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Millsap+Fes for Hedo ?

Hi everyone. I'm new to the site. Well, new in the sense that I've never posted on here. But I've been following for awhile.

After reading this thread, and countless other threads that are much the same, I had to register and ask the question:

What's up with the ridiculous trade proposal threads?

Honestly. I follow my other teams religiously on their discussion boards and I've never seen or heard as many crazy and moronic trade ideas ad I've seen on Jazzfanz....why??

So from all Jazzfanz followers, registered and non-registered, I ask you for one thing: STOP!

Thanks, "Max", for signing up for a new account in order to preach your "fresh point of view" from an "outsider perspective". And, with such such diverse sporting tastes too boot! What a lovely Christmas miracle you are.
Thanks. In my time following the board you always seemed like one of the more level-headed contributors.

While the meth theory is a good one, I figure it's just complete boredom and desperation for our organization to do something. Trade proposals are fun and all, but completely unrealistic ones are a waste of time...especially when the end result sometimes hurts the Jazz, ala this thread.

Are you "the One", Max?
Now wait a minute - Hedo was an incredible +30 against Boston on Christmas Day. And we all know that +/- is the be-all end-all statistic and the reason Fes shold be playing 35 mpg.
Worst trade suggestion i have ever seen in my life. thanks for making me laugh though if that was your intention? :)
Hi everyone. I'm new to the site. Well, new in the sense that I've never posted on here. But I've been following for awhile.

After reading this thread, and countless other threads that are much the same, I had to register and ask the question:

What's up with the ridiculous trade proposal threads?

Honestly. I follow my other teams religiously on their discussion boards and I've never seen or heard as many crazy and moronic trade ideas ad I've seen on Jazzfanz....why??

So from all Jazzfanz followers, registered and non-registered, I ask you for one thing: STOP!

That's a really nice story. Please go back to STFU now.
Whose feelings did I hurt:
(a) Yours
(b) Your alter-ego Max's

(BTW, if you think this "Max" is a new, first-time user of this board, then you are a moran.)

I was trying to figure out why you kept putting my name in quotes. I thought you might just be stupid and didn't get the Wes Anderson reference.

Then you supported the trade, confirming my suspicions that you're not very smart.

So, you think that I'm someone else? What exactly are you basing this off of? I was trying to figure out how I can prove it to you, but then I realized that I don't care. You're obviousely not very bright...

Go rent Rushmore...although I doubt you'd get the humor...
I was trying to figure out why you kept putting my name in quotes. I thought you might just be stupid and didn't get the Wes Anderson reference.

Then you supported the trade, confirming my suspicions that you're not very smart.

So, you think that I'm someone else? What exactly are you basing this off of? I was trying to figure out how I can prove it to you, but then I realized that I don't care. You're obviousely not very bright...

Go rent Rushmore...although I doubt you'd get the humor...

I too use intimate knowledge of obscure independent filmmakers as my primary measure for intelligence.
I was trying to figure out why you kept putting my name in quotes. I thought you might just be stupid and didn't get the Wes Anderson reference.

Then you supported the trade, confirming my suspicions that you're not very smart.

So, you think that I'm someone else? What exactly are you basing this off of? I was trying to figure out how I can prove it to you, but then I realized that I don't care. You're obviousely not very bright...

Go rent Rushmore...although I doubt you'd get the humor...

NAOS = pwned
I too use intimate knowledge of obscure independent filmmakers as my primary measure for intelligence.

You think Wes Anderson is an obscure filmmaker? Haha, that's interesting.

He's far from obscure. He's one of the most accredited and accomplished film directors of all-time. He is one of the reasons for Luke and Owen Wilson's popularity. Not to mention the resurgence of Bill Murray's more serious acting career. Calling him obscure is an insult to him, and embarrassment for you.

As far as using film to gauge the intelligence level of a person, I find it to be pretty accurate. I have yet to meet an intelligent person that enjoyed the movie "Leonard Part 6".

On the other hand, people that enjoy films that actually make you think and comprehend have made for some pretty intellectual conversations.

Many people would disagree with your assessment that movie taste is connected to intelligence.

BTW, can you tell me how great of a movie "Crank 2" was? I bet you're a huge fan...
chochem, what you've just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent trade proposal were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.
I was trying to figure out why you kept putting my name in quotes. I thought you might just be stupid and didn't get the Wes Anderson reference.

Then you supported the trade, confirming my suspicions that you're not very smart.

So, you think that I'm someone else? What exactly are you basing this off of? I was trying to figure out how I can prove it to you, but then I realized that I don't care. You're obviousely not very bright...

Go rent Rushmore...although I doubt you'd get the humor...

Your name is in quotes because you're clearly a second (or third? fourth?) account of some moran here on this board.

I didn't support your trade. Please tell me where I allegedly did, then we can all laugh at your "intelligence".

I'm a fan of Wes Anderson, but I fail to see how that has anything to do with anything. But, yes, if your humorous nickname had something to do with all this hilarious trolling, then I don't get it.

I'm glad you got Vinyl on your side. . . what a winning combo.
I'm a troll now?

So first you accuse me of being someone else, with no facts, and then you accuse me of being a troll. That's funny.

1. I didn't think that people make alternate names on this board, but I can assure you that I am not one of them. It won't do any good though. Unintelligent people that make such rash accusations based on no facts are usually resisitent and stubborn to changing their ideas. I'm curious, do you enjoy Glenn Beck?

2. I didn't make a trade. Comprehension plays a key role in "intelligence".

3. You use quotes incorrectly in your posts. You should work on that.