of events. Ready?

Unlucky17 said something relevant to the topic, responding to somebody else's post.

Bronco70 said something in disagreement, also on topic.

Unlucky17 responded to Bronco, addressing things he said in his post, and then adding comments regarding the church's behavior, as he interpreted it.

Bronco's pending reponse: "What the hell? I don't want to listen to your ****. Since you're so smart, I'm just going to quit talking to you, or reading what you have to say... but I'm going to continue posting about how I don't care about what you have to say!"


Bronco is an overly emotional clown who can't intelligently respond to anybody who disagrees with anything he says.
I just returned home from the protest. WOW!! What a turnout!! We had 4500 people show up, and circled temple square twice. It was a very peaceful protest. We laid on the sidewalk around temple square, wearing black, in silence.

Archie please stop saying I was ignorant prior to watching the entire talk. I read EXACT QUOTES from the talk on SLTrib.com and KSL.com. Legitimate news sites that would have no reason to post incorrect or biased quotes. My initial reactions were based on those quotes. I have a brain of my own that I'm perfectly capable of using. I do not appreciate anyone suggesting that I just blindly follow opinions of other people.
Boo to the obstructionists on the northeast corner of North Temple and State.
Packer didnt lie. Homosexuals can reverse their feelings. If Anne Heche can do it, anybody can.
People with gay feelings and tendencies can be full members of the church like anyone else. Its only when they act on those feelings that its a problem.
yeah, it's like that scene on Space Balls, where they're going forward, then they REVERSE THE POLARITY and actually start going backwards! WOULD YOU ****ING BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!
yeah, it's like that scene on Space Balls, where they're going forward, then they REVERSE THE POLARITY and actually start going backwards! WOULD YOU ****ING BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!

Says the guy who sucks *** at understanding sarcasm.

Based on the things you've said regarding gay marriage in the past, it's hard to interpret that as sarcasm.

I know, it's sad that I interpreted what you said as reality too, but your track record speaks for itself.
Archie please stop saying I was ignorant prior to watching the entire talk. I read EXACT QUOTES from the talk on SLTrib.com and KSL.com.

You didn't listen or read the whole talk, and you made it out like you did. In fact, this is what you said.

This message of hate from Packer will not help that at all. I have personally experienced the rejection of family due to the teachings of the church. I know how it stings. Packer's talk is extremely upsetting. I am worried about what this will do to all the LGBT youth still in the church.

This was ignorant and false. It was not a message of hate and you proclaimed it was. You never even read it or listened to it first, but were fast to slander. Plus, you made it out to seem that you heard or read the whole talk. You didn't say I read Packer's quotes, you said "Packer's talk".
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